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What's your family been up to now?

Devon Malcolm

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On 1/30/2024 at 2:30 PM, Statto said:

My old man was a long distance (UK only though) lorry driver too. I've also spent many an hour sat in footwells to get through various levels of security gates. 

Dad used to push it and try to make me laugh by giving his name as Meldrew when asked. In the 90s, that was as funny as it got. 

I realise we're now a couple of pages/days removed from the lorry driving dads discussion but if you'll indulge me - went down a bit of a rabbit hole of haulage nostalgia websites/Facebook pages today to see if I could find a photo of the lorry I spent the majority of my footwell time in. 

Very close but no cigar - IIRC they got 3 of these ERFs from new with sequential plates. These are the other 2, Dad had 571.


Dad's not driving anymore, by the way. He had a heart attack whilst waiting to load somewhere in Derby at roughly 7am on his 70th birthday, drove as far as Nottingham then finally phoned mum to say he didn't feel well. Mum phoned an ambulance and that was that for his HGV licence.

But this is what a fair chunk of my childhood looked like:


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Loving those truck pictures. Next time I go to my Step Mums house I’ll see if I can find any of the old man’s. I’m sure he had an ERF and then a Volvo

Anyway the minor crimes thread reminded me of this

In the 80s my Grandad was a bit of a nomad and lived on his own in a caravan. He’d follow the work so could essentially live anywhere and tow his caravan wherever he needed / wanted. During the 80s he was living in Greenham near Newbury. One night he drove to a mates house, had a few beers, and drove home. Just as he was getting close to home he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into a big gate. He quickly got into reverse, turned around and made it home. 

Half hour later there were helicopters and sirens blaring nearby. Unbeknownst to Grandad he’d crashed into a gate that was the entrance to where the Greenham Air Base Womens Peace Camp was and they thought they were under attack.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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This morning while I've been getting on with work I heard my mum on the phone to a friend of hers. I wasn't listening I was just getting on with some work but at one point I hear my mum say "You've always liked that rug but if it was me, you couldn't get it clean enough to have it in my house" 

That is a sentence that would peak anyone's interest so I wait until she's finished on the phone to ask her what it was about. 

It turns out that her friends ex husband has recently passed away from cancer. He was an architect, had been pretty successful, was a pillar of the community and had served on the council in the past. Feel free to add in Tory wanker yourselves, he was. 

Anyway my mums friend and her daughter had been sorting through the stuff in his house, as you do in these situations. Mum's friend had her eye on the massive sheepskin rug in the front room as mentioned above and everything was going well, what could go to the tip, what could go to auction and what they wanted to keep, all pretty standard stuff. 

That was until they got to the office. In the desk was a loaded hand gun and a box of ammunition. They immediately called the police to come and get it, but the police just said 'bring it in to station that will be fine" which seems an uncharacteristically laissez-faire attitude to firearms but I suppose South Yorkshire police are not known for their professionalism. 

The next thing they found was the financial accounts for the escort agency he had been running along with a number of photos of what they assumed were the ladies of negotiable virtue in various "artistic" poses, mainly on the above mentioned rug. No one had any idea that he had been running it and as you can imagine the days findings came as quite a shock. 

I do agree with my mum, you couldn't get the rug clean enough to get it in my house. 


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20 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

They immediately called the police to come and get it, but the police just said 'bring it in to station that will be fine" which seems an uncharacteristically laissez-faire attitude to firearms but I suppose South Yorkshire police are not known for their professionalism. 

Jesus! Unless the law has changed it’s also an offence. Someone near me found a sawn off shotgun in a bag and assumed it had been used in a recent post office robbery. Plod thanked him for the break in the case and then nicked him for possession of a firearm!

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10 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Jesus! Unless the law has changed it’s also an offence. Someone near me found a sawn off shotgun in a bag and assumed it had been used in a recent post office robbery. Plod thanked him for the break in the case and then nicked him for possession of a firearm!

I shouldn't laugh but getting arrested for doing a good deed is fucking hilarious.

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Last one from me for a while as I’m taking over a bit

My Grandad on my Dads side lived on his own for a while in a little village called Kintbury.

One night a police helicopter was hovering over his house in the middle of night. Literally one of the most exciting things to ever happen in Kintbury. He got out of bed and looked out the window, it was just circling around his street.

He went outside and just watched it for a few minutes. It started to move down the street and he followed it, as did a few other neighbours. It hovered a little longer, threatened to land in a nearby field but then as quick as it arrived it disappeared again. 

So my Grandad and a few neighbours were down the street, all speculating as to what was happening as they walked back to their houses. Grandad got home and realised he was just in a pair of underpants 

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My old man has been in the loft and pulled out what is quite frankly treasure.




Interesting thing is growing up him and my uncle didn't really have a team, so what side they went and watched really just coincided with what gigs or night clubs they were going to that night. Or in QPRs case, whether they also wanted to go to Shepherds Bush Market.

He's now telling me how much he's charging for them all, and he's gone mental quite frankly ?

Still, at least I can have the Spurs one he says.

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

The sand issue at my parents' has escalated.


Is this in case the Mersey bursts its banks?

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Do your folks have a bench on their front drive? 

i used to take my mom to do the big shop every week.  Routinely she would forget something, dash back into the shop, and after paying would start getting back into some random persons car while I sat there pissing myself.
It was always Wednesday night, and there would usually be about 4 other cars on the carpark.

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