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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Kyle Fletcher will probably make a good heel someday because fuck me I could never cheer him after that promo. His face is so punchable and his voice so annoying he should be booed out the building doing that generic rah-rah babyface promo shite.

See, I felt the opposite. I've never seen much in Fletcher as a character and I thought this was a solid, fiery babyface promo. NOt spectacular, but certainly better than anything he's done in AEW so outside the ring, for me. 

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38 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

MJF managed to trick them into thinking that just being able to speak confidently without a script is the same thing as cutting a good promo.

I saw someone on Twitter refer to him as "the worst 'good' promo in the business" and I can see that argument. Confidence, poise and delivery go a long way but MJF has been more miss than hit for a long time now.

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It's really fucking annoying because it felt like they'd realised MJF's character was ending up too one-dimensional and needed some depth and development, which they then gave him, and then decided to just fuck that off and go to back to what he was - only a worse version of it. Madness.

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On the opposite side of things - the Danielson/Swerve segment was brilliant. With one segment they managed to get me all in (snarf snarf) on their Wembley match. Clear characters with clear motivations and backstory that feeds directly in to the match. Danielson is the legend with one last chance for glory but Swerve is the present, the deadliest man in the business, at the absolute top of his game and he will do whatever he needs to to keep that Championship. Proper bloody pro wrestling.

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Posted (edited)

We don't know what happened but Britt allegedly said a thing and it might have been about an undisclosed thing from before this alleged thing. 



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Had a mooch about and from the look of it Britt was slagging off MJF about something in the women's locker room, Atout grassed her up (fair enough), MJF came into to women's locker room to confront her about it, HR got involved and the baby looked at me.

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Clarifying misconceptions about the MJF/Baker/Alicia report that for some reason people editorialized on: We never said he "barged" in. We're told by a number of people he knocked and was granted access. The argument didn't between he and Baker didn't happen there and that wasn't where the wall got punched.


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3 hours ago, Daddymagic said:

Barging into a women's locker room for a confrontation and (allegedly) punching a hole in the wall is not a good look for MJF or for TK.

Tbf to TK there wasn’t much he could do about it from behind the walls of his panic room.

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Posted (edited)

Dynamite 31/07/24 

Opening segment was really not good. I assumed MJF was doing the over the top USA stuff as a bit of a wind up and to try and get extra heat at Wembley, but if he has to explain out loud every time to the American audience that he's doing a bit, it doesn't really work on that level. It's not like he can be Bret Hart where he's a face in Canada and a heel elsewhere. He is meant to be the heel everywhere and the British guy is the babyface everywhere. 

Ospreay's angle about MJF not deserving to hold the workhorse title was good, but he had to navigate the USA vs International business and it almost ended up turning the crowd on him with how muddled this is. The match will be nuts and Ospreay will be an insanely over babyface at Wembley no matter what, so not sure why they've added so much schtick to the proceedings. 

Ospreay/Archer was great. Classic David and Goliath match up and one of the best uses of Lance Archer in forever. I hope they haven't been heating him up on Collision purely to do this match and then disappear again. One of my favourite Taz calls in ages here too "that chokeslam was an exclamation point at the beginning of a sentence, which is rare, for you grammar fans."

Fletcher sounded good but the promo was too long for the level of shouty intensity he was going for. Again, this was because he had to cover the USA/Foreign wrestlers angle after he'd already covered the more than sufficient "you're fucking with my best friend and I won't stand for it" part. 

Bryan Keith vs Shibata next week. Cannot WAIT. 

Good stuff from Willow and Statlander, two of the best and they have amazing chemistry. The pre-match attack and screwy finish allowed them to keep the feud ticking along, man I hope we get a big blow off match for this feud at Wembley. Neither of them got on the All In card last year, they deserve it and they're two of my favourites who I haven't had the chance to see live yet. Get it booked Tony. Stokeley dropping a quick "smile anyway!" after the post match attack was solid shithousery. 

Danielson/Swerve bit was bloody brilliant, easy highlight of the show this week. I said I wanted Danielson in a big singles match for all the marbles at Wembley. They have now ensured there could not be any more marbles to play for. Electric stuff. Emotional and sincere promo from Danielson, superb rebuttal from Swerve with every point being absolutely correct, and the stage set perfectly for this match and what it means. No further build required, seriously, I'll be cryin' for Bryan before it even starts at this rate. 

Mortos on Dynamite! Well deserved, he's been killing it, love the new white version of the mask too. Enjoyed this match a lot. One of those excellent AEW multimans which throws up lots of delightful interactions you haven't seen before. RUSH/Taurus Bull Friends super team up, OC vs Mortos is now on my list of dream matches, Mortos/Ishii, RUSH/Ishii. So many fun pairings. Guess we'll be getting Mortos/Briscoe for the ROH title at some stage too, which should be excellent. Did not expect Mortos to get the win in this one but was chuffed to see it, and that Destination Hellhole finish looks devastating every time. 

Acclaimed promo was fine, though Caster went a bit long. As much as anything I like that tag teams are feuding over tag team business again. I'm all for it. Bit weird hearing Bowens acknowledging the best wrestler alive schtick. 

May/Storm stuff wasn't great this week. Toni was fine, but her Battle of the Belts performance and promo were better than this. Also, once again, she is back too early. If she'd stayed off TV until later in the month and come back to deliver that promo from Saturday it would have been amazing. They also don't need to have Mariah talking every week. She was OK here and they kept it short and to the point, but they both feel like they're spinning their wheels a bit now. The turn angle said it all, Mariah could have just beaten people for a few weeks with Toni absent, then do the Toni return right before the PPV with a big unhinged go home promo and you're there. The heat will still be there for the match and Toni is more over than ever, but it's a shame they haven't nailed the aftermath of such an phenomenal turn. 

Kamille squash and Mone promo were both fine enough. Britt's suspension works out better for this feud I think. Avoids the over-exposure problem the Toni/Mariah feud is having. 

Cracking main event from Darby and Hangman, though Darby against this deranged version of Hangman for some real stakes in future will be even better. The one bit where Darby kicked out at 2 and Hangman just started wildly slapping at him in frustration was brilliant. The finish was perfect. Darby continuing the hot streak he's on, Hangman defeated by his own need to inflict overkill.

Just an OK episode this week, highlighted by the excellent Danielson/Swerve segment. 




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