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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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I don't watch AEW anymore these days but I saw the clip of Alex Marvez screaming in Will Ospreay's car and I couldn't stop replaying it for ages. AAHHHHHH.

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The same Will Ospreay who reportedly pitched losing to Swerve at Forbidden Door so as to legitimise him and not overshadow the Wembley main event. Same Will Ospreay who is filming promos on his phone outside Wembley stadium to help shift some tickets. Same Will Ospreay who spends every single interview putting over the company and talking about how happy he is to be there. And the same Will Ospreay who only last week publicly apologised for a promo and said he’ll work to get better.

Attitude?! Granted, Will Ospreay has previous of being a bit of an idiot, but fuck me. He’s got pretty much the best attitude of anyone in North American pro-wrestling right now. The antithesis of all the moaners, sulkers and boring bastards going through the motions.

His work has been mostly great, too. Given his experience of North American TV and previous performances in Japan, his promos have been out of this world. He’s made the chav BRUV stuff work and has clearly gotten over. He’s also had probably the top three best matches of the year.

Sending him to NXT is the maddest thing I’ve ever heard. Makes me look at my hands in disbelief.

Edited by Supremo
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9 hours ago, RedTwoster said:

Wargames-style matches will never be for me. I hate them in WWE, I hate them in AEW. The portion of time where no one can win...I find it really boring.

To be fair, I'm not sure either WWE nor AEW can be said to really do "wargames-style" matches. 

AEW does Cage of Death matches for the most part and WWE designed a cage that allows for high spots. 

I'm not sure if the promotions don't think the wrestlers are capable of wrestling that style or whether they just don't think the audience is there for it. I'm not knocking either promotion for it because they're probably right. 

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As someone who was dreading Will Ospreay full time purely on reputation, I've been so pleasantly surprised at how he's actually assimilated into AEW, I like how he portrays himself, he's a confident Essex boy who actually when push comes to shove has these nice little crisis of confidence that can either make or break the match for him, his promos being a bit unpolished also just adds a nice little element of relatable realism to him. He's a ring worker first and talker second. He did a cracking job in a backstage showdown with Roddy Strong where he stood up for himself and it was really good.

Sending him to NXT to cut promos where doesn't sound like a human and all his sentences have massive dramatic gaps would make him look a bigger melon than he sometimes makes himself. I've really enjoyed him so far in AEW. 

Re the War Games thing. I'd rather AEW and WWE continue their concept of it, just like Lethal Lockdown for TNA. Give a classic your own little spin on it. I think people who want weapons free just the cage as a weapon don't realise that wrestling has moved on a bit from that, crowds expect more, good or bad as that might be.

Edited by Chili
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I hope Swerve and Cowboy stay like this forever, like Hal and his former coworker who stole his idea in Malcom In The Middle. None of this reluctant allies down the line just flat out brawling on sight whenever wherever.

Edited by Mr_Danger
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After so much mediocre booking of Hangman he seemed to almost have one foot out the door for a while, his spark was almost totally gone until this Swerve angle and it's lit him right back up to his career best stuff.

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Hangman's face is genuinely scary. He's like one of those actors who is always typecast as a nefarious baddy because even though they're just playing a role they 'look nasty'. Only a few months ago he looked handsome and lovely and heroic. 

Edited by The Gaffer
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40 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheMack said:

I was honestly surprised Caster didn't turn heel. It was about the only reason I could see for him being put in the match.

Bowens seems prime for a push, especially when Caster keeps calling himself the best wrestler in the world I can see them fueding soon, but Bowens shone out of both of them last night but you couldn't have one in the match without the other 


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Let's not get wound up about something we've made up in our heads lads.

Anyway everyone (including Max Caster, get over it) put a shift in and got a shine in that Blood & Guts Match. Mark Briscoe in particular looked the absolute business out there. I know the chair was jimmied, so I've not much issue with a gimmicked chair shot to the head, but it was beautifully shot. Probably the best directed Blood & Guts Match for the production team, that chair shot followed by the pan back to a bloodied Briscoe just looking at Perry with a 'You done fucked up' mad glare on his face was brilliant. I'm such a fan of him, he's got that great mix of being goofy and likeable whilst being utterly unhinged.

Hangman/Swerve is probably my favourite rivalry in years. I'm such a fan of the fact that everything Hangman does is rooted in the fact that he is absolutely right, but is going about it in a semi villainous way because he's completely out of his tree madly obsessed with making Swerve Strickland pay for his sins. It's just brilliant, handcuffing him and then just battering him whilst screaming at him. Ignoring Matt Jackson, not actually caring or giving a toss about The Elite, just seeing an opportunity to kick the shit out of Swerve. The face-off was electric, again loved the crowd just gasping and beginning to get louder when they clocked they were about to start throwing hands. It's a brilliantly woven rivalry, it even drags the viewers and fans in due to them beginning to support Swerve this year when we know he's been a prize dick in the past, essentially making his supporters hypocrites as well, because he's the top dog right now, but we know he has a bit of a blurred moral code. It's just so well done. There's been loads of comparisons to it having Bret/Austin vibes and I like how they've taken that angle as inspiration to give it their own take to it. I have no idea where they're rivalry will go and I find that genuinely exciting. Good lads. Good, good lads!

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What a match!

For all the talk of 'wrestling is cinema' that goes on this days, I think the closest I've come to feeling that is Swerve getting beaten down by a 4-on-1 staple gun attack only to start laughing, brush it off, use Matt Jacksons staple gun to take out Nick Jackson, then take out the rest of the goons one by one with the gun in increasingly inventive ways. It was like something straight out of fucking John Wick! 

Murder Grandpa gave Jericho his best match in yonks and 90% of it was chops. I loved it.

I also really enjoyed Shida vs Britt Baker. They have this weird chemistry where it seems they're almost always close to breaking out into a shoot, everything always looks like a real struggle when they face each other.

Mariah May's dropkicks are lovely.

I wonder if Pac will cash his title shot in on the Dynamite in Cardiff just to add a bit of intrigue to that show? As good as he is, I just don't find him very interesting at the moment and I hate that thing they do where they cut to him in the tunnel like he's waiting for his cue to go out. 

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