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I’d be interested in the timeline of events. Did Chuck Taylor pick up this career ending injury in the Parking Lot Brawl? Or - what I suspect is more likely - was he already under the assumption he was fucked, so did the Parking Lot Brawl with Trent as a final hurrah?

Always liked Chuck with the Best Friends. I’ll be gutted if this is the end. Just a solid, fun, mid-card act that always delivered in the big, wild crescendo matches. All the Parking Lot Brawls. Arcade Anarchy. Stadium Stampede at Wembley.

Huge shout out to that period a few years ago where Chuck kept bringing a Chainsaw to the no holds barred matches.

If nothing else, Chuck’s supposed retirement has unearthed loads of funny, daft clips I’ve never seen before. Clearly, there’s an entire generation of independent stuff I missed that I should really seek out. So this is what kept people happy during those dark years!


Edited by Supremo
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Serena deeb is a strange one. When I first watched her I didn't understand why she hadn't had a more successful career. However its fairly obvious she is very bad at promos and connecting to the audience. I personally think she would be better of being a heel with a manager doing the talking. Eventually over time people would like her but I really don't see her as championship material 

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11 hours ago, no user name said:

Serena deeb is a strange one. When I first watched her I didn't understand why she hadn't had a more successful career. However its fairly obvious she is very bad at promos and connecting to the audience. I personally think she would be better of being a heel with a manager doing the talking. Eventually over time people would like her but I really don't see her as championship material 

I always got the impression she was "allowed" to be considered good as she was mates with Punk.

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On 5/12/2024 at 12:16 AM, Hannibal Scorch said:

Today in things I learnt today, always thought he was Mexican.

No he's not. Which is why it always irked me when he'd shit on wrestlers for paying homage to Eddie Guerrero, because they arn't "one of them." 

Edit: Looked it up to clarify. So he criticized people who honour Eddie saying "stick to your own nationality", which is hypocritical as he references him and honours him A LOT on his podcast and they themselves don't share a nationality.


Edited by andrew "the ref" coyne
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On 5/11/2024 at 4:33 PM, Supremo said:

I’d be interested in the timeline of events. Did Chuck Taylor pick up this career ending injury in the Parking Lot Brawl? Or - what I suspect is more likely - was he already under the assumption he was fucked, so did the Parking Lot Brawl with Trent as a final hurrah?

Always liked Chuck with the Best Friends. I’ll be gutted if this is the end. Just a solid, fun, mid-card act that always delivered in the big, wild crescendo matches. All the Parking Lot Brawls. Arcade Anarchy. Stadium Stampede at Wembley.

Huge shout out to that period a few years ago where Chuck kept bringing a Chainsaw to the no holds barred matches.

If nothing else, Chuck’s supposed retirement has unearthed loads of funny, daft clips I’ve never seen before. Clearly, there’s an entire generation of independent stuff I missed that I should really seek out. So this is what kept people happy during those dark years!


Always have a soft spot for Chucky T. Went to a Rev Pro show in Castleford, can't remember when but card was stacked. Forever Holligans, Adam Cole, Uhaa Nation shortly before joining WWE, wanna say that Hiromu Takahashi was on excursion so he was there too. Anyway only thing memorable was Chuck vs Sha Samuel's and the fact Chuck hated his scarf. So much that after the match he took the scarf, elbowed dropped it and he called me from the front row into the ring to count the pin on it!! 

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Wow, that seems very late in the day for the prosecution to drop it. Extremely lucky indeed, such an insane thing to do, though I imagine more normalised in America than most places. 

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Will be interesting to see if he calms down on the crazy bumps, now. His pitches suddenly taking a drastic change for Anarchy in the Arena.

“Can I shock you, guys? Do you know what this match truly needs? Chinlocks.”


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For this week's episode there's two matches booked which kind of encapsulate the things about AEW that drive me a bit crazy.

Young Bucks vs Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal

Bryan Danielson/Claudio Castagnoli vs Kyle Fletcher/Jeff Cobb

Now obviously I don't know what they've got planned but wouldn't the more logical and significantly more exciting alternative be to book Young Bucks vs Danielson/Castagnoli instead?

It's a way more exciting match. It fits in with the current storylines better. It doesn't have an obvious winner like the two matches above. It gives more story/angle options heading into Anarchy In The Arena. There's no reason to have Christopher Daniels on Dynamite in 2024. You can put Eddie Kingston on commentary to trash talk on everyone. This would also free up TV time for them to do something more interesting with the Don Callis Family if they want. 

AEW's reticence over the past few years to book the top guys in matches against eachother regularly on TV is baffling and infuriating. The roster is deep enough they could do it all the time without blowing off their biggest matches. It's like they are almost scared to do it or always want to keep stuff in their backpocket just in case. Just put the good shit out there!

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If The Bucks want to throw their mate a bone and Christopher Daniels has to be on my TV screen, surely it would have made all the sense in the world for him to team with the returning Scorpio Sky?

The whole angle is built around AEW originals defending the company from The Elite, so it seemed tailor made for a cute SCU one-night-only nostalgia-porn reunion. It’s not as if Scorpio Sky is ever going to do anything as interesting as a singles competitor. If anything, it killed whatever run they have planned for Scorpio before it even started. One of your best mates needs a partner, you’re the most natural choice, and then he chooses Matt Sydal instead?! Backhanded burial of the year. Straight to the bin. Do not pass Rampage. Do not collect two hundred dollars.

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