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8 minutes ago, Vamp said:

He's also a guy who's great at doing very basic moves when they matter.


Nobody in the 30 years I've watched pro wrestling has convinced me that the other guy is about to lose because of a dropkick, like little Kazu.

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That was just bland. We all know he was a prat for punching someone and was rightly fired. If they were showing the footage, I thought they would make it funny or something. Have The Bucks do commentary and put the boot in. This was just...what? I don't see how it pushes ANYTHING forward. Nobody is going to change their mind on this. It will pop a rating, but it was all very desperate Bischoff in late 98.

I don't see how this benefits Perry. Not the way I would have gone with him.

The only person who has won is Drew, who will have an absolute field day with this. Probably will put his hair in a ponytail every time Punk talks.

The rest of the show was 'meh' with a shit crowd. If you're gonna drop the footage at least do it on a show which is a banger. Ospreay's line was pretty shit but throwaway. Should have just said I turned you down mate so stop crying and put over the company. Too much to ask.

All in all I think AEW are really missing Omega/MJF/Hangman. They need two of these on Dynamite. It just doesn't feel like AEW at the moment despite the good work of Joe/Swerve etc.


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1 minute ago, Mr_Danger said:

Somebody needs to release the Orndorff/Vader/Flip flops footage now.

Coming up next week, Sean Waltman shitting in Sunny’s food.

Edited by garynysmon
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I know I’m only one fan, and I know I’m only repeating what alot of people have already said, but I feel I want to have my say.

I am a Punk fan. I was one before last night. Warts and all. After last night, and seeing the footage, none of it surprised me, and my viewpoint hasn’t really changed either.

Khan showing this, is a pathetic publicity stunt for a struggling show (attendance-wise and ratings-wise). I’ve lost a fair bit of respect for the company, when only this time last week I was debating putting my hand in my pocket to attend All In 2. 

Edited by Matthew
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10 minutes ago, Matthew said:

I’ve lost a fair hof of respect for the company, when only this time last week I was debating putting my hand in my pocket to attend All In 2. 

But you respect a man who assaults his co-workers. Got it

Why would that stop you going to ALL IN? Because some wrestling promoter did petty shit? I would never be at a wrestling show if that was the case

Edited by Factotum
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I’m also not sure how I feel about them just showing Joe and Punk just chilling, doing nothing, before their (kayfabe) fight when we’re supposed to believe they hate each other in the fictional world.

Just shite all round really. I don’t see the point of any of it.

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I don't care about the footage, I don't care about CM Punk and, given I don't pay them or watch them anymore, I don't suppose I care that much about AEW. However, I really do care about there being viable pro-wrestling companies for workers and fans. So my opinion on the showing of the footage is the same as my general opinion on AEW. I don't know what they're doing. I used to think I did. The execution wasn't always great but the plan to establish an alternative product that felt like it was sport and allowed individuals to help themselves flourish, to establish a relationship with WBD and a catalogue of content, to sign and develop their own future stars working on Dark shows and to use big TV specials between building to 4 big annual PPVs was a sound one.

That clicked 2-3 years ago and they felt like the better alternative for a good while. They've completely lost their way with the content, content, content approach, abandoning loads of the things that made them different, signing horrible people who were on the scrapheap for a reason and turning their innovative, creative environment into a fucking shitshow.

I'm watching from afar these days but it's depressing to see the lack of buzz about the place, the lack of arses in seats and the terrible decisions being made out of desperation. Even when what I'm hearing is that they're on a run of solid enough shows, they can't help themselves but put this petty shit on TV.  

They're like WCW in 5x fast forward. Sad.

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2 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I don’t think you realise how many AEW fans don’t like Tony Khan. Even here on the forum that’s the case. But it’s the internet wrestling community a place where many WWE fans openly support Vince despite the allegations so I shouldn’t be surprised.

Scorcher, please take this in the manner it's meant. You make yourself look a tit when you post this shit about WWE and WWE fans when you watch them all the time. If you're just stealing their content, that doesn't make it any better. Why don't you either not watch them or not pretend you're above it all? It'd make a better impression. Genuinely.

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1 minute ago, Bettencourt said:

I know it doesn’t make it ok. But that was similar to the scuffles you’d get in a football dressing room. 

I’d rather see that to be honest. Imagine Spurs going on Match of the Day and announcing they have some Diddy Cam footage they’d like to show from the away changing rooms of Arsenal players shoving each other. Yes Bacon, Spurs are the AEW to Arsenals WWE in this scenario.

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14 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Why would that stop you going to ALL IN?

Maybe there are no buses from Birmingham this year?

This is pathetic all round really isn't it? People expecting more from the "fight" (its literally like you used to have in the playground, you'd be lucky to get a dig in) will be disappointed, people that want to believe Punk was massively wronged will be disappointed, and fans who just want to enjoy their favourite wrestling show will be disappointed as well.

A genuinely pathetic decision to air that footage, it was never ever going to achieve anything.

For some people it's hilarious that all these grown adults continue to act like this, and we are thankful it all goes on, but I just have no idea what any company owner is thinking to make the decision to do this. Its so bizarre. If I was Tony's manager, I'd have the nob on a Performance Improvement Plan. 

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3 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Yes Bacon, Spurs are the AEW to Arsenals WWE in this scenario.

Well that's not surprising seeing that Arsenal have a REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED in their squad.

Sorry, back to your Dynamite chat all.

Edited by SuperBacon
Double post edit wanker roll the footage.
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2 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Scorcher, please take this in the manner it's meant. You make yourself look a tit when you post this shit about WWE and WWE fans when you watch them all the time. If you're just stealing their content, that doesn't make it any better. Why don't you either not watch them or not pretend you're above it all? It'd make a better impression. Genuinely.

I’m not sure I actually do understand the manner it’s intended as the first thing after that is you look like a tit.

And me posting a load of tweets or comments of posts on facebook of some of that discourse from a few hours ago, isn’t fun or wanted by anyone. But my twitter feed was awash with Vince chat, I guess because that was the popular counter point to why AEW needs to die now they have shown the footage.

Its really upset me actually, which probably wasn’t the intention or maybe it was, i dunno. 

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