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Well I can certainly see why Tony was scared for his life. Probably nearly died laughing at how stupid it all was. Adding to the stupidity by showing it 8 months later just made the AEW fans in attendance chant Punk's name. Stupid built upon stupid is obviously going to pay off in the end though. The PPV buy is going to be huge to see the EVP's v FTR off the back of that segment. 

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11 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

The PPV buy is going to be huge to see the EVP's v FTR off the back of that segment. 

This just reminds me of “Insiders” era WCW where Kev would mention Scott Hall every week even though he didn’t work there any more. Can’t wait to hear Cash and Cawson do promos that they’re getting revenge for the slight against their pal. Who happens to work for the other guys.

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If Tony Khan really was looking to embarrass Punk, releasing footage that not only seems to back up what he claimed in the Helwani interview, but causes the fans in attendance to chant his name is an interesting approach. What was the point in that? Absolute worst case here is dooming The Bucks and Perry to being followed around by ‘CM Punk’ chants, and that you’ve done damage to how some perceive the company.

And how do you even begin to square that with the storyline world? That scuffle was a sackable offence, but Joe doing what he did to Swerve (and vice versa) was not? Obviously they didn’t air the whole thing, but still…

Then you had Ospreay taking shots at Triple H. Why? Just stop already.

Further encapsulating what I dislike about AEW was the Mariah May stuff. I’m sure it meant something to the small number of people who watch Stardom, but it clearly meant nothing to the live audience, and I myself had no idea what the fuck was going on. If you’re going to do crossover feuds, fine - but have them play out in a way that means they get a reaction.

I really do hate being negative about AEW, but I genuinely believe Khan is making decisions that are doing damage to the company that will be difficult to recover from. AEW had such a feel-good factor surrounding it at one point; it’s really sad to see what it’s become. 

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Showing the footage of the incident that started the decline of the company and it not being any different to how CM Punk has been describing it is sure a choice. The most telling thing was the live crowd cam footage version I’ve seen where it sounds like there’s no more than a dozen people in the crowd and they’re all cheering and chanting for CM Punk.

Bad idea all around.

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I know it sounds like a bit of a stretch and a backwards way about doing this but it is Tony Khan so who knows. I think this was his way of trying to take control of the narrative and get the speculation done with and out of the way. It’s literally the only thing that doesn’t make him look like a complete fool with no self awareness. Oh wait, maybe it is a stretch.

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10 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

AEW fans are like Trump fans. Tony Khan could shit on the entrance stage and they’d cheer them.

I think I'm just going to watch Adam Copeland matches in future and just enjoy the wrestling, like he dreamt it.

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10 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Punk fans are like Trump fans. He could shit on the entrance stage and they’d cheer him. @RedRooster not sure what you mean about the chants following the bucks around, that pretty much happened after Brawl Out anyway. 

You’ve clearly been watching more closely than I have, but I can’t recall any instances of that outside of Chicago; and certainly not recently. You might be able to point to specific instances, and fair enough if so; but it’s not something I’ve noticed, so it’s certainly not been a regular thing.

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Posted (edited)

Well, that was depressing. 

I don't like watching real fights. They make me feel a bit sick, to be honest. And I'd rather not watch real footage of someone assaulting their co-worker on my wrestling show. 

Seeing the actual footage of a grown man attacking someone over something so stupid was depressing. CM Punk is depressing. If you watched this and still like CM Punk that's depressing. 

Trying to find a silver lining to this, the only thing I can think of is that maybe it is now fully put to bed. Until now it was all gossip and one sided petty public jabs from Punk. Now we have the footage in the public and seeing it exposes how pathetic the whole incident and the talk and everyone around it is. There's nothing left to discuss or gossip about. All it was was a miserable narcissistic childish millionaire who was unhappy in his job (a job where he is paid millions of dollars to travel the world and playfight in his underwear in public once a week) lash out publicly and violently at his co-workers over the dumbest, most pointless nonsense you can imagine. Some people have real fucking problems. Fuck it all.

Like I said. Depressing. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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12 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

AEW fans are like Trump fans. Tony Khan could shit on the entrance stage and they’d cheer them.

I don’t think you realise how many AEW fans don’t like Tony Khan. Even here on the forum that’s the case. But it’s the internet wrestling community a place where many WWE fans openly support Vince despite the allegations so I shouldn’t be surprised.

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7 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I don’t think you realise how many AEW fans don’t like Tony Khan. Even here on the forum that’s the case. But it’s the internet wrestling community a place where many WWE fans openly support Vince despite the allegations so I shouldn’t be surprised.

Honestly, thought you had me with a cogent point but couldn't help yourself with the follow up right hook.

I just think it's all such a shame, and so tedious.

And the worst part is, the absolute worst part, is for all everyone's bickering I think the people who think everyone involved are goofballs is the majority of wrestlers. They're all fucking mates. They probably look at fans having these endless back and forths and think 'fucking idiots'.

The closest anyone's got to putting into words how I imagine most wrestlers actually think was my man Cope last week. Its all wrestling. Watch what you like, ignore what you don't. 

Swerve's getting a push. That's what I'm going to focus on. The rest is toxic waste off an old man's back.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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