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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

surely he’d have preferred wrestling tags on weekly TV than sulking on Twitter as a singles.

To be fair to him, both before and after the leg inury, he's been fairly active on the indies to pursue the singles dream he wanted. 

While he was liable to the vague tweting. He has backed it up rather than sit at home when healthy. 

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Dynamite 28/02/24

Excellent opening segment. I didn't mind the fake injury angle. Hangman has completely lost the plot with Swerve, so doing something like this that's wildly out of character for him made sense. Swerve and Joe both sounded phenomenal too. Great build for a truly fascinating world title match. 

FTR/Eddie vs BCC was a stellar match and a very effective go home segment for the two Revolution matches. Loved how they had little bouts of back and forth wrestling and then in would explode into an uncontrollable brawl, then back again. Great chaotic energy and fire throughout this one. Eddie completely focused at the start of the match, so much so that Danielson is the one distracted by the crowd and Eddie is trying to get his attention back. Danielson's campaign to get in Eddie's head again after the CC has gradually worn Eddie down though. Later in the match he got baited by Danielson's cheap shot, then by the end he was the reckless ball of rage Danielson has been able to take down before. He let his rage at Danielson get the better of him, he swung wildly and it cost him the match. Danielson going for the completely unnecessary choke finish was yet another wonderful dickhead move. Eddie and Danielson could easily be the best thing on the Revolution card, and the Revolution card is absurd. 


Osprey/Callis/Takeshita stuff was great. Callis dropping "it doesn't matter which one of you wins at Revolution, the winner is the Callis family" as his two most prized possessions stared daggers at each other was hilarious. Takeshita's look, demeanour and facial expressions here were spot on; he looked like the baddest of motherfuckers and had so much presence about him. Osprey obviously getting the big babyface reaction and then being noticably taken aback by the heat for Callis, and Callis' vain attempt to start a dueling chant to placate Takeshita were both good little story touches here. Thought this effectively heated up the match and added some intrigue rather than simply relying on how spectacular it will be in-ring. 

OC vs Nick Wayne was solid, but the match and post-match felt a bit thrown together. The FTR/Eddie/BCC match did a good job of mashing together the two feuds and heating up both of them, this one felt a bit more slapdash. I don't need any more selling on Danny Garcia going for the title though, and the OC/Roddy build has been going on for ages because they announced the match so early, so thankfully neither Revolution match was reliant on this as the go home segment. 

Bang Bang Scissor Gang promo was OK. Jay White is not even slightly convincing pretending that he's all in on this idea, and I don't think he's supposed to be. Don't think the turn and split is too far away. Thought him stepping on the Bowens line because The Acclaimed usually get the last word was a good little nod towards that. 

Statlander and Skye Blue was a quality TV match. Statlander is consistently excellent but Skye Blue held up her end very well too; she really has improved a ton over the past six months or so. Not sure how Stokeley will talk his way out of this one. They didn't like it when his cheating helped them win, can't imagine they'll be too pleased when it makes Statlander lose. 

Liked the little package for Jericho vs Atlantis Jr. As I've said before, one of my favourite things about AEW is the connection to the wider pro wrestling shared cinematic universe, so I'm board any time they want to embrace that. I trust Ice Cube's son found it both helpful and informative too. Pretty good match once it got going.

Closing segment was magic. I rewound it and watched Sting's descent with the pop and the Schiavone call several times over, and will do again many times. I even welled up a little. I'm telling you Revolution is going to destroy me. I remember when AEW signed Sting there were some expressing the sentiment "to do what exactly?" and you could hardly blame them. Maybe hit a guy with a bat but that'll be it. He's a big name, but at his age how much can he realistically offer? He then went on to have one of my favourite runs from any pro wrestler ever. For the last time before Revolution: I am really, really going to miss Sting. 

Edited by JLM
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Looks like they're going back to the original multi-coloured design for Dynamite which is fantastic news. The blue/red look is insanely boring. And in even better news apparently they are bringing the tunnels back! Basically if tonight's new entrance set is an updated and modernised version of the original tacky Dynamite set I'll be happy with that.

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Yeah much needed refresh, this:

The blue and red I'll forever associate with AEW's post-Punk (or New Wave, if you're in the U.S.) era. An era which truly wasn't that horrible, granted, but is still fixed in my mind as being a bit of a doldrum. 

Hate to say it because he's such a talented performer but I associate MJF strongly with it too. Whilst his return will eventually probably do some great angles, his character felt completely overcooked by the end and I have to say, I don't miss him one bit so far this year. 

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7 minutes ago, The Gaffer said:

Hate to say it because he's such a talented performer but I associate MJF strongly with it too. Whilst his return will eventually probably do some great angles, his character felt completely overcooked by the end and I have to say, I don't miss him one bit so far this year. 

Likewise. I don't really have a huge amount of interest in him returning as it feels like he's done basically everything as both a heel and babyface. And at this point the interest in the Cole/MJF stuff feels pretty much zero.

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57 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

And in even better news apparently they are bringing the tunnels back!

Absolutely buzzing for this, even if Danielson coming out of a different tunnel every week is going to hurt my head.

EDIT: May aswell post this in here. According to Meltzer (I know, I know) Sammy Guevara has been suspended for not 'following protocol' i.e not wrapping up the Jeff Hardy match early when it was obvious Jeff was fucked. Apparently he was told to pin Hardy but kept going and did his finisher instead, the daft shite.

I like Sammy more than most but the writing may be on the wall for him. I get the impression Khan is reluctant to get rid as he's one of the 'four pillars', but he's been ice cold for ages and seems like a bit of a prize idiot. To be fair, the company wouldn't miss him at all. Fuck him off and re-dub Orange Cassidy as the 4th pillar.

Edited by Lorne Malvo
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As much as a fucking idiot Darby Allin is with his body, he's the only one of the 'four pillars' that hasn't caused Tony Khan any shit, ignoring any allegations* and relating strictly to backstage / in match stuff. 

From MJF having his backstage hissy fit and taking his ball home, to Jack Perry Vs CM Punk and now Sammy being a daft bastard.

*Insert expected Tony Khan ignoring allegations gag

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If I was a cynic, I’d mention that it’s extremely fortunate that Sammy is suspended now. Saves the awkward moment when they roll out the red carpet for Mercedes Mone and she potentially bumps into the idiot who joked about raping her.

They may as well let Sammy’s contract run out. He’s worthless at this point. Absolute moron, nothing but trouble, and perhaps more than anyone in the company, it’s borderline tangible how obvious it is that he’s reached his ceiling. He’s got nothing to do, nowhere to go, and nothing left to offer. Ideally, take Jericho with you.

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Just now, Supremo said:

He’s got nothing to do, nowhere to go, and nothing left to offer

Especially now Will Ospreay is in the company who can do every single one of Sammy's spots but better.

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Just now, LaGoosh said:

Especially now Will Ospreay is in the company who can do every single one of Sammy's spots but better.

And you have Ricky Starks who is twice as charismatic and does the "Latin lover" gimmick way better.  Speaking of... where the hell is Ricky Starks?

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they also have Nick Wayne, who's much better at being a smarmy punchable little dick who can also do some cool moves. Sammy has been eclipsed in pretty much every area by someone else in AEW, hasn't meaningfully progressed in ability, character or card position since his debut, and I doubt anyone would notice if he was never booked again. Cut him loose.

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2 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

they also have Nick Wayne, who's much better at being a smarmy punchable little dick who can also do some cool moves. Sammy has been eclipsed in pretty much every area by someone else in AEW, hasn't meaningfully progressed in ability, character or card position since his debut, and I doubt anyone would notice if he was never booked again. Cut him loose.

And he can't complain that they haven't given him chances. He's received more chances than he ever should have really but he's never been able to step up his game to where it's needed to be. He's a good lackey to another star but not much more than that. 

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There's also the point that if you look at all the talent that was on that PPV Sunday, and think there's still Pac, Omega, MJF and Adam Cole to return (and maybe Okada coming in), it's increasingly hard to see where Guevara fits in amongst all that.

As harsh as it sounds, AEW could maybe do with a mini WWE-style culling. Guevara is ice cold. Ricky Starks doesn't look like he wants to be there and is a big victim of Khans stop-start booking. And there's a few acts that just haven't evolved enough in the last few years - Private Party, Dark Order, Preston Vance just feel like hangovers from AEW's early days.

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5 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

AEW could maybe do with a mini WWE-style culling. 

If Tony releases people and instead of saying "We wish them the best in their future endeavours " he just says "Thanks guys" then I'm all for it

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10 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

As harsh as it sounds, AEW could maybe do with a mini WWE-style culling. Guevara is ice cold. Ricky Starks doesn't look like he wants to be there and is a big victim of Khans stop-start booking. And there's a few acts that just haven't evolved enough in the last few years - Private Party, Dark Order, Preston Vance just feel like hangovers from AEW's early days.

Therein lies the problem with constantly hoovering up as many guys as possible not already signed to the other guys and only thinking later about who you actually want to use regularly.

WCW got a lot of flak for their bloated roster but at least they always had an eye on World War 3. You struggle to fill a 60 man match if you only rely on guys guaranteed a match on Nitro, you need to have your fair share of Lizmark Jrs, Scott Putskis, Barry Darsows and Chip Mintons on speed dial!

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