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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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Rewatched Danielson vs Kingston and can confirm it's an absolute classic. Brilliant stuff with incredible storytelling. My rambling thoughts:

- Kingston's chops play a big part in the story of the match. At the start they go for the usual trading chops bit but Kingston knocks Danielson flying with his. Danielson immediately changes tactics to wrestle and grind Kingston down rather than go tit for tat. However Kingston always returns to his chops as his big advantage over Bryan...at least until the end.

- Despite the size advantage it's always clear Kingston is the under dog. Kingston has his passion, his strikes and his big Japanese suplexes but that's all he has. He's against THE BEST IN THE WORLD who can do literally everything.Ā 

- Kingston puts on a selling masterclass. I don't think anyone is as good at showing huge vulnerability both physically and emotionally in their matches without sacrificing their credibility as Kingston is. In big matches it's always a case of his body slowly starts failing him then his emotions start crumbling. Beautiful to watch. Especially against Danielson. Danielson has 2 emotions in his matches - cool and calculated or righteous unstoppable aggression. Meanwhile Kingston is a flood of emotions - anger, determination, shame, heartbreak, defiance. It's great seeing them clash.

- did Kingston have a steel plate inserted in his arm? Some of those chops sounded horrific.

- the spinning back fist is such a great move because even when Kingston is getting ground down he always has it in his back pocket and can hit it at any moment and immediately get himself back into the game.

- as the match goes on Danielson starts to lean into Eddie's chops and strikes because Eddie is starting to flail and crumble and Danielson is full on powering up to maximum levels. There's this magical feeling when Danielson hits that level, like he's justĀ inevitable. Danielson hits that level here in the final stretch and he's pure unstoppable fury. Kingston has no chance at this point. He's hitting Danielson with everything he's got to little effect and his ability to fight is slowly draining. Danielson is now shrugging off those chops that took him down at the start of the match.

- eventually it comes to the end for Eddie and deep down he knows it. All he has is his will and defiance:


He screams "NO!" but it's too late. Kingston is broken and Danielson is unstoppable. Danielson casually hits the running knee to finish Eddie off.

- for all of Kingston's pride, skills and toughness he is just a clear step below Danielson here. Especially a Danielson who has something to prove. Everyone else in the tournament should be terrified of him.

- the cherry on the cake. Danielson doesn't respect his opponents here. He's defeated Eddie, now he humiliates him to hammer the point home. He looks like he's barely broken a sweat. You can't stop this man.


Edited by LaGoosh
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Only managing to catch up on Collision tonight, @LaGooshā€™s amazing post summed up most of what I was going to say. That main event was phenomenal.

Eddie Kingston realising heā€™s got nothing left and is going to lose to the better man, giving him the middle finger and screaming, ā€œNOOO!ā€ is one of the best finishes I can remember. What a fucking character. I live and die with this man. Iā€™m going to be with him every step of the way as he now scratches and claws his way to the final. This tournament rules.

In the space of a few weeks weā€™ve had Hangman drinking Swerveā€™s blood, CM Punkā€™s return, Adam Copeland telling Christian to go fuck himself and this masterpiece. Any wrestling fan bitching and moaning in 2023 has no fucking idea how good we have it.

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Double post, but absolutely necessary. This fucking guy. Heā€™s the best promo ever. Most authentic performer ever. Even if the rest of this tournament bombed, his arc alone makes the whole thing worth it. I could run through walls after watching this. Genuinely got goosebumps when he refused to feel sorry for himself and decided to use the back-to-back losses as motivation. Letā€™s fucking go!

ā€Claudio, Iā€™m going to fuck you up!ā€


ā€Bryan, Iā€™m going to get you again, Iā€™m gonna fuck you up!ā€


Eddie Kingston turning this around, smashing through the rest of the field, getting his win back from Bryan in the semis, and then beating Mox in the finals? He could finally be positioned as the tippy top guy he so clearly is and has always been. A fucking mess of a company, filled with negativity both in and out? Pull that triggger and build your entire business around this incredibly special talent. He is the absolute best.

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Spoiler although it's not spoiling the outcome of any match.

I'm not sure there's a good scenario here. Ā 


Either he's legitimately re-injured his eye in which case, duhh, or he's bladed his injured eye as part of a storyline, in which case wtf.

To add more context, those at the taping were reporting that he was bleeding from the eye, if that's not clear from the pictures.

Edit: moar spoiler tags.

Edited by Loki
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Finally got round to watching this yesterday, and echo what's been said about the main event. Fantastic stuff from both men.

I don't watch the show regularly, only on a case by case basis depending on what's on, but there was enough here that I wanted to watch the full show.

Some of the promo work throughout it though, ye gods. I'm not as taken with Toni Storm's new act as others are, but she was great with her "you think you're spooky now? I can do spooky.....BLEH!", but to follow that up with whatever that Skye Blue promo was, fucking hell. If she was doing it live then she needs some serious work before she's ever let anywhere near a live mic, but if it was pre-taped and that's the best they could do then everyone involved with it needs a serious talking to.

Then you had Miro and CJ's bit later on that was just as bad. Miro being a wrestler you have a certain expectation of what he can deliver, but CJ is supposedly an actress.

Nigel McGuiness is still an annoying tit and not in the good heel commentator sort of way, but at least Tony Schiavone has been moved into leading the whole thing

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14 minutes ago, Loki said:
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Spoiler although it's not spoiling the outcome of any match.


I know its not spoiling a match, but might want to include your thoughts in the spoiler section since it gives it away.

My thoughts


All the major news sites seem to have the results and updates but none have led with an injury. That i've seen at any rate. Most of the concern has come from those at the show.

It's Danielson we're talking about. A guy that came back from concussion and worked that into his match. He saved the eye injury to credit it to Okada. Now he's working a tournament format that often plays into inury/wear and tear. Time will tell if its real or faked. Just make sure he gets to Wembley please!


Edited by Infinity Land
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I just watched Danielson v Andrade and while I'm enjoying matches like these, I'm not sure how much not having a clear face/heel dynamic is bothering me personally. In this example, earlier in the show Miro is being a total dick to his wife and saying he's gonna come after Andrade. Later in the show Andrade is making heelish moves to viciously do what he has to in order to beat Danielson, who himself has been a total scumbag in recent weeks, but is also getting cheered and gaining sympathy for what he is having to endure here. Then Claudio and Yuta show up afterwards, back to being pompous arseholes when it seemed in recent times like they were turning. Maybe I get more on board with matches when I am firmly rooting for someone to win, I'm not sure.

As for the rest of the show, as always Daddy Magic was a delight, I was impressed with Wardlow catching Willie Mack's huricanranna attempt, and talking about rooting for someone, I really enjoyed the opener with Claudio and Kingston! I didn't really pay attention to Ethan Page and Kenny Omega. Happily skipping Kenny Omega matches and feeling like you're not missing anything shouldn't be a thing really, right?

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All the world of love to Daddy Magic & Cool Hand Angelo. The Quebecois Nasty Boyz, Bulk & Skull, B-movie street toughs and survivors of an AEW Chris Jericho faction, who by sheer force of refusal to not get over, they keep being so entertaining. Matt Menard just cannot keep still. Renee just laughing as Magic listed off famous Montreal natives like Celine Dion was a picture.

Edited by Chili
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Damn, Kingston/Claudio was an emotional ride. I knew Eddie would win but it was so good I did not care and was still captivated for every second of it.

Claudio in the role of Eddie Kingston's nemesis is, by a country mile, the most I enjoy his work. Just generally I like this heel bully/BCC Claudio more than any of his other stuff, but he is at the peak of his game against Eddie.Ā 

His look is obviously the complete anthisesis to Eddie. Physically he is everything Eddie is insecure about not being. On top of that though he just understands his role in this feud so well. His demanour, his awareness that he is Eddie's physical and technical superior, his attempts to break Eddie's spirit because he knows that is Eddie's only real ace in the hole against him. He gets not only more violent but also more mean spirited against Eddie. The bit in this match where a punch drunk Eddie was trying to keep him at bay with some jabs, then Claudio battered him with machine gun fore arm smashes into the corner, then immediate cut to an extremely concerned looking lady in the crowd. Magnificient.Ā 

But then as it goes on, I love the way his arrogance slowly erodes as he punishes Eddie with every tool in his arsenal and the guy will not stay down. You see real concern growing on his face and then desperation during the closing stretch.

Running out of superlatives for Eddie, so thought I'd give Claudio his flowers in the write up here. Kingston was wonderful again, of course. The look on his face after he took the superplex was fuckng heartbreaking. Fantastic calls from Nigel throughout this one too. One of my highlights of this tournament so far.Ā 

Speaking of highlights, Mox continues to effortlessly knock out some of the finest promo work I've ever heard, this time acknowledging Swerve's rise and positioning himself as the gatekeeper. Swerve's response also a banger. So very excited for that match.Ā 

Solid match between Willow and Mercedes, they have good chemistry. Mercedes is crazy strong too, thought that razor's edge into face slam thing was pretty scary/ambitious but it looked great.Ā 

Loved Daddy Magic's promo. I found the deadpan "alright" in response to Haeger's bit even funnier than the promo itself. On Rampage he's adding emotion and drama to Danny Garcia's attempt to slay the Dragon, tonight he's back to sports entertaining like a champ. The man has it all. Heartwarming to see them get the hero's welcome in Montreal; for a small crowd that Daddy Magic chant was thunderous! Match was a riot, though I'd have had 2.0 pull some shenanigans and steal a pin on Komander here for the people.Ā 

Holy shit the 'rana counter and Last Ride powerbombs Wardlow hit on Willie Mack were impressive. Was hoping Willie might get a liiiittle bit more in this match as I love the guy but damn that was some good highlight reel shit for Wardlow.Ā 

Cracking sprint between Page and Omega.Ā 

Big fan of the video packages they're doing to keep feuds ticking over at the moment. The Julia/Abadon one this week was great, the one they'd been running for Mercedes/Willow was also very good. For Julia/Abadon you don't want either of them cutting promos in the ring, so this is how you keep it going. Also appreciate them giving this match a build over a few episodes of TV. Slowly but surely doing better work with the women's division. I know they've been doing this workhorse champion thing a lot lately, but Julia does not need to be defending the title every week like OC or Statlander. I'd rather they spaced out the defenses and built up the challengers and, ideally, the reasoning behind their chosen house rule. I think that benefits Julia more than filler defenses against Lady Frost.Ā 

War of a main event. Mad that this was taped before the other two belters we've seen from Danielson this week, what an insane set of performances over a few days. What a worker, too, working the whole story of this match around the injury, convincing people in the live audience he'd re-injured himself, before taping two matches set before this one in the TV timeline where it clearly wasn't bothering him at all. Danielson has been impossibly good in this thing and we're not even at the business end of it yet.Ā 

Danielson/Kingston Danielson/Garcia and Kingston/Claudio were exactly what I was hoping this tournament would deliver, and I am salivating at the prospect of Swerve and Mox on Wednesday. Contintental Classic gets a thumbs up from me.Ā 

Edited by JLM
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15 hours ago, JLM said:

Contintental Classic gets a thumbs up from me.Ā 

Me too! I think it's been an absolute revelation and exactly what AEW needed. The booking throughout has been really interesting and top notch, the blue league particularly has been excellent, its chock full of great stories, character development, had some of the best TV matches of the year and generated a bunch of fantastic promos. It's done wonders for most the guys in it.

And the I have no idea whose going to win it - some rare and welcome unpredictable in wrestling!

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In the Summer there was some speculation on Danielson v. McGuinness at All In. Which then became McGuinness involved in the Stadium Stampede. At the time I didn't think anyone would care. As its not like Nigel had the mainstream run as a wrestler, and his rivalry with Danielson in the ROH years was a deep cut.

However, a year plus of clam digger and other insults at brittle Bryan's expense: "Danielson's my second favourite wrestler in the tournament" Who's first? "Everyone else combined" :) I think it might just work.Ā 


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I'm gonna say it. I don't see or find any interest in Nigel McGuinness Vs Bryan Danielson in a match. I like Nigel, but he hasn't wrestled for how long? And what exactly is the appeal. Even to a mass of inside fans? They had some banger matches in ROH? but I don't think it's worth taking to Wembley or for Bryan's last match as a full timer (yeah, as if Bry). It doesn't interest me (and I'm speaking for me nobody else mind) but yeah... Absolutely zero interest. What would they want? Oh Bryan beat a bloke who was good but hasn't wrestled for as long as he did prior?

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