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AEW Saturday Collision

Hannibal Scorch

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On Observer Radio Dave lists Matt Hardy and Christopher Daniels as two other people who in previous weeks who were removed from Collision. Dave notes Daniels is HEAD OF TALENT RELATIONS and it happened to him. Bryan says it happened to Ryan Nemeth not once, but twice.

TK has lost the plot if he is allowing a talent (Punk) with no management or booking position to decide who does or doesn't appear on the TV show. 



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12 minutes ago, Daddymagic said:

On Observer Radio Dave lists Matt Hardy and Christopher Daniels as two other people who in previous weeks who were removed from Collision. Dave notes Daniels is HEAD OF TALENT RELATIONS and it happened to him. Bryan says it happened to Ryan Nemeth not once, but twice.

TK has lost the plot if he is allowing a talent (Punk) with no management or booking position to decide who does or doesn't appear on the TV show. 



I get why Daniels would be there as talent relations and being active on ROH.

Hardy's been surrounded by his brother, Kassidy, and Ethan Page. They wouldn't just scrap an angle or promo involving that many people. There'd have to be more to that one.

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Boring, exhausting, bullshit drama that is going to distract and detract from them putting on one of the biggest pro wrestling shows of all fucking time.

However, if Punk can somehow pull a power play that bans Matt Hardy from Dynamite, Rampage and Collision? All is forgiven.

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11 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Apparently Adam Page made some reference to karma on his instagram stories, or some shite. I can’t really be bothered to research any further, as I cannot be arsed with this going sour.


He was flown in to Greensboro to do a promo and then told at the last minute not to enter the venue and they would film it another time. 
Put down to Punk not allowing him. 

Hence the weird post show Punk promo on Hangman. 

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According to “da sheets” Punk wanted to sit in on the meeting between the Bucks and FTN about their feud, and was denied.

It sounds like the one thing Punk cannot abide is being ignored.  The fact that the EvPs and their mate just aren’t interested in working with him hurts his ego.

 How long till the next proper toys out the pram moment?  6 months?  3?

 Shamelessly stolen from Reddit, but I thought this was perfect.


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Oh forgot to mention I loved that Willow and Statlander were absolutely thrilled to be teaming together. Tag team partners who get along great and are happy to be there is the new trope I want to see. 

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43 minutes ago, gmoney said:

If any of this is actually true, what an astonishingly shit manager Tony Khan is. 

Yeah, couldn't agree more with this. He must have zero authority.

Still, it's all fucking tedious and everyone just needs to shut up now and work on their own shows and crack on. Or fuck off. That's an option too.

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5 hours ago, gmoney said:

Nigel had an excellent line in the Luchasaurus v Brock Anderson match. "They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... must have been a strong wind that day." 

Fun show as always. Starks is really coming across now I think, he's felt like a star these past few weeks. 

Starks is someone that just needs consistency. He's one of a few guys that has had glimpses of greatness, only to then disappear again for whatever reason, whether it be injuries or a shift in focus or something. He's more than capable of breaking through to the next level but needs that regular support.

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Only just watched this. Like the other Collisions it was a solid, if unspectacular show. It's consistent but missing that spark and excitement to feel must see.

- Starks promo is proof that you can ramble and spout out any meaningless bollocks but it'll still work if you have the look, delivery, attitude and confidence.

- Acclaimed match was fine but too long. Would have rather seen an AEW team in the heel spot (Butcher/Blade or Dark Order for example) than the Iron Savages.

- womens tag was fucking GREAT. Kris and Willow were brilliant together and this was just a really fun match that I hope they run back a few more times.

- Toni Storm has obviously been taking promo lessons from her boyfriend Juice Robinson as her new Blanch Dubois character is brilliant, maximizing your minutes stuff. Feel like she's finally found the much needed something she was missing. 

- Joe did his usual good work but this Punk story is completely heatless.

- Christian is really the best hilarious dickhead in wrestling ever. Shame he's with someone who sucks at wrestling in Luchasaurus. 

- Hobbs promo was raw but not bad, they need to keep giving him mic time and he should get there eventually. I wish his book was metaphorical and not an actual fucking book, so stupid. Calling out Miro and his entrance felt absolutely electric, they really need to fuck off the QTV element as this story really doesn't need it. Keep it simple!

- Main event was enjoyable but too long. Dax Shepherd had a good night. Hard to care too much when the finish was so obvious ahead of time.

- I think your enjoyment of Collision is probably linked to how much you like Punk. In ring: he's amazing at timing and selling but his weak piss offense is really embarrassing most the time. Character wise: he's an incredibly insincere unlikeable babyface and his heel work is old, tired and repetitive. What's to get excited about? If you're going to center an entire show around one act I think having it be Kenny Omega or Hangman Page would be way more interesting. 

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5 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

think your enjoyment of Collision is probably linked to how much you like Punk. In ring: he's amazing at timing and selling but his weak piss offense is really embarrassing most the time. Character wise: he's an incredibly insincere unlikeable babyface and his heel work is old, tired and repetitive. What's to get excited about? If you're going to center an entire show around one act I think having it be Kenny Omega or Hangman Page would be way more interesting. 

Yeah. I don't get why TK is bending over backwards for Punk. 
He's far too Dickish to be a face, too pandering sometimes to be a heel. He's just there. Total lack of interest from the crowd too when he was announced. 

I think Phil has soured everyone on him post Brawl Out now and aside from a feud with the elite he will just tread water until his next major outburst .

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7 hours ago, King Mal the Glorious said:

Best part of that match was a very clear "...the fuck was that, dude?" from Luchasaurus after Brock botched taking a suplex.

Haha had to go back as I somehow missed that the first time. Brock Anderson is abysmal isn’t he. Bland, out of shape, clueless in ring, bad promo. He also leaves little pauses between everything he does. Rushed Luchasaurus to the corner, punched him once, stopped completely. Did another thing, stopped. 

You have to be spectacularly bad if I’m feeling sorry for Luchasaurus of all people trying to carry you. 

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