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AEW London 2023

Hannibal Scorch

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Send them home happy. I'm fine with that! I really thought the trigger was coming when MJF screamed that it was all about the belt for Cole, though. It would have been a fantastic heart stopper for Cole to just go "Your damn right" and walk out of there, leaving MJF to question if he really should have went all X-Pac-shows-Kane-how-to-love.

That was a home run. I'm too exhausted from watching wrestling to talk about it at length, but an MVP shoutout has to go to the production team as a whole. The flying shots, rooftop pyro, the lighting theming to wrestlers during their entrances. The whole thing just looked and sounded incredible on TV. Some of the entrances were as good if not better than anything at a WrestleMania. I hope all of you that went had an absolute blast! 

My wrestling expectation brain did note that given the magnitude of the event, it seemed to lack big legends/shocks but that's a load of bollocks. What we got was the most AEW card imaginable, and really the fact that they got 80K in Wembley for that - making noise all night long - makes it all the more impressive. They were there for everything. The occasion drew, yeah, but so did the product and that's all that was needed on the night. 

Balls to the Knight family parading out, obviously. And JR seeming genuinely unsure if Freddie Mercury was still alive. 

Ending on a positive: Sting and Darby coming out to Seek & Destroy's the new coolest entrance ever. Not even close. 


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A fun 4 hours and can’t imagine anyone at Wembley had anything other than a great night. Back again next year, if they want that crowd in they better start earlier 

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Thought overall it was a really good show that picked up steam as it went on and the crowd never let up. We’re in the worst timeline though where Saraya and Will Ospreay are the ones to get their flowers and not Pac and Jamie Hayter. I would say I’m baffled they let any of her family near the show until I remembered we had Cash Wheeler who is currently awaiting trial for aggravated assault retain the tag belts earlier in the show.

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Absolutely fantastic. 

A show that I felt showcased AEW and AEW talent brilliantly. 

Pretty much everyone on the show felt like a megastar.

I usually feel like 4 hour shows drag on but for me that flowed perfectly and I really didn't feel it was a struggle to watch at any point.

I'm not a huge fan of either in the main event but the entire thing and the two of them was sensational. 

Big shoes to fill next year.


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Cracking show that even Saraya winning couldn't ruin.

The main event was a little over booked for my taste but the crowd ate it up and I can't deny that I srill really enjoyed the match. 

I'm guessing Better Than You Bay Bay Vs. The Kingdom, going forward.

Women's match was decent. Saraya can fuck off, hopefully a short run with the title.

So Mercedes Mone is clearly coming in by the look of it. I'm fine with that. 

Jericho Vs. Osprey was fine but another case of Jericho looking his age with some ugly spots.

Stampede was basically just Anarchy In The Arena. Was fun but lacked the magic of the real Stadium Stampede matches and both Eddie and Penta pissing off for a break was really awkward. 

Golden Elite Vs. BCG and Takeshita was decent but I didn't really care. 

Tag Title match was a bit of a disappointment for me. Good effort but I struggled to get into it. 

Coffin match was a blast. 

Punk Vs. Joe was really good and Joe was clearly having the time of his life.

Trios Title match was fun with the correct result. Didn't expect King to eat the pin.

Pre show was fun.

Oh and rumour is Jack Perry tried to give it the big one with Punk and got choked out. If true then maybe that's why Punk and Joe had some extra pep in their step, during their match. 


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Really enjoyable show as expected. Their PPVs usually deliver despite questionable build ups.

Definitely something that I would've enjoyed even more if I'd seen it live. But I must admit there wasn't anything I was desperate to see live so even though I did enjoy the show I didn't come away feeling like it was a must attend or anything.

Seen a few people say it was the best wrestling show they've ever seen. Think that's pushing it a bit. Don't think it was even the best AEW show ever..

But yeah can't blame them for going back next year. Great crowd. Doubt they'll have any issue selling out again.

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I'll probably have to watch it back. I saw the main event from literally the back row and that was ace. Could see really well from even there. My sister had the absolute time of her life. Took a decent pic from right up at the back too.



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Good show, had a good time on my own. Watched every match and it didn't feel like 5 hours.

MJF/Cole Vs Aussie Open was a good formula tag that had the crowd reacting well. Great opener.

Hook/ Perry was good, I didn't expect much but the limo had some real memorable spots and memorable which this show should have.

Punk/Joe was really good, I actually believed Joe could win. Everybody knows those 2 and was a good opener for the main show. Best I've seen Joe in ages.

6 man tag was fun but Ibushi looked a bit off it, the other 5 were cracking though. Had a big feel due to having 4 former world champs in it.

Tag title was one of my faves, I bought into the near falls. Great work by all.

Women's match, it was fine I suppose but it just felt Shida and Baker weren't important and we're there because. Also fuck Saraya and her psycho family.

Stadium stampede gave me a headache, maybe better on TV. Some fun spots but it was tough to follow. Moxley is a mentalist.

Coffin match, these usually suck donkeys but this was great fun and the near closures were great. Sting is awesome.

trios title was a fun breather. crowd loved it 

Main event was awesome, really dragged me in 


Will be back next year


edit forgot Jericho Ospreay, too many big moves near falls that werent believable. 2 3/4 counts after 5 mins. The only pinfall I thought would end it was the final one. What I would call an RPW special. I'm sure plenty loved it, Jericho bothching a few spots didn't fuss me, he'd already botched his Freddie Mercury impression.

anyway home now and bed 

Edited by westlondonmist
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