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AEW London 2023

Hannibal Scorch

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I'm home, and what a weekend it's been. I just geeked around the Transport museum today. Was very amused by the guy selling his vintage, sun faded copy of "Best Of Men Only" alongside his 1970s copy of Bunty annual, and some maps of ancient Mésopotamia. There's a mapatasi joke to be made somewhere, but I'm not the one to make it on this little sleep. I might even forego University Challenge and Only Connect until the morning. I'll watch back after bowls tomorrow night, depending on how early I make it upstairs. 

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Not long home and not got a lot of constructive words in me after an exhausting day travelling. I got lucky, both the Edinburgh flights before and after mine got buried by technology. Hope all the UKFF dawgz got home okay.

I just wanted to say: I had an amazing time! I'm definitely All In 2/3. I was in 226 and loved those seats, I missed quite a few small details (I hope someone assaulted Abrahantes during the Stadium Stampede), but that'll just add more enjoyment into watching it back. The fireworks flying up during Hangman Gape's entrance was the first time I thought "this really is our Wrestlemania" and it was nowhere near the last. I'm shit at taking pictures but I quite like this one...


Seeing Sting again was my main motivation for coming. It's been beautiful and completely surreal watching him wrestling in recent years on TV, seeing him in a packed Wembley? Special.

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7 hours ago, Matthew said:

I noticed Hobbs, and Paquette, as was in 142, overlooking that area. Who else was there?

Paq, Satnam Singh, I think Ogogo was also there. Billington Bulldogs, among others that I didn't recognise. There were probably a number of low ranking celebraties too. 

Edited by BigJag
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Really enjoyed it. Only real issue with it was zero break in the action - AEW could get better on PPV at throwing in a wee interview or something to let things calm down. That was just from TV watching though, it didn’t seem to affect the crowd.

I’m not big on violence like I used to be but the Stadium Stampede was great fun even if it didn’t reach the heights of previous ones. I was almost sick when Moxley had those skewers in his head right enough - not sure how Renee puts up with it.

The main event was brilliant and a proper wow moment when MJF threw his belt at Cole.

Good to see Grado get his flowers, a great pop. Not bad for a guy some said is only known in Scotland. Shame Madonna is an arsehole.

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I think AEW may have cracked how to best pace these big massive shows with All In: first 2/3rds fill with all the biggest, craziest matches then for the final 1/3rd fill it with big character stuff.

It was a truly incredible experience live and I've watched it back and it's a very great show. One of their all-round best I would say and most consistent. Filled with feel-good moments and great action.

My favourite match live and watching back were Stadium Stampede, which may also be my favourite match this year. Perfectly orchestrated chaos. The violence and spots escalated perfectly, there was loads of really great character moments throughout and everyone had big moments to shine. Jon Moxley in particular was superb. Just an absolute unstoppable force, he came across as a genuine maniac. Watching Mox shanking Orange Cassidy in the head with a fork was genuinely shocking, Tony Schiavone with one of the great commentary calls on that of "WHAT IS WRONG WITH JON MOXLEY". A perfect feel good ending of Kingston and Mox wrapped up in blood and barbed-wire and the Best Friends getting a much deserved moment. I hope this leads to a Mox/Cassidy singles feud as there is loads of potential there. Special mention to how all the other wrestlers on the show took a moment to appreciate the enormous crowd except Eddie Kingston who ran straight out like a mad man to kill Claudio Castagnoli.

I think my least favourite match with Punk vs Joe which was really excellent for most of it and Joe was on brilliant all-timer form, then they did a really, really shit Hogan/Cena spot which felt completely out of place and then went right to the finish. Very weird.

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I really liked that outside the stadium among a sea of official merch stands with insanely long queues there was a dodgy knock-off merch stand selling vaguely generic "World of Wrestling" scarfs and t-shirts. I can't imagine they made a single sale all day. 

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2 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I really liked that outside the stadium among a sea of official merch stands with insanely long queues there was a dodgy knock-off merch stand selling vaguely generic "World of Wrestling" scarfs and t-shirts. I can't imagine they made a single sale all day. 

When I left the venue there was a guy selling dodgy shirts that he’d clearly based on official prints. Though, I think his knowledge of what would sell was a little off as he had one All In shirt and a Santana shirt.

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13 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I really liked that outside the stadium among a sea of official merch stands with insanely long queues there was a dodgy knock-off merch stand selling vaguely generic "World of Wrestling" scarfs and t-shirts. I can't imagine they made a single sale all day. 

When I left the stadium he was trying to sell everything for £10 each, don’t think they made a sale all day.

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On merch, it looked like they had a good range?

I’ve covered on here before, but the intense sweats and panic crowds cause me mean those merch queues were no good for me (I also didn’t eat or drink from around 2pm until I got home at midnight 😂).

Had I had free access to a merch stand, I reckon I’d have gone for a Mox shirt. Maybe a Kingston one. And, screw it, throw in an FTR one whilst you’re at it.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Tony Khan comes over as such a humble, great bloke in the post show scrum. All the talent seem to genuinely love working with him and his obvious love for pro wrestling is really infectious. It's easy to hate on him (and obviously some vocal UKFFers love to do exactly that), but IMO (and after a show like All In) it's hard to argue that pro wrestling isn't better for having him:


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