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Do you remember how much better AEW was back in (checks first post in thread) - fuck me, only March, before Punk came back and wasn't constantly derailing their promotion attempts?

Reading the first few pages of this thread is great, because we seem universally to have known we'd end up where we are now.  The only person in the world who didn't see this coming was Khan.

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10 minutes ago, Loki said:

Do you remember how much better AEW was back in (checks first post in thread) - fuck me, only March, before Punk came back and wasn't constantly derailing their promotion attempts?

Reading the first few pages of this thread is great, because we seem universally to have known we'd end up where we are now.  The only person in the world who didn't see this coming was Khan.

Do you remember how much better AEW was back on Saturday?

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7 minutes ago, Version1.0 said:

I'm suprised The Elite didn't all jump ship to WWE. 

Surely Punk is just damaging the product at this point?

If everything as it seems, In WWE if this was Roman Reigns the Bucks would be permanently underneath those Viking oddballs and Kenny would be Eugene’s long lost auntie or some shit.

The last few days have proved that - I feel it necessary to caveat again with ‘if true’ - if CM Punk puts even a little toe out of line, he’ll get the biggest slap of his life. His people leaking an apology to Meltz isn’t a win.

No wonder they re-signed, they’ve potentially got one of wrestling biggest malcontents on a rope, giving him just enough to hang himself

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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4 minutes ago, Version1.0 said:

I'm suprised The Elite didn't all jump ship to WWE. 

Playing the long game. I think everyone can see Punk likely won't still be in AEW in a year to 18 months for one reason or another. Just have to wait out his eventual meltdown/self destruction. 

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12 minutes ago, Version1.0 said:

I'm suprised The Elite didn't all jump ship to WWE. 

Why would they do that when they have a cushy number at AEW? They have Executive titles, pretty much call their own shots, and can do what they like.

WWE would be a much different kettle of fish. There's absolutely no way they get anywhere near as easy a life working for Vince. They'd need to be mad to trade what they have at AEW to join the rank and file at WWE. Especially if their only real reason is because CM Punk is trying to annoy them on Saturday nights.

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32 minutes ago, Version1.0 said:

I'm suprised The Elite didn't all jump ship to WWE. 

In AEW they get paid big money to work once a week (if that) and are guaranteed top stars with creative influence surrounded by all their mates. Kenny Omega gets to wrestle anyone in the world he wants. At WWE the Young Bucks would spend every weekend wrestling Viking Raiders on house shows, Kenny Omega would be wrestling boring dickheads like The Miz, Seth Rollins and Finn Balor over and over and Hangman Page would be on Main Event within weeks.  

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The three-man Elite in the current WWE landscape I think would be more pushed than you give them credit for.  Elite v Judgment Day, Elite v Bloodline - it's all quite factional atm in WWE. 

I would love to see Omega against someone like Randy Orton.  It'd be fascinating to see whether he could adapt to the WWE Main Event style, which I do enjoy when it's done well.

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11 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

In AEW they get paid big money to work once a week (if that) and are guaranteed top stars with creative influence surrounded by all their mates. Kenny Omega gets to wrestle anyone in the world he wants. At WWE the Young Bucks would spend every weekend wrestling Viking Raiders on house shows, Kenny Omega would be wrestling boring dickheads like The Miz, Seth Rollins and Finn Balor over and over and Hangman Page would be on Main Event within weeks.  

While I understand why they stayed in AEW, I can't say I agree with this. WWE would have loved to sign the remaining EVPs, so The Bucks and Omega would have been able to negotiate cushy deals - perhaps even unique deals; with a degree of flexibility. 

If the Elite were pushed as a faction, there are plenty of groups around that they could feud with; but even outside of that, they would all be treated as top acts. We'd almost certainly get Omega/Reigns and Omega/Cody, and then you have other interesting opponents such as Lesnar, Logan Paul and Edge. 

The Bucks would be treated as a top tag team; and to be fair on WWE, their tag titles are probably more important right now than they have been in decades; although that doesn't say much. The pool of genuinely interesting teams is still fairly limited, and it's definitely harder to make a case for The Bucks to jump ship. 

Hangman, on the other hand, would be a big star in WWE. He's one of the best babyface promos on the planet, and he's essentially Cody, but cooler and arguably better in ring. I don't believe for a second he'd be appearing on their B shows. If Hangman had jumped ship, I firmly believe he would end up holding a World title. Aside from the fact he'd be a great "get" for WWE, he's just too damn good to fail. 

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16 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Hangman, on the other hand, would be a big star in WWE. He's one of the best babyface promos on the planet, and he's essentially Cody

How is he "essentially Cody"? Other than both being babyfaces I don't really see any similarities.

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