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I genuinely really feel for him. He was trying his best to be a good guy, do all the right things and this happens.

Probably time to call it in.

Should have got on the gear when he was younger, might have helped.

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10 minutes ago, Statto said:

He should sack off the in ring stuff and transition to commentary. 

But only if he does it like those 2 weeks he did NXT season 3.

I don't see him giving up on in-ring work yet. Can easily seem him become the leader/part of a faction while rehabbing the injury.

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Bad do for Punk that is, feel for him. There's a few things you don't want issue wise if you're a wrestler/combat sportsman or just into gym and physical exercise in general and I'd put rotator cuff issues, tricep/bicep issues and back problems pretty high up on the list. 

Some issues you can use other parts to compensate for and you can sort of get round it but the Tricep plays such a vital part to all movements of the arm that to have such a severe issue with it that needs surgery is an absolute nightmare. 

Hoping he can make as best a recovery possible and going forward use a really good warm up and mobility routine, all these things help, but at the age he's at and the business he makes a living in, it may well never be the same. 

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A crueler person would post that Moxley clip. ”Fragile mind, fragile ego, fragile body.”

Rough news though. You’ve got to feel for him. Non-Cody WWE is infinitely less interesting for him being on the shelf, too.

It’s so depressingly unsurprising though. Always felt like a matter of time. I wrote earlier today in the Rumble thread that he looked injured and I wouldn’t have been shocked if neither he nor Rollins made it to Mania. I had hoped it was just some meta selling, but obviously not. Specifically during that final stretch, where he and Cody tried to do the epic mini-match similar to HBK and Taker in 2007 or Cody and Gunther last year. You could see them trying to reach similar heights but Punk just looked fucked. Really sad. 

You wonder at what point he calls it a day. When is enough enough? If we’re to believe a huge reason for him coming back was that he ran out of money, the merch sales alone in both AEW and WWE must have bolstered his account up. He’s got to have made millions since the First Dance, right?

On the plus side, this does give Stone Cold more time to get ready. I for one never saw the dream match in him vs. Seth, primarily because Seth is so, so shit.

Bayley’s Big Babyface moment to Main Event night 1, I guess? Side ponies all round? Bayley Buddies as big as the outdoor stadium allows? There ain’t no stopping’ us now.

Edited by Supremo
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10 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I guess he can hang out with Cora more now.

I manage to avoid Twitter these days as much as I can but I assume there's already a "he's replacing AJ with her" discourse on there? 

I do feel for Punk, but I did expect this to happen sooner than later. He is someone who has months out of action, through different reasons then trains like a mad man in a short period of time, putting a lot of effort on a fairly broken body and once he starts taking more and more bumps and risks gets injured again.

All in on Gunther to take the title now.

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Proper torn. He was a shit head and put AEW on the downward spiral by being a massive man baby.

BUT COME ON WHO DIDNT WANT HIM TO FINALLY GET HIS WrestleMania main event? If this is the end, that’s a damn shame. But he proved he was fragile. He looked so good in the PC training the other day, I honestly thought he was going to have an injury free run.

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2 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I genuinely really feel for him. He was trying his best to be a good guy, do all the right things and this happens.

Probably time to call it in.

Should have got on the gear when he was younger, might have helped.

the gear could actually make things worse for people training and wrestling.  What tends to happen with people on gear is that strength and performance increases in a muscular sense, whilst tendons and connective tissue lack. The muscle can overtake the tendon so to speak, often you see see pec tears and lots of times it's because the muscles are strong as an ox whilst the tendons are screaming 'fuck this!' 

I reckon lots of injuries with wrestlers can be attributed to the fact that mentally they feel super good because they're bang on the juice and the psychological affect is hitting them, but their body and tendons and tissue has just bailed out on them. 

Also it's only in the last few years that wrestlers have really started to latch onto athlete style training, rather than pure bodybuilding style, lots of barbell compounds and hinge work with things like kettlebells will prepare both muscles and tendons whilst oldschool bodybuilding training is more for aesthetics

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1 minute ago, I Bent My Wookie said:

I manage to avoid Twitter these days as much as I can but I assume there's already a "he's replacing AJ with her" discourse on there? 

Actually I've seen a fair amount of "aww that's so sweet he's like her dad" kinda stuff. But yeah the occasional "whys he being all creepy with young girls" from people who hate him anyway.

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Just now, DavidB6937 said:

Actually I've seen a fair amount of "aww that's so sweet he's like her dad" kinda stuff. But yeah the occasional "whys he being all creepy with young girls" from people who hate him anyway.

I did find the photos and support to be more like a caring older brother sk glad it's not been taking too weirdly by too many.

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Just now, I Bent My Wookie said:

I did find the photos and support to be more like a caring older brother sk glad it's not been taking too weirdly by too many.

They're only taking it werid because they don't like him. If it was someone they liked they'd say it was sweet and wholesome.


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SmackDown need a new announcer, don't they? 

I don't think Punk should jack it in yet. He's clearly beaten up and had some shit luck on top of it. But he really needs to start looking after and preserving his body, because he clearly doesn't have too many more left in him. 

From a storyline perspective, WWE could easily have Cody beat Roman at 'Mania (which they should do anyway), then have Punk come back throwing the whole 'You only won the Rumble because Drew injured me first' thing in his face.

Then Punk goes after Drew for injuring him in the first place and they blow off that feud they were already teasing. Punk can then challenge Cody for the title at the next Rumble or WrestleMania. 

And then pack it in. 

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12 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Bayley’s Big Babyface moment to Main Event night 1, I guess? Side ponies all round? Bayley Buddies as big as the outdoor stadium allows? There ain’t no stopping’ us now.

Imagine this is more likely to open the door to Rhea getting the main event at the biggest show spot she has deserved in this run.

Feel for Punk. Think main eventing Mania was probably all he was back for then he’d have called it quits. Now the guy has to come back even older and slower to try and do it next year.

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