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They’ve either kissed and made up and this is part of the slow build into an Elite vs Collision feud, or that’s one of the most tragic things I’ve ever seen.

If that is genuinely just a needless shot, it’s just pathetic. Grow the fuck up. But, for at least 2 weeks I’m going to believe it’s the former, as that’d be a nicer world to live in.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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3 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

They’ve either kissed and made up and this is part of the slow build into an Elite vs Collision feud, or that’s one of the most tragic things I’ve ever seen.

If that is genuinely just a needless shot, it’s just pathetic. Grow the fuck up.

When he heard Christian say 'Out Work Everyone' Punk wasn't thinking about ring work. He's already on IG playing It's So Easy by Guns 'n' Roses.

It's another needless shot that get's people talking about Punk, which is all he cares about. Being petty and will retcon it as planting seeds if it ever leads to something.

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Vince McMahon is a cunt and all that, but can you imagine him ever trying to placate any of his biggest stars over the years by essentially giving them their own standalone show and roster to pick from?

Its fucking mental and how anyone expects this to end well is beyond me.

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22 minutes ago, Browser Brady said:

It's a reference to the popular Chappelle's Show sketches about Rick James in the 1980's, as told by Eddie Murphy's brother Charlie. 

If you haven't seen them, basically in one of them James (played by Dave Chappelle) shows up to Eddie's house high as a kite and purposefully destroys his new couch with his muddy cowboy boots. 

Bix is just making a (bad) joke about the latest Punk drama and how it is seemingly escalating week after week. 

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I mean, fuck sake. Collision has days left at this rate.

I wonder if this is what Hangman’s ‘Karma is my Kink’ post on Insta Stories was about; “want to fuck about Phil, okay let’s air your dirty laundry you cunt.”

Nothing good can come of this. If it’s not a work he’s just behaving like a prick and makes Collision sound like a fucking horrible place to be unless you’re one of the BOYZ (and just because his version of THEBOIZ is wrapped in left wing politics, it doesn’t mean that’s okay). If it is a work, which I doubt, it’s a sign that this feud would be fucking tedious on television if this is what we’re coming up with.

Fuck me.

CM Punk ruling with an iron fist. That’s not a twist I expected. Especially after watching him in the UFC.

Such a shame.

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This twat needs binning off by Khan. Nobody is worth the headache Punk gives him. I'd tell him to grow up, get a grip or fuck off home. They don't need the teenage bullshit in the back. 

Sounds like his ego is as fragile as his chin. 

Khan risks alienating half the roster keeping him on. Either get him to stop the nonsense or job him out and off TV. If he refuses then do him for breach of contract. 

After wembley obv. 

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