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3 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Maybe I'm alone in feeling this way, but I'm well up for the Jerishow reunion. The last WWE match Wight had, with Drew McIntyre, was pretty good, and unless I'm misremembering, he didn't look terrible in the squash against QT Marshall. I may be proven wrong here, but I'm fully expecting him to 'still have it'. And if he does, Jericho/Wight vs. Starks/Big Bill for the tag belts seems like an obvious route to take. 

I dunno, he looked pretty rough at Wembley when he was on the pre-show (58 minutes in) 


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Paul Wight doing some smoke and mirrors stuff in a multi-man plunder match won't be the worst thing in the world, but it's not a great look for a challenger brand that should be about youth and providing an alternative to WWE, to be as reliant on older talent as they seem to be right now. It risks getting a bit Millionaire's Club when the oldest guy on the Don Callis Family side is 32, whereas the youngest man on the babyface team is 40 year old Kenny Omega - that on the same show where they're setting up a trios match involving two 50 year olds and a 64 year old Sting, and a main event featuring a 60 year old Billy Gunn.

Speaking of the main event, what was the point of weeks of making The Acclaimed look like absolute dweebs and like, despite being Trios Champions, the consolation prize for MJF if he couldn't convince anyone else, just to have them team together without incident anyway? Why is the World Champion dicking about doing so much midcard comedy? It was only when Billy Gunn tagged in that commentary mentioned, for the first time in the weeks building to this match, that he was about to have to fight his own kids - maybe that would have been a better justification for MJF not wanting to team with them, or not being sure he could trust them, than turning one of your champions into a desperate, needy dweeb? 

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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

Paul Wight doing some smoke and mirrors stuff in a multi-man plunder match won't be the worst thing in the world, but it's not a great look for a challenger brand that should be about youth and providing an alternative to WWE, to be as reliant on older talent as they seem to be right now. It risks getting a bit Millionaire's Club when the oldest guy on the Don Callis Family side is 32, whereas the youngest man on the babyface team is 40 year old Kenny Omega - that on the same show where they're setting up a trios match involving two 50 year olds and a 64 year old Sting, and a main event featuring a 60 year old Billy Gunn.

That's a fair point. Admitedly, I have a lot of nostalgia for Big Show - my first experience of watching wrestling was Smackdown in late 2002/early 2003, and he was a pivotal part of that brand. Plus, Wight is so different from most other AEW wrestlers, and even from other WWE wrestlers who crossed over. The idea of him being in the same ring as Kenny Omega still feels really novel to me; particularly given that we don't see Wight much. 

Having said that, AEW certainly felt at its most exciting when it was populated mainly by wrestlers who had either never wrestled for WWE, or had barely wrestled for WWE; but these days it feels like there's a ceiling for people like that; which is a shame. 

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I don't give a fuck about how big is big when it comes to announcements, or the usual Twitter weirdos going on about ticket sales.

The show itself was...fine. I thought last week's was better. They're treading water a little bit now as it's like most of the build for Full Gear is done, and they just need to get there now.

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