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Definitely one of their best weekly shows in recent memory. Won't overanalyse it because it's that crazy week where everyone threw stuff out there so I would've worried if it wasnt a good show. But yeah, really enjoyed Dynamite and NXT this week. Obviously two very different shows but nothing wrong with that.

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On 10/7/2023 at 11:06 PM, The King Of Swing said:

I don't mind silly and if people enjoy it then that's cool, just something about these Strong and tbh even the recent Storm segments, that isn't working for me.

It all feels forced, to me. 

I think it works for Americans due to the novelty of a British / New Zealander says "tits" on TV. 

I'm liking the in ring work though. Great to have a female wrestler with a actual gimmick.



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7 minutes ago, Chris B said:

While I suspect the quarters thing was an MJF idea and there may be some good intentions, that was some seriously poor judgement and timing.

Definitely his idea. He's used it in promos multiple times in the past. Brought it up again in the build to All In that people were fantasy booking the roll of quarters finish for the main event.


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1 minute ago, Infinity Land said:

Definitely his idea. He's used it in promos multiple times in the past. Brought it up again in the build to All In that people were fantasy booking the roll of quarters finish for the main event.


Christ, I like they’ve tied it back to an actual campaign against anti-semitism, but they haven’t half thrown Juice a hospital pass here now. Usually these things are wink wink nudge nudge… the company has just outright said Juice hates Jewish people. Goodness me.

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Yeah, I don't think it was exactly the finest timing and to be honest would it have ever, but I've seen some incredible takes that AEW and whoever actually looked at the world situation and went 'we could get heat from that' and that it was worse than that genuinely mental Muhammad Hassan segment. I think both takes are incorrect but I'm happy to be told I'm wrong. Tribal warfare of good taste in wrestling fans is back guys, it means the products must be alright.

Please more Toni Storm doing vignettes to piss off whoever on here doesn't get the character. Sorry, it's hilarious.



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Yeah, I’m sure there’ll be loads of well actually discourse around the roll of quarters stuff. People will argue that MJF will have signed off on it, Juice has used quarters before and it’s a callback to previous promos MJF has cut, but that’s all beside-the-point bollocks. What a stupid, tone deaf thing to do. It wasn’t as if it even added any heat. It completely sucked the air out of what was until then a great little segment, with an amazing fiery babyface promo from Max. But then it all turned to shit and we were left with that haunting, “oh, they’re actually doing this?” hum of silence from the crowd.

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Timeless Toni Storm is the best wrestling gimmick of the last 20 years. I don't know whose idea it was or if it was a happy accident but she's playing it so well that I'm already sad for the moment they inevitably run it into the ground. Because it's wrestling.

As for the quarters thing, well, if you try and defend that then you're a blinkered mark moron even by the standard of wrestling fans. 

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The quarters thing was just nonsense. This week of all weeks somebody should have put a stop to that no matter what MJF said. It really isn't the place, and you could feel it from the crowd. A shame as MJFs promo was fantastic. It just was not needed.

Overall the show was very good.

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As a huge Edge and Christian fan as a kid, AEW’s recent direction is right in my wheelhouse.

Absolutely loved the cold open with Christian. What a star.

Moving straight into a match that had direct implications for Christian created a nice flow, and Swerve still drips star power.

That Zach Sabre Jr match has clearly given Danielson the horn, as he’s back on his #graps bullshit. Good match though, and probably the least anyone has had to get concussed for a ‘this is awesome’ chant in a while too. Those fans were ready to go after a bit of chain and some roll-ups. Love to see it.

Swerve and Nana are such a good act. Danielson is the best. They really had me with some of those nearfalls. It had the best possible ending, kept Swerve strong and delighted to see they haven’t just abandoned Page/Swerve as I’m more than up for seeing more of them. Danielson/Cage on Saturday? FUCK YES. Let’s go.

Samoa Joe is like the king of England, if the King of England carried around a Sainsbury’s bag with an egg sandwich and some crisps in it in case he got peckish. For fuck sake, get that ROH TV title off him. He’s better than that. If he’s hungry, he can afford to eat well.

I hadn’t heard the phrase ‘kinesio tape’ before a month ago. At least three times a week now.

The Hobbs long-squash was really odd. He looks great, but no one really seemed to care and were instead focusing on Don Callis. If you’re going to squash someone, I think it needs to be quicker than that too. It was like Jericho agree to get battered, but only if it went excruciatingly long enough so people question whether Hobbs would have even had a chance without the injury.

I also don’t know how great it is having two tentpole acts being surprisingly made easy work of within a few days of each other. I know Jericho likes to copy people’s homework, but I just don’t know this really worked on any level. It’s the first time I’ve seen a squash like this where it went so long, and the winners offence somehow came out looking weaker as it took 27 spinebusters and 7 powerslams.

The most over of the people out there at the start seemed to be Callis, and that didn’t change by the end of it. It should have just been shocking spinebuster, big slam and out.

I’m not sure why Adam Cole is putting up with this shit from Roddy. It’s not doing him many favours. Are they flirting with some sort of Misery-style angle?

Wardlow used to be so cool. I don’t like big sulky, stompy Wardlow. He looks like he works on a building site and his missus has left him for someone with smaller biceps. At least it was a proper squash I guess. Get this man a pony tail and a suit pronto.

I enjoyed Jay White/Adam Page a lot. It brings joy to my heart to see Page back in the mixer with stuff that really matters. Gunn Club are great and seeing them in amongst the Wednesday big boys is superb. This was another section - like the Cage, Danielson, Swerve intro - which was AEW at its best, with everything segueing into each other nicely.

You can draw dotted lines between Adam Cole, MJF, Jay White, Adam Page, Strickland, Danielson, Christian Cage, Adam Copeland right now and it’s great. It feels like a real, over main event scene is developing in front of our eyes - with two titles, in the World and TNT titles to sustain it. Love to see it. My one criticism of AEW for years has been their lack of commitment to a proper main event scene, where you knew who the big names were and they predominantly only concerned themselves with other big names. Still plenty of space for Mox and Kenny, too.

But, yeah, good match. I thought Swerve and Danielson was a bit better, but enjoyed both. Obviously the ending was sort of telegraphed but I didn’t mind as I enjoyed seeing those inter-connections between the various angles, and I like seeing AEW take the easy shots at times and just tell good, simple stories well.

Jay White has a serious issue with thick white spit after a while in matches. Got to sort it out; it’s a visual business, brother.

The revolving door saw Nana leave and MJF enter. He’s still great, and nice seeing him in serious mode but… yeah, they fucked the dog on this one. Killed their own segment with the roll of quarters shit. Tone deaf, stupid, idiotic. And, in trying to rescue it by having MJF directly reach out to an anti-semitism charity, they’ve lobbed Juice right under the bus. An absolutely fucking stupid idea. Tony should have got off his twitter account yesterday and checked the script a few times. Rubbish. Everyone should have known better. Fuck sake Juice.

Back to Christian to bring the show home. What a guy. Wrestler of the year. I loved him bodying Judgment Day. Get into ‘em Christian. I love that they’re presenting Christian and Edge as equals. It’s properly thrilling, and with them being besties it allows Christian to really push it.

It’s funny that Edge and Dino dickhead are pretty much the same size. I’d rather they didn’t go straight to working Edge’s neck, but there we are. Good finish to the show.

It was a good episode of TV, with some low points. I love how interconnected all the good stuff felt.

Christian vs MJF. World Title. Wembley 2024. Book it, Tony.









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