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Previous Tony Khan announcements have been:

- buying ROH.

- announcing Forbidden Door.

- announcing Collision.

- announcing All In at Wembley Stadium.

So on previous form this could be pretty major. Or it could be some shameless promoter bullshit looking for a ratings pop. 


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8 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Previous Tony Khan announcements have been:

- buying ROH.

- announcing Forbidden Door.

- announcing Collision.

- announcing All In at Wembley Stadium.

So on previous form this could be pretty major. Or it could be some shameless promoter bullshit looking for a ratings pop. 


Previous announcements have also been that AEW All Access show and once a total lack of (a previously promoted) announcement. So it’s probably best to temper expectations.


Someone summed Khan up perfectly, his announcements are meetings that could’ve been emails.

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Willow vs SHIDA for the title announced for tonight. 

You'll be hard pressed to find a bigger Willow fan than me. She's fantastic and should be pushed to the moon. However the sheer fucking laziness of the booking of this match annoys me too much to be excited about it. Willow literally lost a number one contenders match less than a week ago!

Bring back the rankings.

EDIT: on the opposite end of the spectrum, how great is this? Absolutely brilliant stuff and I can't wait. How can the same company be so great and so frustrating at once?


Edited by LaGoosh
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6 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Willow vs SHIDA for the title announced for tonight. 

You'll be hard pressed to find a bigger Willow fan than me. She's fantastic and should be pushed to the moon. However the sheer fucking laziness of the booking of this match annoys me too much to be excited about it. Willow literally lost a number one contenders match less than a week ago!

That’s so disappointing. There’s such a great story to be told through Willow going for the title, but just throwing that match out there like that speaks volumes for how Tony Khan views that division. I absolutely believe that Willow could be a main event level wrestler for AEW or WWE; Shida too for that matter. It’s a shame that this particular match has been treated as a throwaway.

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The actual state of this poor man’s legs. Like a mate trying to convince the bouncer he’s not drunk. The man is teetering. God bless everyone trying to sell him as threat, but the man’s unable to even stand straight, never mind wrestle a match! I can only assume he’s going to make his way to and from the ring for that Street Fight using the Royal Rumble Cart from years back.


Genuinely could figure out how or why they even pitched him as a partner, other than the fever dream madness of Big Show teaming with Kota Ibushi. But then it came to me. Stick him on the apron. Let him tag in at the very end. Have Powerhouse Hobbs immediately hit the spinebuster and have the ring explode like with Brock and Mark Henry. About fucking time someone did that spot again. Always love it.

Edited by Supremo
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Overall it was a 7/10 show. Treading water on the road to Full Gear which is still looking on paper as another banger of a show.

Twitter on full meltdown over TK’s important announcement being the on sale date for All In 2024 tickets going on sale and not whatever fantasy announcement they’d booked in their heads.

An announcement that could have been an email? No because no wrestling company ever only announces their big events and ticket information just in a tweet or email. None of them. Because TV is their biggest audience. But on sale just before Christmas means it’s either heating or Wembley in August in the Scorch household. Good job we’ve got those blanket hoody things I guess.

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1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Twitter on full meltdown over TK’s important announcement being the on sale date for All In 2024 tickets going on sale and not whatever fantasy announcement they’d booked in their heads.

An announcement that could have been an email? No because no wrestling company ever only announces their big events and ticket information just in a tweet or email. None of them. Because TV is their biggest audience. But on sale just before Christmas means it’s either heating or Wembley in August in the Scorch household. Good job we’ve got those blanket hoody things I guess.

Whilst I agree advertising on TV obviously reaches the biggest audience 

When has any Company in history had the announcement of the tickets on sale date be a previously announced Important announcement? 

Whenever WWE announce tickets (it's 99/100 been announced on Twitter beforehand anyway) they will just Pan to Michael Cole who will give the hyped up announcement for the ticket on sale date

Im happy to be proven wrong but they've never done a "we have an announcement on the upcoming show" tease and have that be just a ticket on sale date which is still just under 2 months away anyway

I think its fair people should be letdown over it when is it really that important?

It Could have easily just been announced on twitter and a graphic showing it over the next 2 months on each show would have done the same job

And don't forget what makes it worse for the US viewers which might actually the biggest bone of contention for them is the announcement is for tickets to a show in another Country which 99.9% of the audience won't be attending and the ones that are attending are asleep in bed and will get wind of the announcement before they've even seen dynamite anyway.

I'm sorry but announcing a ticket date 2 months away for a show in a completely different country and continent is NOT an important announcement that needed pre advertising however you want to string it

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3 hours ago, MVP RULZ said:

I'm sorry but announcing a ticket date 2 months away for a show in a completely different country and continent is NOT an important announcement that needed pre advertising however you want to string it

No need to be sorry. Literally everyone agrees with you.

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5 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Twitter on full meltdown over TK’s important announcement being the on sale date for All In 2024 tickets going on sale and not whatever fantasy announcement they’d booked in their heads.

An announcement that could have been an email? No because no wrestling company ever only announces their big events and ticket information just in a tweet or email. None of them. Because TV is their biggest audience. But on sale just before Christmas means it’s either heating or Wembley in August in the Scorch household. Good job we’ve got those blanket hoody things I guess.

They didn’t have to give it the ‘Tony Khan has an important announcement treatment’, though. It’s lessened the impact of future announcements and seemingly created bad will among a portion of his audience. If you want to announce the tickets going on sale, fine - but don’t preview it like that. It if you do, tie it in with something else - announce some sort of ticket giveaway, maybe one person per week who attends an AEW show between now and All In wins an all expenses paid trip to watch the show, or something like that; some sort of golden ticket giveaway. Or maybe you tie it in with another announcement, whatever that may be. Just make something up that sounds big. Unify two titles or something, I don’t know. 

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Yeah I can see why people would be annoyed. It dilutes everything. Gets people doubting and removing that element of trust really. It then becomes an obvious cynical ratings grab. Which I guess everything is really but you know. It's just one of those annoying little things that doesn't feel necessary when they do so much right.

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1 hour ago, LaGoosh said:

No need to be sorry. Literally everyone agrees with you.

Only the type of moron who decided what it was in their head and are annoyed it wasn't that (same with films or TV finales which don't end they way they expected)

1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

They didn’t have to give it the ‘Tony Khan has an important announcement treatment’, though. It’s lessened the impact of future announcements and seemingly created bad will among a portion of his audience. If you want to announce the tickets going on sale, fine - but don’t preview it like that. It if you do, tie it in with something else - announce some sort of ticket giveaway, maybe one person per week who attends an AEW show between now and All In wins an all expenses paid trip to watch the show, or something like that; some sort of golden ticket giveaway. Or maybe you tie it in with another announcement, whatever that may be. Just make something up that sounds big. Unify two titles or something, I don’t know. 

It was an important announcement. Not a big or major one and was advertised as such.

1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

. It then becomes an obvious cynical ratings grab. Which I guess everything is really 


5 hours ago, MVP RULZ said:

Whilst I agree advertising on TV obviously reaches the biggest audience 

When has any Company in history had the announcement of the tickets on sale date be a previously announced Important announcement? 

Whenever WWE announce tickets (it's 99/100 been announced on Twitter beforehand anyway) they will just Pan to Michael Cole who will give the hyped up announcement for the ticket on sale date

WWE don't ever announce there will be an important announcement on Raw/Smackdown for anything. They do announce this stuff on their shows all the time. Regardless if it was announced on social media first (which isn't the norm anyway) on TV they make it sound important. And if they can just announce it on socials, why do they do it on TV as well? Because not everyone follows social media.

5 hours ago, MVP RULZ said:


Im happy to be proven wrong but they've never done a "we have an announcement on the upcoming show" tease and have that be just a ticket on sale date which is still just under 2 months away anyway

I'm sorry but announcing a ticket date 2 months away for a show in a completely different country and continent is NOT an important announcement that needed pre advertising however you want to string it

And don't forget what makes it worse for the US viewers which might actually the biggest bone of contention for them is the announcement is for tickets to a show in another Country which 99.9% of the audience won't be attending and the ones that are attending are asleep in bed and will get wind of the announcement before they've even seen dynamite anyway.

They go on pre sale the 27th November. 4 weeks today. 1st December public. And considering the number of people who did fly in for Wembley from all over the US and Europe, the earlier the better for people to book flights and hotels. The biggest bone of contention point is mute. They are regularly drawing 3-5k for TV tapings. I reckon the amount of US people who travelled wasn't far off that for Wembley, seemed to be a lot of international travellers.

5 hours ago, MVP RULZ said:

It Could have easily just been announced on twitter and a graphic showing it over the next 2 months on each show would have done the same job

No it wouldn't. You make a big deal about it, you hype it up and that is to hype people up to buy tickets. Thats promotion 101 baby!

I hoped it would be the new TV Deal, but that would be a Major Announcement. However, ALL IN is their biggest show, at the biggest venue, and they want to make sure the second is a big success. Of course they want to hype it up. 



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