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15 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

I don't think there's probably many matches in WWE that interest him. I can't really think of any, certainly none that interest me. In AEW he has the freedom to wrestle anyone he wants in whatever way he wants.

There are matches, but none that wouldn't potentially be better if the people involved came to AEW. If he did go to WWE the resulting aneurysm would probably put Jim Cornette in the hospital. 

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4 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Would be pretty cool if Cole did the heel turn eventually rather than MJF. You can tell the crowds love the bloke and he's actually bloody superb. If at some point we get babyface MJF V Heel Punk it could be superb

Not sure why either of them has to turn any time soon. There are a multitude of ways that you can get to MJF vs Punk out of Cole vs MJF, without either Cole or MJF turning.

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Happy for Shida's win. There's plenty of fresh match ups, but not many of them fall into a heel/face dynamic. Curious to see how it pans out. Storm v. Statlander looks good to happen now. Might have to navigate an Outcasts break up first: Saraya/Storm chasing the World title shot for All In leading to say Shida v. Britt v. Saraya v. Storm or facing off against each other.

MJF's segment went as I was expecting. Besties main eventing the biggest show of all time. Cole just signing the contract, Roddy in the back. They've got some elements to play with if they want.

Kenny once again teasing what everyone knows about with the Collision mention.

Edited by Infinity Land
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50 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I don’t even care if RVD can go anymore. I popped big for “Walk.” Never take it for granted that we live in the timeline where Richie Rich is an Observer subscriber. Blessed.

From what I've seen of his recent(ish) indie and Japan stuff, he can still hit his signature spots and moves about far better than someone his age and with the amount of wear and tear on his body should. He clearly looks after himself. 

I'm also chuffed for RVD, even if it is supposedly just a one-shot deal. He's one of my all-time favourites and it'll hopefully give a bit of a rub and help elevate Perry. 

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2 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

There are matches 

Really? I can't think of a single WWE match where Kenny could go full beast mode Kenny Omega. Luckily, we'll never find out if that is the case or not.

I'm not hugely fussed about seeing RVD wrestle but it's always good to see him. There's just something likeable about him. In a list of recent fuck ups by the production crew I think not getting a proper shot of Jack Perry hilariously hiding behind a little girl is the worst fuck up they've done yet. What's going on with them?

There absolutely has to be some kind of Elite/Punk/FTR shenanigans planned for Wembley. Based on the current booking I can't see what else they would do with any of them. No idea where Hangman fits in. The six man here was excellent and genuinely thrilling to see Omega face off with Jarrett - this wrestling company is bonkers and I love it.

MJF/Cole segment was a bit too drawn out but a nice and logical way to set up the match. So much intrigue here! With the Roderick Strong bit they committed the cardinal sin of leaving the camera on him for just a bit too long. If it was 10 seconds of him throwing a fit it would have been very effective, but 30 seconds of him screaming and it became awkward then hilarious.

Takeshita is brilliant, he hits those ropes so hard when he runs they look like he's going to snap them off. 

I'm excited to see another parking lot brawl although it won't be able to top the first one. Claudio isn't much of a brawler or bump taker but Mox is going to go nuts here. Hopefully he doesn't injure himself before Wembley the mad fucker.

SHIDA! This felt like a bit of a reset for the womens division. Much needed and SHIDA has always been a fave of mine.

Swerve is a nasty bastard. Just the right mix of wrestling camp and disturbing violence here. AR Fox is rubbish at talking but as  a second fiddle to Swerve he seems to fit just right. Hoping for Swerve vs Darby in a coffin match at All In with loads of Sting/Mogul Embassy chaos on the side.

Edited by LaGoosh
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@LaGooshLike I said, there are people there he could get decent matches out of, but there's not a single one that wouldn't be better if they happened outside of WWE.

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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

Glad to see Shida as champ but it feels like a reactionary thing that's had no build or booking, I just hope it's the start of something better for the division in the long term.

I assume it's to get to Shida vs. Saraya at All In, though I'm still holding out hope that they're going to run back Emi Sakura vs. Shida there to let Emi play out her Freddie Mercury at Wembley fantasies. 

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9 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

@LaGooshLike I said, there are people there he could get decent matches out of, but there's not a single one that wouldn't be better if they happened outside of WWE.

I don't think I agree with that. Roman Reigns comes to mind as an obvious one, and Omega/Cena is, realistically, something that would only ever happen in WWE. Then there's Omega/Cody; and how surreal it would be to see that match take place in WWE. 

That said, I didn't want Omega to go anywhere. Just because there were a handful of great matches waiting for Omega on the "other side" doesn't mean that I would have been happy to see him shift. There's still so much for him to do in AEW. Omega/MJF, Omega/Danielson II, Omega/Darby, Omega/Cole, Omega/Kingston, Omega/Swerve and, yes, Omega/Punk are all feuds or matches that I want to see take place. 

There are always reasons to feel excited about Omega, no matter where he ended up. 

Edited by RedRooster
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18 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

The biggest match AEW have is babyface Omega vs heel CM Punk.

I wonder if they ever do get there if it would headline a first stadium show in the US for them?

It seems pretty clear (Punk talking about "making towns". "counterfeit Bucks", Kenny mentioning Collision last night) that they *will* get there eventually.

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