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Hopefully FTR drop the tag belts on Saturday as a) they don't really need them, b) Juice and White are heating up big time and need a significant win to put them over the top and c) best friends Cole and MJF vs total dickheads White & Juice will be incredible, Cole/MJF vs FTR is a pretty uninspiring match.

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Kota has been changing up his style and training a bunch of MMA and ground style wrestling when away, he's been very open about being more grounded than ever and even signing on to wrestle for GLEAT who straight up use UWF-i rules in many matches.

It'll be interesting to see him as a pure wrestling monster against the BCC but with the odd bit of insanity.

Edited by Merzbow
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I know whenever Skye Blue has been on TV, my Facebook feed is taken over by wrestling pages properly thirsting after her. I don't even follow any.


Anyway. Not a bad show, I was loving the Cole/MJF stuff. It's not what I'd expect from a world champion storyline, but fuck it. 

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Apparently, Don Callis was attacked by a fan in Mexico following Omega vs Vikingo (which I haven't watched yet - anyone able to let me know if it's worth the download?) who concussed Don's eardrum, ripped his suit, hurt his neck and ankle and busted his mouth. Don is apparently travelling to San Diego for treatment. Posting this in here as I'm wondering if this is likely to mean he won't be available for Wednesday and Blood & Guts?

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3 hours ago, 69MeDon said:

he won't be available for Wednesday and Blood & Guts?

Could end up being a perfect segway for it. Poor guy has a scar on his forehead from Mox attack a couple months back and now this...rough times for Don!

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What a show. MJF is the best.

He's made Adam Cole more interesting than he's ever been, managed to get a body slam, headlock takeover and double clothesline insanely over. His comedy bit is great fun for as long as it lasts ... the conclusion of it being insane heel heat when he turns on Cole, or the option to work as a genuine face.

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Happy Kota Ibushi Day to all who celebrate.

I love that on a show that’s guaranteeing bedlam, with guys likely murdering each other and themselves, filled with blood, weapons and stunts galore, I’m equally as excited for another match, where two lads are gonna hit a Double Clothesline.

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Thought B&G was a really good show but the main event had a lot of issues and didn't live up to expectations.

Jack Perry vs HOOK was ok as a fresh start for both of them. Jack ditching his persona and old music has been a long time coming. Not sure Beethoven is the way to go but it might grow on me as he gets more personality to match it. HOOK losing his undefeated streak hopefully opens up more feuds with him now he can lose in them.

Britt Baker vs whoever was what it was.

Better Than You Bay Bay are really entertaining. Didn't think much of the segment in the chinese restaurant but Adam Cole dancing like a sexual predator had me in stitches and the match was decent too. It's refreshing to see the "rivals team up" gimmick done where they're both shitheads and end up just getting on fine.

Chris Jericho for some reason having his fat fingers in every pie on the show is the worst. No need for him to be involved in so much while doing so little. Definitely don't need him on commentary.

B&G was all over the place and went on way too long. I usually love these types of matches but it never clicked with me. They blew their load with the bed of nails too early and then overused it so it lost all wow factor, and the glass being there for the entire match meant everyone forgot it existed so we had commentary going "OHHH RIGHT ON THE GLASS" as the wrestlers forgot and no-sold it.

Sorry Supremo but I thought Kota Ibushi looked like shit. Is he on steroids? He had that wide and bulky 80s Hogan body with the fat face. He blew a few spots and never did much in the match worth talking about. For some reason kept playing to the crowd after doing moves. It's almost like he got there on the day and wasn't prepared at all.
I'd explained the Golden Lovers thing briefly to my wife and she thought I meant Takeshita, which in her words she "totally got" but then when Ibushi came out she went "oh him? I would understand the other guy but not him".
Didn't think he fit into the match at all and him and Kenny never really had their important moment.
Camera work was all over the place too. Missed big spots and moments left and right. Thought the ending of Pac and Takeshita fucking them off was really creative and well done but the match overall just dragged on and on. A rare miss for an AEW hardcore match.

Edited by FelatioLips
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I love opinions as i couldn’t disagree more. I thought Blood and Guts 3 was excellent. Some gruesome spots, some innovative storytelling, everyone getting a chance to shine, a callback for the ending from Mox (after he got choked out by Hangman all those months ago) and setting up future stories with PAC and Takeshita. Great stuff.

Those of of us that watch more than one product have been discussing the LA Knight reactions. AEW’s equivalent came from a Tope and a double clothesline. Electric stuff.

Heel Jack Perry worked for me. Hook is the master of the oversell and as much as I like him, that’s one aspect he needs to work on, but I thought it was a good match.

I’ll agree on too much Jericho and I wasn’t blown away by Ibushi, I feel you were a little harsh on him. Excellent Dynamite.

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Thought it was a really good show, except for my usual complaint about the use of the women's division (Britt in a random squash like it was an episode of Dark. Stat standing there while Royal Rampage and an International title match is set up).

This should be the end of the BCC as a group. Their hired help betrayed them and they lost to real friends. Danielson posted how he had surgery 2 weeks ago. He'll be out long enough he'll have a clean slate when he returns. Claudio & Wheeler can disappear to ROH/Collision. Mox is Mox and Eddie's there post G1 where they could help turn him face again or feud.

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2 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Thought it was a really good show, except for my usual complaint about the use of the women's division (Britt in a random squash like it was an episode of Dark. Stat standing there while Royal Rampage and an International title match is set up).

This should be the end of the BCC as a group. Their hired help betrayed them and they lost to real friends. Danielson posted how he had surgery 2 weeks ago. He'll be out long enough he'll have a clean slate when he returns. Claudio & Wheeler can disappear to ROH/Collision. Mox is Mox and Eddie's there post G1 where they could help turn him face again or feud.

The road map for BCC is there. 

Claudio turns on Mox, Eddie saves the day for Moxley and you have Eddie and Moxley vs Claudio and Yuta and Bryan Danielson does Bryan Danielson things when he returns. 

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