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Jesus Fucking Christ

Frankie Crisp

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I'm running the risk of sounding holier-than-thou here which isn't my intention, but honestly people, get off Twitter. I fucked it off not long after Elon Musk took over and haven't missed it at all. Not having to engage with the absolute worst people is lovely.

Edited by Lorne Malvo
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4 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:

I'm running the risk of sounding holier-than-thou here which isn't my intention, but honestly people, get off Twitter. I fucked it off not long after Elon Musk took over and haven't missed it at all. Not having to engage with the absolute worst people is lovely.

I get it but I engage with loads of people on there who I really do like and don't know beyond that app. I probably use it more than Facebook, which as an app for any real engagement feels completely bloody dead the last few months. It's not a young persons app anymore.

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Anyone want anything promoting? Shall I link to CUKPWs latest show or something?


You're all right it is an absolute cesspool. There is actually very little on the internet I do enjoy. Reddit is just as shit.

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13 minutes ago, Chili said:

I get it but I engage with loads of people on there who I really do like and don't know beyond that app. I probably use it more than Facebook, which as an app for any real engagement feels completely bloody dead the last few months. It's not a young persons app anymore.

That's fair enough and obviously YMMV. Most of the people I enjoyed following on there I knew from other places so it wasn't too hard a sacrifice to make for me.

I've still got Facebook but only use it for watching videos of dogs and keeping in touch with old mates. Other than that it seems fairly useless as a social media platform now.

I quite like Instagram but hardly used it so deleted it.

I've probably gone from spending 3+ hours on social media everyday to spending about half hour scrolling through Facebook reels while I'm having a shit. More time for watching ROH and reading shite paperback thrillers!

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If it weren't for the fact that I need social media to promote my business and my gigs, I would have fucked it ALL off, and just attached my phone number to FB Messenger or something.

EDIT: It's not just because it's a fucking cesspool in general, but also because of something I've posted about here before: I'm almost certain it's affected my ability to read long-form for long periods of time, due to my brain adapting itself physiologically to consume a constant stream of small snippets of data. This feels like a really shit trade-off, so I'm trying to re-accustomise back to books.

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yeah, it's dreadful and owned by someone who's a net negative for the world, but there are people who I'd completely lose touch with without it, and as I said, I need social media to sell my work and that gets harder and harder the more broken social media gets.

The worst I see on Twitter is when I stupidly read the replies to other people's Tweets. Never read the replies, it's just an exercise in seeking out misery. At least once upon a time you could report the worst of them and think there was at least a chance of something being done about it, but that's not the case any more. 

I like Bluesky, but it's not there yet in terms of reach and user base. Of all the apps that have popped up as potential Twitter-beaters, it's the best one, as it works like Twitter before it got totally broken, with a few extra QOL improvements, and the people I follow seem to make a concerted effort to not make the same mistakes that people on Twitter make of constantly sharing bad takes to dunk on them. A friend of mine likes to say, of people retweeting terrible opinions to make fun of them, "the first three words of 'look at this idiot' are still 'look at this'". 


As a rule, these days if I use Facebook at all it's for posting photos from holidays and things like that and the bare minimum engagement so my family know what I'm up to, Instagram for watching videos of dogs and talking birds, Twitter for wrestling content, shitposting and plugging my work, Bluesky for building a less wrestling-centric feed and posting about other stuff. I have Threads and Mastodon, but generally just post links to my stuff and never look at it - whenever I see anything from Threads, I'm half-convinced it's even worse than Twitter. 

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The best thing I ever did was get off social media. I was never particularly bad for it, but sometimes I’ll write posts on here and delete them because it’s not important enough to say, so I can’t imagine having Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc and posting on them too. 
There are easier ways to keep in touch with people that doesn’t involve any of the above, and there are ways to get news or information without using the above and having to have your opinions shared with other worthless opinions among a sea of vile shit.

The positives of having them are things we did easily without them, and the negatives of them are massively overwhelming and without any hyperbole are one of the main reasons for the horrible way the world is today.

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TikTok is one I've never done, don't get, and think that as a bloke in my late 30s it's absolutely fine and right to not understand it or be on there.

But I've spoken to two people recently who have signed publishing deals which require them to be active on TikTok, because it's that big a deal in driving book sales at the moment. I've resisted the urge to do it myself, but it might be a matter of time.

I think social media can be fine, and even good, but Twitter is irreparably broken. I do find it interesting when people on a site like Bluesky, or Tumblr back when I was on there - sites that don't really have an algorithm, where the only way anything appears on your feed is because you followed someone who is posting or reposting it, complains about the content of that site, or everyone on there being awful; no, it's just the stuff you've chosen to see. But good social media should work that way - between following who I like and blocking who I don't, I should be able to decide what I see, and both Twitter and Facebook are at a point where more than half of what I see isn't from someone I'm following.

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I no longer have a Twitter account. It got hacked and it took two months of people reporting "me" for cryptoscams before they finally responded to my "I have been hacked can you recover my account please?" messages... To tell me I'd been banned for being a scammer. Got to be honest I don't miss it at all although it was useful to keep in touch with some people. I do think that what brought it to the attention of the hackers was that I had recently gone semi-viral. I hadn't even said anything much all I did was post "you can't beat a crowdsurfing wheelchair" to footage from a festival and my phone just went mental with things. Thankfully not a lot of controversy in it but I did have suddenly a lot more reach and responses from something so innocuous. 

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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

The worst I see on Twitter is when I stupidly read the replies to other people's Tweets

This is what has surprised me the most about the one I've had go mad as I rarely read replies.

It was a stupid silly tweet about how the person that released the video of that equestrian woman hitting her horse was a top tier hater to wait until days before the Olympics to do. That's good shithousery IMO.

Obviously people took that as me being happy the horse could've been abused for a further four years instead of the person releasing it straight away. Mad cunts. I don't know why they didn't release the video before now! It's not me that did it!

It also shows how painfully unfunny most people are on there as the replies were atrocious so I limited who could reply after about 2 minutes. 

You're all right. Time to get rid maybe.

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One of the funniest things I ever read on here was someone talking about problems with social media hacking, and how they ended up seeing in their feed a video of a woman being shagged by a horse from a teeth-whitening group they didn't remember ever joining.

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I don't mind Twitter. But then again I don't read replies, I don't look at the For You page, I block accounts and mute words/phrases and I tweet about once every 3 months as I only have about 100 followers so it's just shouting into the void.

I just follow a few accounts that post links to cheap records and trainers, music news, funny videos and Kathy Burke. If there was a way of blocking all talk about football then it would be great.

The one downside I find though which keeps seeping its way onto my feed is Scouse Twitter. Just when you thought Scottish Twitter was no longer funny and had run its course, Scouse Twitter lace up their Nike Air Max 110s.

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17 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

The one downside I find though which keeps seeping its way onto my feed is Scouse Twitter. Just when you thought Scottish Twitter was no longer funny and had run its course, Scouse Twitter lace up their Nike Air Max 110s.

One of the first things I see while having a quick check.


What on earth is this?

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Wool is short for Woolyback. People who live in Merseyside in the towns near Liverpool but are not true scousers. It used to be specifically people from those places who travelled into the city to work, but it’s used more broadly these days to mean people from Widnes/The Wirral etc. whether they work in Liverpool or not. 

Good Wools are people from outside the city who understand and embrace the culture. If they support Liverpool they understand the cultural and historical weight the club holds and its relationship with the city. 

Bad Wools are, as you’d imagine, the opposite. 

It varies a lot how seriously people use it and how upset people are to be called it. Sometimes it has class implications, so people from affluent areas like Formby who claim to be scousers will be called wools disparagingly because they don’t understand the working class/socialist values of true scousers.  It can also just be mild piss taking that doesn’t go as deep as that. 

When I was growing up my family living in Crosby were called plazzy scousers but didn’t ever get called Wools. I think partly because Crosby has borderline “honorary scouser” status in some people’s minds. 

Edited by JLM
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