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Dr. Teeth & The Electric Agony


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So yesterday, I had a dentist appointment for a filling and a crown. 

Quite typically, I appear to be wired differently, because, after four very painful jabs of jollop into my gums, I was still in excruciating pain when he drilled the tooth that needed the filling. To be fair to him, he did ask if he should give me one more jab, but after four of the fuckers, I just wanted to get it done. Think it might have been the adrenaline, both from myself and the extra stuff in the anaesthetic, but I found I was able to take the pain, but Jesus wept - it was one of the most painful experiences of my entire life. Was shaking afterwards, and they had to give me a glucose drink to stop me feeling groggy.

Anyone else had something like this?

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Yeah, I've had something similar with a couple of fillings. Both times the dentist said that legally they couldn't give me any more anaesthetic. Bloody grim, but I'd take it over a toothache any day of the week. 

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I had root canal the other week. I had a filling and root canal booked different weeks. She asked if I wanted to be numbed and I said I’ll try and go without.

I couldn’t work out what she was doing. Or why it really hurt or why at one point there was smoking coming out my mouth, until at the end I asked and she showed me the root canal. I’ve had worse fillings surprisingly 

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Although it's apparently very common, but it's only as an adult that I've started having headaches for a few days after having dental work on done, apparently something to do with the anaesthetic. Still rather that than doing without it though. 

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I haven't been to a dentist in some time, but from the ages of 11 through to probably 22, I was there almost once a week. Very spacky teeth, from a hereditary condition, so ended up having implants, bridgework and all sorts. Even had bone taken from my hip for a bone graft as my bone wasnt thick enough for implants.

I genuinely recall one time one of my dentists actually came to my house because my teeth were proper weird and I was his coursework. My parents were there and he still wore a white coat. 

Yeah, not a huge fan, but I've still not had pain after the jabs like...

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I had a filling once where either the anaesthetic didn't work, or at least only partially worked, and it was agony as he drilled into the tooth. He was a right clumsy fucker though, and would usually end up hurting me one way or another, and so began a long period of time where I just stopped going and would just go into denial if anything seemed amiss.

When drilling out an old filling he slipped and collapsed the side of my tooth "wall", so this had to be filled now as well. He did a shit job of packing it in though and left spikey bits sticking out, so I had to go back and have him sort it out. This involved basically attaching a small grinding disc to a Dremmel and filing these spikey bits down. Except that once he had the spinning disc in my mouth and all revved up, he slipped (which seems to be a common theme) and he sliced across the back of my tongue with it.

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Last time I was at the dentist was to get a tooth out, one of the big gnashers at the back. They asked me if it was a wisdom tooth and I said I don't know, you tell me?
Four injections later and it's finally numb enough to pull but for weeks after I was pulling shards of tooth out of my gum. I'm not one of these people with a fear of the dentist but after my last few times there I'm really not keen.

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I had a tooth removal from a dentist that was so bad, and so painful and any time I reacted to something he would complain to me that it didn't really hurt and I shouldn't complain. Genuinely felt like I was being tortured, and the pain of it didn't go away after a year but I refused to go back as no other NHS dentist was taking new patients so I'd have to see the same one.

Was eventually convinced to shell out for a private dentist instead and the difference was insane. They found that my previous dentist had just given up partway through and left the base & root of the infected tooth in there which is why it still hurt, so I had to have another extraction but they did a lot to make it calmer & nicer, it still wasn't pain free but they reacted to my pain to try and lessen it. 

I'm a tight bastard but now if I can afford it I think I'll always shell out for private dental care.

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I had a dodgy wisdom tooth during the start of the very first lockdown. By far and away the most pain I have ever experienced in my life, and took an age to sort medication because of the state things were in at the time. The memories haunt me. 

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I haven't been to the dentist for years; I assume my teeth are in a reasonably acceptable state now, and I had so much dental work done when I was younger that I basically think I've banked that for a while, in terms of the "going to the dentist twice a year" thing. I fully appreciate that isn't how it works.

I had a tooth taken out with no anesthetic once, when I was a teenager. It was an easy removal, so it wasn't the worst thing in the world, and obviously it hurt like fuck, but I'd had such bad experiences with local anesthetic for previous removals that I insisted on it. I still think the sensation of having the needle driven into your gum for local anaesthetic was more of an unpleasant ordeal than getting the tooth yanked without it. That might have all changed in the intervening years!

I've had fillings, removals, and at least three different types of brace over the years - I have a permanent brace on the back of my teeth now, but I had train tracks before that, and a metal hoop thing behind my top teeth before that. I might be forgetting another one. 

When I was a kid, my teeth just grew wrong and my mouth was "crowded" as a result - bottom front teeth were overlapped, and my canines were a good couple of centimetres higher than my other teeth, up at the top of my gums. So the removals and braces were all to straighten that mess out, as it would have only got worse over time, affected the shape of my face, probably had actual health risks and whatnot.

The last time I saw my last dentist, I hadn't been to him for a check-up in a few years, as I'd been going to an orthodontist at the hospital every couple of months instead. He was amazed at how well everything had worked, and how much better my teeth were looking as a result. He was a Dutch bloke, and when he tried to explain the difference to his assistant, he struggled to find the right words, and settled on, "...have you ever seen the Elephant Man?".

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I must have been rally lucky because i've had four fillings over the last ten years or so and i asked to give it a go without the injection on three of them and it was fine, i was in and out of there in no time and could eat straight away without worrying about chewing my face off and no pain at all. Presumably there weren't too close to the nerve because it was, while not exactly enjoyable perfectly bareable.  The one time the dentist said i wouldn't be able to do it without the anaesthetic i felt loada of pain within seconds and almost passed out, they got the oxygen out and everything. felt like crap for hours after. I might just have a generally bad reaction to local anaesthetic because when i had my vasectomy within a few seconds of the injections going in i felt the most intense pain i've ever felt for about a minute - like someone had got a pair of pliers on  the lads - while the local was doing its job, bloody awful it was, so I might just not get on with the local as a rule. 

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About 10 years ago I had a bottom tooth at the back extracted, and things went spectacularly wrong. The extraction itself went ok, but things got infected and over the course of the next couple of weeks my jaw became more and more swollen I could open my mouth less and less each day despite repeated trips back to the dentist. It even reached the point where I couldn't even eat a cheese sandwich in the conventional way, I had to eat the bread and cheese separately as I coul;dn't open my mouth wide enough to fit the sandwich in. The dentist told me if the swelling got and worse it had the potential to causes me breathing difficulties due to it closing off my windpipe, and to be ready to call 999 as soon as I had any breathing problems at all. I went back to the dentist the next day with a bag packed ready to go to hospital, having decided that if they weren't prepared to send me I'd simply call an ambulance from outside. They agreed it'd be best for me to go to hospital, the cheeky fuckers even tried to make me pay for the taxi! Naturally I wasn't having that.

So I arrive at hospital, and a few minutes after arriving vomit due to the amount of pain I was in (first time I've ever done that). They were going to operate straight away, but some bloody queue jumper turned up who'd cut off several of his finger due to an accident with a saw, so I had to wait until morning. I was supposed to be discharged later the same day, but ended up staying for four days. On the morning of the fourth day, I was woken at 5am by the noise made by the 99 year old man in the bed opposite me being given an enema. That's an experience I never want to have again...

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My wisdom teeth have been an ongoing source of misery because they decided to grow at weird angles and either go sideways into my cheek, or lean forward and push into the tooth in front of them.

While lockdown was in full swing, one of the wisdom teeth that was growing in to the back its neighbour decided to crack, but because I couldn't get to a dentist, all I could do was get pain killers. 
Eventually the pain went away, presumably as the nerve endings at the top died, and I just worked around it. Fast forward to the end of last year and it started hurting again, so I went to see the dentist. She told me that she could either inject something to kill the whole nerve, or just take the tooth out. I figured by now that as half the enamel was missing from the top, the decay must have set in, so I might as well get rid as it's not going to grow back.

In goes the anaesthetic, out come the pliers, and she spends the next five minutes twisting and pulling with all the aplomb of Orin Scrivello, DDS (I swear she had her foot up on the seat at one point for leverage). 

Eventually it comes out, and a) the decay was a tiny sliver, below which the remaining 99% of the tooth was healthy, and b) the roots were fucking massive. I was trying to measure it against the side of my face and the must have been almost touching the bottom of my eye socket.

Once the anaesthetic wore off, I felt like I'd been in a punch up, more from her pulling and wrenching my face about than from the actual hole.

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My back teeth are all the product of the amphetamine dentistry of my youth but I don’t get any bother from them any more. I always did around Rumble time and subsequently had to cancel social plans year upon year. 

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