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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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1 hour ago, Chris B said:

I genuinely liked the point about him doing all the stuff Punk talked about doing.

It was a good point, but one he should have said for when he's actually feuding with CM Punk. Why spaff all your good stuff up the wall for no reason instead of talking about your actual opponent and match?

Textbook Cody. He thinks of good stuff but he just throws it out there with no build or purpose, thus rendering it shite.

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

The conversation about whether or not he looks threatening is a completely different one to whether or not he's out-of-shape. Not every wrestler has to look "threatening", and indeed, most don't. Cole's character isn't that of an ass-kicker, so he doesn't have to look like one. That said, I don't think there's a person on this forum who wouldn't run in the opposite direction if he was coming at you, ready to beat you up. 

In terms of who looks worse? That's entirely subjective, and it's not something I typically notice. But if you're going by size, Darby Allin is far smaller, and he looks pretty generic without the make-up. Jeff Hardy is hardly build like a brick shithouse, and Kevin Owens doesn't look like your stereotypical wrestler; not that he has to. 

Ultimately, the conversation about how Cole looks, as far as I can tell, doesn't appear to exist outside of this forum; and I think that in itself says something. It could be that he looks just fine, or it could be that nobody cares. Whatever the case, it does suggest that it doesn't really matter. 

Try searching for "Adam Cole gym" on twitter

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

The conversation about whether or not he looks threatening is a completely different one to whether or not he's out-of-shape. Not every wrestler has to look "threatening", and indeed, most don't. Cole's character isn't that of an ass-kicker, so he doesn't have to look like one. That said, I don't think there's a person on this forum who wouldn't run in the opposite direction if he was coming at you, ready to beat you up. 

In terms of who looks worse? That's entirely subjective, and it's not something I typically notice. But if you're going by size, Darby Allin is far smaller, and he looks pretty generic without the make-up. Jeff Hardy is hardly build like a brick shithouse, and Kevin Owens doesn't look like your stereotypical wrestler; not that he has to. 

Ultimately, the conversation about how Cole looks, as far as I can tell, doesn't appear to exist outside of this forum; and I think that in itself says something. It could be that he looks just fine, or it could be that nobody cares. Whatever the case, it does suggest that it doesn't really matter. 

Agree with this. I'm not saying he looks great, but why single him out when you've got skinny sex pest Allin running around in hot pants and tights? Or noodle armed Jungle Boy? 

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

But if you're going by size, Darby Allin is far smaller, and he looks pretty generic without the make-up. Jeff Hardy is hardly build like a brick shithouse, and Kevin Owens doesn't look like your stereotypical wrestler; not that he has to. 

I'm not somebody who gets hung up about the way Cole looks but the three you mentioned, none of them wrestle in just a pair of trunks. They hide their less-than-sterotypical-wrestler physiques. Whereas somebody like PAC, who is shorter than Cole and also wrestles in just trunks, doesn't get grief because his body looks good. 

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

That said, I don't think there's a person on this forum who wouldn't run in the opposite direction if he was coming at you, ready to beat you up. 

Speak for yourself, jabroni. Myself, and many other UKFFers, are legit tough guys who would win in a fight against Adam Cole whether we like it or not.

Edited by LaGoosh
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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

The conversation about whether or not he looks threatening is a completely different one to whether or not he's out-of-shape. Not every wrestler has to look "threatening", and indeed, most don't. Cole's character isn't that of an ass-kicker, so he doesn't have to look like one. That said, I don't think there's a person on this forum who wouldn't run in the opposite direction if he was coming at you, ready to beat you up. 

In terms of who looks worse? That's entirely subjective, and it's not something I typically notice. But if you're going by size, Darby Allin is far smaller, and he looks pretty generic without the make-up. Jeff Hardy is hardly build like a brick shithouse, and Kevin Owens doesn't look like your stereotypical wrestler; not that he has to. 

Ultimately, the conversation about how Cole looks, as far as I can tell, doesn't appear to exist outside of this forum; and I think that in itself says something. It could be that he looks just fine, or it could be that nobody cares. Whatever the case, it does suggest that it doesn't really matter. 

I’ve seen lots of people comment on his lack of size in various places. It does exist. Darby combats his lack of size by using all he had in mass as a batting ram. Cole doesn’t wrestle any different for his lack of mass. He’s just small and skinny fat. He runs at me it’s more likely he needs help opening a jar of something than wanting a scrap 

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Didn't it come out on his reality show that Cody focus groups his promos with the boys in the back? Who the hell in the back would have thought this was a good promo for him to cut? 

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Cody's promo wouldn't have been half as bad if the crowd were behind it. But they never are these days. Not with him anyway.

Him turning up just ends up being one of those segments where they try to get themselves over with silly chants and you can hear the unrest and once you've lost an audience like that it's very difficult to get them back.

Watch Punk. Watch Mox. They have everyone hanging off every damn word because what they say matters. There's logical substance to their content. Cody? Fuck knows what he's doing but he's already fighting an extreme uphill battle to win over a bunch of people that no longer give a shit.

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2 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Didn't it come out on his reality show that Cody focus groups his promos with the boys in the back? Who the hell in the back would have thought this was a good promo for him to cut? 

Maybe it was his friend Ricky Starks. His real-life friend. Who for some reason got a mention during the promo. 

1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

Cody's promo wouldn't have been half as bad if the crowd were behind it. But they never are these days. Not with him anyway.

Him turning up just ends up being one of those segments where they try to get themselves over with silly chants and you can hear the unrest and once you've lost an audience like that it's very difficult to get them back.

Watch Punk. Watch Mox. They have everyone hanging off every damn word because what they say matters. There's logical substance to their content. Cody? Fuck knows what he's doing but he's already fighting an extreme uphill battle to win over a bunch of people that no longer give a shit.

It's amazing how far from grace Cody has fell. In AEW's early days, his promos had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand. He had the fire in his words and for a lot of those early days he was the best thing on the show. Unfortunately as AEW has grown, Cody seems to have been left behind. And instead of nailing his colours to the mast one way or the other, he's trying to be clever with his tweener shit that nobody but him is interested in.

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The problem for Cody is that he hasn't moved on from Mission Accomplished. He wanted a revolution he got one. He helped make MJF and Darby TV stars, made the TNT title mean something and introduced another batch of talent through the open challenge. Darby beating him for the belt meant that those indie kids had caught up with him. If not surpassed him.

There's been no progression from him since then. He was Darby's first buddy, then Shaq, then the Factory, as Malakai's first feud he should have been put over strong as his introduction. Except that got muddled and dragged Andrade and PAC in out of nowhere.

This half arsed attempt at a feud with Sammy would have made sense if he turned heel and started bragging about being the corporate champion. We've now been lumped with this quasi/meta out of contract and "i'm never turning heel" shite that Russo would have been writing for WCW 2000.

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I love a bit of mad Cody hate, but even I was laughing and bemused by his promo. It was rather fascinating, like be did a spider diagram, drew a big circle round it with 'epic promo' next to it and winged it from there. Proper madness. I like Cody, but I'm fascinated by what on earth he views his promos in a vacuum. 

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I’m probably over-analysing because I’m find him so terrible, but Cole seems to have been putting in a fair bit of the old “tell don’t show” Michaels-esque wankery in his matches lately, with his “you son of a bitch!” bit this week, and there was something else a couple of weeks ago that was very cringe where he was yelling the story out. 

I’m only able to watch piecemeal because of life constraints, but I haven’t made it through a full show since the Danielson-Page title rematch. This week I gave up during Cody’s turgid rambling. Utter bollocks. 

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