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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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12 hours ago, Supremo said:

You absolutely have to respect Jericho’s 2022 run of exclusively wrestling super workers who’ll make him look great. It’s all about the game and how you play it.

Is this a new thing? He made sure his first match in New Japan in 2018 was with Omega, then got himself booked with Tanahashi and Naito off the back of how good the match was. Guy's brilliant for that kind of thing. Say what you want about him (and I've said lots about his negatives) he usually knows who to hitch his wagon to. Even back in 98 I thought "This lad's brilliant" when his opponents were Misterio, Dean Malenko and Juvi every week, then as soon as he moved up to TV title and had to wrestle lumps like Stevie Ray and Konnan he got stale overnight.

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Jericho may be a general idiot but he's pretty genius when it comes to wrestling. Knows just when to change his act just when he's getting stale, picks his opponents very wisely and surrounds himself with young rising stars to keep himself fresh and relevant.  He recently did a live podcast where he goes through his AEW run and it's a pretty fascinating look into how he see's the business and why he's so successful. Say what you like but he's having a great 2022 and has had a decent amount of very good matches for someone his age.

It's a shame that as he's basically all about himself (he's pretty open about that fact) and books his own storylines, I think if he was ever willing to step out of the spotlight (which I doubt) he'd make a very good booker. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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Just a thought I had. There's too much flippy shit in AEW and now they have a pretty decent number of big lads they need to basically turn the TNT title into the unofficial meaty men slapping meat hoss division:

Wardlow, Samoa Joe, Powerhouse Hobbs, Lance Archer, Miro, W.Morrissey, Luchasaurus, The Butcher, Keith Lee, Brody King, JD Drake, Nick Comoroto...that's a hell of a big nasty bastards division they've got there.

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20 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Just a thought I had. There's too much flippy shit in AEW and now they have a pretty decent number of big lads they need to basically turn the TNT title into the unofficial meaty men slapping meat hoss division:

Wardlow, Samoa Joe, Powerhouse Hobbs, Lance Archer, Miro, W.Morrissey, Luchasaurus, The Butcher, Keith Lee, Brody King, JD Drake, Nick Comoroto...that's a hell of a big nasty bastards division they've got there.

Yep, I am all for a decent run of this... get a big guy established near the top of the card off the back of it.

Changed days that today's headliners in AEW would have been cruisers in the 90s, and the beasts are firmly in the mid card. Not a complaint, just an observation.

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50 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

It's a shame that as he's basically all about himself (he's pretty open about that fact) and books his own storylines, I think if he was ever willing to step out of the spotlight (which I doubt) he'd make a very good booker. 

I agree. Go back at watch the TV from his 1998 mini feud with Goldberg which featured zero matches, no interactions between the two, and got paid off with one spear in the aisle. Jericho basically did it all himself, created an issue people were massively invested in despite the other man literally not being involved at all because he didn’t “do comedy,” to the point that I was desperate to read the results for World War 3 on DDTDigest on the Monday to see if Goldie turned up to batter him, not knowing at the time Bill was having the night off.

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8 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

unofficial meaty men slapping meat hoss division:

Imo this should be the World Championship.  And the TNT should be for flippy guys.  But that’s just me!

I see Paige/Saraya has already got herself in hot water and jeopardised her AEW slot with something she posted on Instagram.  

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11 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

It's a shame that as he's basically all about himself (he's pretty open about that fact) and books his own storylines, I think if he was ever willing to step out of the spotlight (which I doubt) he'd make a very good booker.

I agree. He comes across as a bit of a tool on his podcast, but he’s almost always involved in some of AEW’s strongest content. Khan could do worse than to have him play a greater role in the wider booking process, if he were interested in that.

1 hour ago, Loki said:

I see Paige/Saraya has already got herself in hot water and jeopardised her AEW slot with something she posted on Instagram.

What’s this all about? I can’t see anything about it online, or on social media. 

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