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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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3 minutes ago, Factotum said:

I really enjoyed Dynamite. Not entirely sure what everyone is going on about

I think - and I may be wrong here - it's almost as if we're all capable of independent thought and we all have different opinions on what we watch. Something like that anyway.

Obviously there's stuff like loving a good chippy tea and Kevin Nash that people should be expected to fall in line with, but apart from that it's a pretty free thinking place.

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There's a lot of bad faith criticism of AEW not only on here but on social media platforms. It's not weird WWE stans on here but there are people on UKFF who if Kevin Nash was made world champ and reign for 2 years and the show was 2 hrs of people eating chippy tea then certain people on here would go "that's a bit shit" 

FWIW I thought it was a really great go home show which has been something Tony has been weak at booking go home shows especially in August when he's dealing with transfer windows and the NFL pre-season. 

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I suppose it depends on what you consider to be 'bad faith criticism' really.

Look at this thread:

UKFF fucking LOVED AEW in 2021. LOVED IT. The Dynamite thread was full of passion, enthusiasm and FUCK LOADS of people who had fallen in love with wrestling all over again.

And yet now because some people are criticising it and not enjoying it as much, suddenly they're told that they'd never enjoy anything anyway because it's UKFF and we shit all over everything anyway?


If people want to criticise AEW and they're not enjoying it as much anymore then it's as fucking fair game as anything else. Especially when it's coming from posters who clearly haven't come on here with an anti-AEW agenda, having enjoyed a hell of a lot of it previously.

It's daft to think TK and co are beyond criticism. And the longer AEW exists, the more it opens itself up to the problems that WWE have faced as a long standing company. AEW can't forever be the darling new kid on the block. Once it goes past the understandably fresh matches and debuts and all of that, at some point it has to settle down. And people WANT to enjoy AEW on a regular basis. That much is obvious. No one is hate watching it like a lot of people have been with WWE for however long.

Instead of it just being posters being negative for the sake of it, maybe just maybe some of the AEW product isn't as good as it could be.


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The people on here offering constructive criticism of AEW now are the same ones who were yanking the plank on a weekly basis last year when it was on fire. Only now it's in a bit of a lull and WWE are taking baby steps to being a logical, cohesive weekly episodic again.

It's an interesting time. There's actually plausibility on here now for discussion over which promotion done it best this week. WWE threads were excruciating up until recently because all anyone could contribute - myself included - was "that was a waste of time."

The only person who goes to town on AEW and Khan is Houchen, and he's running a comedy angle and doesn't even watch wrestling anymore. 

I think the dream of a mainstream number two can survive some bad reviews on here. 

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31 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

There's a lot of bad faith criticism of AEW not only on here but on social media platforms. It's not weird WWE stans on here but there are people on UKFF who if Kevin Nash was made world champ and reign for 2 years and the show was 2 hrs of people eating chippy tea then certain people on here would go "that's a bit shit" 

FWIW I thought it was a really great go home show which has been something Tony has been weak at booking go home shows especially in August when he's dealing with transfer windows and the NFL pre-season. 

Stans? I'm not going to take you seriously after using that word.

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28 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

There's a lot of bad faith criticism of AEW not only on here but on social media platforms. It's not weird WWE stans on here but there are people on UKFF who if Kevin Nash was made world champ and reign for 2 years and the show was 2 hrs of people eating chippy tea then certain people on here would go "that's a bit shit" 


I genuinely don't think there's any "bad faith" criticism of AEW on here. What would any of us get out of that? 

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Pretty easy to be critical of AEW this year. Some things have been out of their control, but plenty have been self-inflicted.

Injuries and absences: Punk, Cole, Statlander, Miro, Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy, Santana, Leyla Hirsch, Thunder Rosa

Plenty of those names they've been able to move on from, but others they've been stubborn and stuck to the plan and look to have held off on things. Interim titles when you know someone is going to be gone for more than a month shouldn't be happening.

ROH: Not a problem on the face of it. If WWE can have NXT. NJPW can have Strong. There's a place for a Tony Khan supported ROH out there. It's just they've had no real plan for it. It would have been easy enough to shutter the company from Supercard onwards and come up with an actual business plan. Instead it's been clogging up AEW airtime.

Tournaments: I'm sick of them. Trios, All-Atlantic, The Owen Hart tournaments that draggggggged for months. Face of the Revolution Qualifying matches. I swear if they do another World Title Eliminator heading into Full Gear my head might pop off. Tournaments when self contained can tell a story. Spreading them out on a weekly basis empties out all the interest in them.

Edited by Infinity Land
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2 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Interim titles when you know someone is going to be gone for more than a month shouldn't be happening.

I'm not sure there's much point to having them for shorter runs either - the Sammy Guevara/Cody debacle was a bit of a mess. 

I'd add "Too many titles" to your list. What, for example, has the All-Atlantic title done to enhance AEW television? Same goes for the various ROH titles, and I'd go as far as to say the TBS title doesn't need to exist. Jade Cargill is having a great run with this title, to the point that the main women's title feels really weak in comparison. If she was having this run with the Women's World Title, the belt would feel like a big deal; but there's really no danger of that happening right now. I'm cynical about the value of the trios titles too. 


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It's actually quite interesting looking at that wrestling awards thread. We're less than a year out from that.

Look at where Britt Baker is now.

The joy on Hangman's face there. I miss that.

Punk's debut and first promo vs what we've been getting the last couple of weeks.

The main constant (mostly) is Bryan still going out there and having a damn blast with absolutely anyone he's in the ring with.

As we've said, there's been a bunch of uncontrollable stuff going on this year, but there's definitely a fair amount of people that you could say have fallen position wise for sure, or at least that people aren't as interested in anymore.


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4 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

I think - and I may be wrong here - it's almost as if we're all capable of independent thought and we all have different opinions on what we watch. Something like that anyway.

You basically just proved my point. I said I don't know what everyone was going on about, not that they were wrong

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2 minutes ago, Factotum said:

You basically just proved my point. I said I don't know what everyone was going on about, not that they were wrong

If someone said to me "I don't know what you're going on about" that would generally suggest to me that they consider what I'm saying to be wrong. If that's not what you were saying then apologies.

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Tony, please stop giving Excalibur 60 seconds to read a script as long as War & Peace.

Can you imagine what they could’ve put together if they just announced Punk v Mox for the PPV 2 weeks ago and focused on the Unification aspect of things rather than semi-Shoot nonsense and bullshit “I don’t know if I have what it takes anymore”. The crowd weren’t buying that for a second.

I’m assuming the fan that Punk took offence to said something out of turn, but I don’t think the mics picked it up.

The Main Event was what it was, which isn’t my cup of tea. Well performed and everything, but the rules getting completely thrown out of the window part way through just so that everyone can get their shit in just doesn’t do it for me. I’m sure the final will have a bit more story to proceedings, even it does have to involve that little twerp Jon Silver

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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