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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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If Omega’s ready he’d have to face Okada surely.

I’d Love Danielson/ZSJ and Moxley/Ospreay as the other big matches, 

Punk/Okada could happen later down the line if Omega is indeed ready, I’m sure they’ll have other shows in the pipeline as this would no doubt go over quite well. 

Fuck it throw Darby Allin in BOSJ in June too.

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That was a fun show, although I'll happily go through life without ever watching anything else involving Andrade, his stable or The Hardys again. Darby Allin is also feeling a bit stale, I think they'd actually benefit from giving most of the wrestlers involved in this an extended break from the company to make people miss them, and, in Andrade's case, a repackaging once it's all said and done. 

The House of Black can fuck off too, Malaki Black works much better as a solo act. 

It was nice to see Hook on Dynamite, although I think, in hindsight, it was a mistake not to capitalise on the guy more when he was red hot. He's still popular, but he's definitely cooled off. 

The Sammy/Tay/Men of The Year segment was both compelling and a mess...I think Sammy and Tay might benefit from having a manager. They're not terrible on the mic, but they're also not particularly good, not yet, anyway. 

Punk/Rhodes was great. I'm definitely in favour of Rhodes getting used more. He rarely disappoints in ring, and he's still a very compelling character. It was interesting, and a little unexpected, to see the fans side with Page during the post-match confrontation. Regardless, Punk continues to be the best thing in the company for me. 

The sudden announcement of Dax Harwood vs Cash Wheeler was a bit odd. I'm definitely interested, but it deserved more than the fleeting mention it received. 

The Wardlow/MJF feud is a lot of fun, but I'm more intrigued by what both men do next. Wardlow in a post-MJF world is definitely interesting, but I'm even more interested in the idea of MJF challenging for - and winning - the title. 

I'd really like ReDragon to go away. They're incredibly grating. That said, I was fine with Jungle Boy losing that match, particularly if it's some form of progress in the Christian Cage/Jungle Boy storyline. They've held off on it a little bit too long, but I'm still interested in a Christian/JB feud. 

Jade Cargill continues to be a highlight of each show. Her mic skills have come on leaps and bounds, and she feels like a big star. I've no idea what they have planned for Thunder Rosa at the PPV, but for me, she feels secondary to what they're doing with Jade. 

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Looking forward to Bret coming out next week, forcing Dax and Cash to reconcile after their match gets too heated.

I haven’t watched New Japan in forever. Is Kota Ibushi healthy? I’d love them to do Ibushi vs. Omega, although after last night’s promo I suspect it’s Omega vs. White.

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30 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Enjoyable enough show. Glad they're going Hangman/Punk. Would love Punk to start teasing the heel bits of him

I'm surprised I'm saying this, but I really hope they don't. Punk's a phenomenal heel, but I don't think I'm ready to see his babyface run end any time soon. He's been outstanding as a face, and I want to see him challenge for - and perhaps win - the belt from MJF as a babyface in the not-too-distant future. 

46 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Looking forward to Bret coming out next week, forcing Dax and Cash to reconcile after their match gets too heated.

I hadn't considered that, but this is a great shout; and would explain why they're doing this in the first place. 

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39 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I'm surprised I'm saying this, but I really hope they don't. Punk's a phenomenal heel, but I don't think I'm ready to see his babyface run end any time soon. He's been outstanding as a face, and I want to see him challenge for - and perhaps win - the belt from MJF as a babyface in the not-too-distant future. 

Oh I don't mean he fully turns, I just mean little bits start emerging. Some lines here and there, some actions that hint at it. I think he will win the belt off of Hangman eventually and Punk is doing his Bret tribute act at the moment so can see him leaning into that. Looking forward to it as a feud

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Forbidden Door is naff even in context, but out of context one of the worst names ever for a show surely. It's like one of the early In Your House secondary titles they didn't bother putting on any of the promo material. 

They have a great opportunity for October, though!


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Bit of a flat show this week. The stuff with strong storyline behind it (Punk/Hangman, BCC, MJF/WARDLOW, Kingston/Jericho) really pops. Everything else is good but just feels kind of...there. It's always been a bit of a problem with Khan's booking. For example, Andrade vs Allin should have felt huge but this long feud hasn't really been based on anything other than Andrade thinking Darby was a little kid. Needs to put some more effort into this stuff. Also the commentary and production still needs tightening up. 

Overall though still a fun time. New Jack/Sting is the best.

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Was I seeing things that weren’t there or  was Punk already acting a bit more heelish last night? Although it was hugs and kisses after the finish he felt a lot more vicious and definitely gave the crowd a couple of glares when they chanted for Dustin. Punk vs. Okada feels likely with it being in Chicago. Probably both World Champions by then, too.

Their hit ratio with Wardlow remains at 100% He looked fucking boss calmly coming in and leaving in handcuffs, surrounded by security. I cannot wait for him to get his hands on MJF. 

For an act that needs definitely needs further explanation, Danhausen got quite the reaction poking Hook’s chest, didn’t he? I love it.

But yeah. Sting is wrestler of the year. Sting disguised as Sting works every single time.

Edited by Supremo
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10 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

. Also the commentary and production still needs tightening up. 

Overall though still a fun time. New Jack/Sting is the best.

Does it tho? Isn’t that it isn’t silky smooth one of the things that makes it feel more natural than wwe does, and gives it it’s own feel? 

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