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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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I suppose the weird thing is I don't really have any desire to see them wrestle or anything. I enjoy the gimmick stuff and the characters but it's not something I think will translate well beyond that. I guess we'll see. But I suppose all gimmicks should make you want to see them in a match or else it's pretty pointless.. 

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11 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

I suppose the weird thing is I don't really have any desire to see them wrestle or anything. I enjoy the gimmick stuff and the characters but it's not something I think will translate well beyond that. I guess we'll see. But I suppose all gimmicks should make you want to see them in a match or else it's pretty pointless.. 

That’s a fair point, and I actually feel the same way - although that’s really down to the fact I expect spooky nonsense to taint their matches, much as has happened with Wyatt in the past. I don’t want them to take the step that could spoil things; but it has to happen at some point. 

On the other hand, Dallas is a better in ring performer than Wyatt; so that might mean they’re less likely to resort to stupid, since there isn’t a clear deficiency to hide once the bell rings.

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I know there are people on here who really like Damien Priest, so I will ask the question: Does anyone really buy him as a main event babyface? I get the feeling they’ve been trying to push this ever since he won the title at Mania, but this Gunther versus Priest match just feels like midcard fodder. 

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Not sure I'd buy him either way, but having that belt doesn't help. It's the definition of the "Belt makes the guy" argument. It's essentially a big giant arrow that says "THIS ISN'T THE ACTUAL MAIN EVENTER" 

Proper Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler era world heavyweight title. 

It doesn't have to be that way, either. Maybe I'm in the minority but when Triple H had the big gold belt and JBL had the WWE title they both pretty much felt on par. Big, main event titles where it'd feel significant if one changed hands. Whatever one was not the WWE title always suffered the laws of diminishing returns though which I think is what's ruined it more than anything. You just know you're 1-2 years away from another re-unification, split etc. 


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1 minute ago, The Gaffer said:

Not sure I'd buy him either way, but having that belt doesn't help. It's the definition of the "Belt makes the guy" argument. It's essentially a big giant arrow that says "THIS ISN'T THE ACTUAL MAIN EVENTER" 

Proper Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler era world heavyweight title. 

It doesn't have to be that way, either. Maybe I'm in the minority but when Triple H had the big gold belt and JBL had the WWE title they both pretty much felt on par. Big, main event titles where it'd feel significant if one changed hands. Whatever one was not the WWE title always suffered the laws of diminishing returns though which I think is what's ruined it more than anything. You just know you're 1-2 years away from another re-unification, split etc. 


I thought Rollins did a decent job of elevating it by sheer tenure and by being a main eventer with the belt, but if you wanted to use it to make upper midcard guys into main eventers it needed to have some bigger stars have runs with it first to establish the title before it had the prestige to elevate the likes of Priest. If Gunther has it for a year I can see that being the case that it then means something, but it's too soon for it to mean much for Priest. 

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19 minutes ago, The Gaffer said:

It doesn't have to be that way, either. Maybe I'm in the minority but when Triple H had the big gold belt and JBL had the WWE title they both pretty much felt on par. Big, main event titles where it'd feel significant if one changed hands. Whatever one was not the WWE title always suffered the laws of diminishing returns though which I think is what's ruined it more than anything. You just know you're 1-2 years away from another re-unification, split etc.

Agreed. Triple H's belt felt like a big deal because it was the one he wanted, and it was on Raw, so even though it wasn't "THE title" it didn't look out of place when it was the centrepiece of Mania main events. When the WWE title moved onto John Cena AND moved to Raw in short order, it went to hell quickly.

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That Erick Rowan video was heart breaking, just pure emotion pouring out of a guy who has lost two best friends in a short space of time. 

I'm truly rooting for him to be a success now. What a bloke.

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1 hour ago, Nick James said:

That Erick Rowan video was heart breaking, just pure emotion pouring out of a guy who has lost two best friends in a short space of time. 

I'm truly rooting for him to be a success now. What a bloke.

I’ve never understood why people viewed him as the weak link in the Wyatts. He evolved into a good in ring performer, and I find him fun to watch. But yeah, that video was really sad.

It’s another week where I’ve really enjoyed the Wyatt Sicks. Dallas is knocking it out the park, and Rowan gave reason to feel optimistic about at least one more wrestler in that stable. Perhaps I’ll feel differently about the group as time goes on, but right now, I’m finding myself looking forward to their segments each week.

Having them feud with Gable is genius too, he’s really come into his own in recent years, and has become everything I’d hoped he could be as a character.

All in all, this was a great show - I even left it feeling excited about Priest/Gunther! 

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Kinda brilliant that they gave the Creeds momentum and then took it away minutes later by having them leg it at the first sign of smoke. 

If someone is being targeted by a group of oddballs that outnumber and outsize you, plus carry around novelty mallets, its not the smartest decision to join up with a guy with a recent history of using people for his own gain over others. 

At least it'll give them TV time I guess. 

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As a broken clock can be right twice a day, sometimes a moron can make a good point. Today that’s Bully Ray.

On todays Busted Open they talked about how good the video segments have been, especially Rowan’s. But then the disconnect between that and Bo Dallas coming out and the Wyatt Sicks coming out of the entrance way. After obliterating Gorilla just a few weeks ago. It’s not lining up and although it’s a long rant he goes into more detail and it made sense, to me anyway. He raised some valid points which I think they need to be careful of for this to work as a whole.

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6 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

As a broken clock can be right twice a day, sometimes a moron can make a good point. Today that’s Bully Ray.

On todays Busted Open they talked about how good the video segments have been, especially Rowan’s. But then the disconnect between that and Bo Dallas coming out and the Wyatt Sicks coming out of the entrance way. After obliterating Gorilla just a few weeks ago. It’s not lining up and although it’s a long rant he goes into more detail and it made sense, to me anyway. He raised some valid points which I think they need to be careful of for this to work as a whole.

It's often about how much you're willing to accept doesn't make sense. A lot of gimmicks, especially the weirder ones or anti authority etc, still have to play within the realms of the show and the company even though it makes no sense for them to. A lot of the stuff with Taker for example was silly but he still managed to get it over. So I think it'll just depend on if the audience are willing to go along for the ride with this new group or not.

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Re : Dallas and Rowan - it would be the most WWE thing ever to have a group get over by simultaneously playing wacky spooky bollocks characters but also being themselves. Nonsense but nonsense people are happy to buy into.

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39 minutes ago, air_raid said:

Re : Dallas and Rowan - it would be the most WWE thing ever to have a group get over by simultaneously playing wacky spooky bollocks characters but also being themselves. Nonsense but nonsense people are happy to buy into.

That's the right balance, one that Bray was at his best when he got closest to, but that WWE so rarely strike. I don't want them to be magic, or possessed by demons, I want them to be real people who maybe went too far down the rabbit hole of some weird occult shit. That's scary. The moment they're magic, they're a cartoon.

With the Ministry of Darkness era Undertaker, the original idea was that he had gone slightly mad from having played The Undertaker for so long that he started to believe he was that character. Then it's no longer a bloke playing a magical zombie, it's a bloke who thinks he is a magical zombie, or at least some kind of gothic cult leader, and that's scarier, because that person might exist.

I liked the Rowan promo, but I wish they gave it time to breathe. Too much goofy voice effects and filters and cuts to make it spooky, which undermined the real emotions he brought to the promo. And if I'm being really cynical, we just saw an all-timer of genuine emotions being channeled into a promo by Jeff Jarrett, so it has that to compete with. 

They should have saved the voice effects and the spooky filters and cutaways for when Rowan was handed the sheep mask, and played the rest straight.

I also don't like that they're on VHS, it's stupid. It's typical Wyatt grabbing at horror tropes because they look cool, with no thought to how or even whether they fit. Analogue horror is in, so the promos are on VHS. Except they're not shot on tape, they're heavily edited, and somehow there's a way for the hand-delivered VHS tape to be played on WWE's HD TV show. Did Kevin Dunn leave an old VCR in the production truck?

Mostly the problem, as ever with Wyatt stuff, is I don't know how it translates to a wrestling match. 

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