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Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS)

After Persona 5 Royal and Persona 3 Reload, I'd forgotten just how full of shit this game can be.

And it's not even the bosses (took down Minotaur and Medusa despite their reputations with only a few wipes) but the regular encounters that can be absolutely brutal. 

Pretty sure I've wiped in SMTIV more times in 15 hours than I did during my entire playthroughs of P3R and P5R, combined. 

Still having a good time, though. 

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I mean I'll play it and beat it, but "Here it is...but in Unreal Engine!" is starting to reek of fatigue. Feels like an AI's going to be churning these out eventually.

The thing with this one is the existing HD version still looks and plays great. The Subsistence version even introduced a behind the shoulder camera in 2006 that they're calling the 'New' gameplay option in this one!


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The lack of Kojima has me turned off completely, between this and the soulless looking Silent Hill 2 remake from a third rate Euro developer I have less faith in Konami than ever.

The recent rerelease of the MGS HD ports were trash, too and play worse than my 360 and PS3 copies!

Atomfall looks cool though, Fallout/Stalker but in the UK from the Sniper Elite bunch.


Edited by Merzbow
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I have completed the main game of Two Point Campus, and moved on to the DLC - I finished up the space levels last night, and moved on to the first of the ghost-themed DLC.

There's some fun new ideas - the space levels add meteors that can either contain money or give your students illnesses, and the ghost levels add ghost-capturing as one of the Janitors' jobs, and some new features around that, and all have some different ways of managing campus finances - but they're pretty unbalanced; coming after the main game, some of the things you need to do to complete levels are very easy, some are tedious as hell.
The last space level needs 25 A+ students graduating, and I spent more time just sat doing nothing waiting for that number to crawl up each year than I did working on any other part of the level, and then eventually just cheesed it by reducing tuition fees to zero, reducing student numbers for that course, and creating a ton of private tuition rooms and making them and a load of other facilities only usable by the students on that course, because by that point it didn't matter if I lost money, or if other students were failing or unhappy, I could just funnel everything into hitting this one achievement. It didn't really feel like much of a win once I got there.

I've mentioned in movie threads that I'm in a group chat that have been doing weekly bad movie watchalongs that started during lockdown - last week they started a weekly Twilight rewatch, and I have no interest in doing that, so while my other half is watching them, I've been playing Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack The Ripper on my laptop. The Holmes games are janky, badly voice acted, and full of torturous explanations for why solving this particular crime would require you to do a sliding picture puzzle, or any other bit of puzzle game nonsense, but they have a weird charm to them all the same. By incorporating real crimes, though, it adds a whole new layer of bizarreness to it all - I've gone from investigating the murder of Annie Chapman to doing a magnet puzzle to get a fish-hook out of a school desk, connecting pipes together, and helping a pet shop owner find the right book to help a young boy's injured cat. All par for the course in a point-and-click adventure, but when that adventure is in service of an actual unsolved murder spree, it does feel a bit peculiar - in place of a bumbling Inspector Lestrade, you've got your actual Inspector Abberline. You meet four or five actual Ripper suspects within half an hour of starting the game, but they're incidental characters in a slightly naff PC adventure, so you end up doing a fetch quest for Walter Sickert. 

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The demo of Thank Goodness You're Here is on Steam, and when we played it last night we couldn't stop laughing. It's absolutely bonkers British absurdist humour with simple gameplay where you'll want to explore and talk to everyone you see.

It's by the folks that made Untitled Goose Game and they've really came into their own. Can't wait to play the full thing. Here's the trailer in case you missed it months ago when it was announced, and a gameplay video of the demo in case you can't play it yourself.



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10 hours ago, Merzbow said:

The lack of Kojima has me turned off completely, between this and the soulless looking Silent Hill 2 remake from a third rate Euro developer I have less faith in Konami than ever.

The recent rerelease of the MGS HD ports were trash, too and play worse than my 360 and PS3 copies!

Atomfall looks cool though, Fallout/Stalker but in the UK from the Sniper Elite bunch.


Give me more grim UK horror games, I wanna fight robots in The Yorkshire dales. Also love the Wicker Man reference. This looks well good

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Finished Resident Evil 3. Whilst I did enjoy it, it isn’t exactly an epic is it. Only about ten hours to complete the story and I’m not going back to pick up the cheevos. 

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36 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Finished Resident Evil 3. Whilst I did enjoy it, it isn’t exactly an epic is it. Only about ten hours to complete the story and I’m not going back to pick up the cheevos. 

Assuming you mean the remake. 

Not as good as RE2 but I had a lot of fun replaying it. Think my quickest run was under two hours.

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13 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:

Assuming you mean the remake. 

Not as good as RE2 but I had a lot of fun replaying it. Think my quickest run was under two hours.

Yep, that’s the one. It’s on Game Pass so didn’t cost me anything extra! Did the job though, get in, kill the bad guys, get on the helicopter and leave!  It made me want to play the next instalment so job done. 

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Could have went in the electronic music thread as well, but this is great: 

The timing of this was serendipitous because only a week ago I had my yearly remembrance in one of our group chats about how much I love that era of video game advertising that was seemingly aimed at people coming home post-midnight with Malbranque jaw with all their mates. 

This is essentially minutes out from everyone playing Mario and Sonic on the SNES and Megadrive:


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Walking to CEX now to use my voucher to upgrade to Xbox Series X. Any recommendations for old Xbox or 360 games to try seeing is it’s backwards compatible?

Looks like my cleaner is getting a Series S for Christmas! (I don’t have a cleaner) 

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3 minutes ago, Weezenal said:

Walking to CEX now to use my voucher to upgrade to Xbox Series X. Any recommendations for old Xbox or 360 games to try seeing is it’s backwards compatible?

Looks like my cleaner is getting a Series S for Christmas! (I don’t have a cleaner) 

The X does a great job of upscaling most games. Oblivion in particular I thought looked great on it.

I'd highly recommend the original Crackdown if you've never played it. Sort of an ultra stripped down mesh of GTA III and Streets of Rage with platform elements. Looks and plays super crisp still. 

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