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6 hours ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

Finished Spider-Man 2 and I loved it from start to finish. Fantastic story, the combat is as fluid as ever and swinging around the city never got old for me. My only criticism is the face model for Peter Parker. The original was so much better. The new one just looks bland and too young. I wish they had an option to choose. Anyway, my Game Of The Year. 

I’m finding the various sections where you’re not actually Spider-Man a bit frustrating - an unwelcome break from the game I want to play. The matching mini-games, the rhythm action games, the annoying stealth sections where you’re not Spider-Man…I don’t know why they’ve bothered to include any of these. Perhaps I’m in the minority and everyone else loves them, but every time one of these segments crops up, I groan. 

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I thought the stealth sections were much better than in the first game with that same character. One in particular reminded me of The Last Of Us Part 2 when you were hunting down the whistling group. 


I loved the Venom section too. I hope he gets a spin off based on the strength of that. Or even some DLC. Made me think of Hulk games of old. 


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Just completed Dragon Age 2 . 

I'd forgotten how hilariously stupid almost every character is. Seriously, find me a game with bigger collection of idiots.

It's actually endearing. 

Anders nuking The Chantry still gets a good laugh out of me, as does Sabastian trying to give it the big one while running away with his tail between his legs, because of course I totally approve of Anders starting the DA equivalent of WWIII.

Naturally I sided with the Mages, as dumb and weak willed as they in DA2. Seriously fart on a Mage in the game and they'll either drop dead, surrender of resort to blood magic. 

Fenris switching sides TWICE in the final act, depending on how you play it. Fickle, boring bastard.

Some decent DLC. Probably a good challenge if I didn't shit out and drop the difficulty. 

8 magical nukes out of 10.

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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

To be fair everyone not named The Railroad is a shit in Fallout 4, The Minutemen seem good until they nag the hell out of you to defend them so I don't even get that far in their missions for that to happen any more.

"Another settlement needs your help" is in my head, cheers

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Never finished it. I loved all the little side stories and quests and ancillary characters but the main story and core teams of Railroad / BoS / Institute / Minutemen bored me once I'd got to the institute because ultimately I wasn't really routing for anyone of them like I had in NV where I was invested in the characters and outcomes more. The best bit was bumbling about with that detective or piper seeing the world.

I do remember a pirate ship full of robots though, which was fun. 

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14 minutes ago, Tommy! said:

Never finished it. I loved all the little side stories and quests and ancillary characters but the main story and core teams of Railroad / BoS / Institute / Minutemen bored me once I'd got to the institute because ultimately I wasn't really routing for anyone of them like I had in NV where I was invested in the characters and outcomes more. The best bit was bumbling about with that detective or piper seeing the world.

I was exactly the same, as soon as I got there, I stopped playing and never really went back to it. The settlement building side of it wasn't really for me, the constant attacks on the areas you build were a bit tedious and it stopped being fun. I'm also nowhere near creative enough to make these places look good. I felt a little like they included this at the expense of interesting locations to visit; and compared to Fallout 3 and New Vegas, far too many of the locations that had potential (eg the racetrack) were stuffed with raiders who would immediately attack you. There was no scope at all to interact with people - nothing like the Antagoniser in Fallout 3; or the idyllic house in the middle of nowhere in the same game, with a dark secret; or the many interesting places to explore in New Vegas packed with interesting characters and sidequests that built up the world. 

For me, Fallout 4 focused too much on the weakest part of the game - the shooting mechanics - and less on developing an interesting world. I've always contemplated revisiting it to see how much of a difference modding makes, but I've not had time to do that just yet, other than very casually. 

Edited by RedRooster
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My biggest issue with Fallout 4 was the world was just too packed with stuff.  You couldn't move 2 minutes within finding a new place, mission etc.

To me the joy of Fallout is being in a vast empty haunting landscape, seeing a small building in the distance and going "I better check that out".

Fallout 4 lost that feeling. 

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Add to that that most of the places you find are nothing more than copy & pasted feeling camps full of raiders or mutants.

I've got a heel Hulk Hogan run on New Vegas that I haven't finished yet, I added a few Legion mods to make doing that side of the game a little more worthwhile as sadly so much of it was cut when Obsidian were forced to rush the game out.

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