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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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12 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Same reason people still watch Raw and why we all finished Game Of Thrones?

I don’t, and I didn’t :) 

But yeah, a game is something you can finish but if it’s shit you aren’t going to do all the side missions and go for a 100% completion. 

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My biggest issue with Cyberpunk 2077 was that initial videos made it look like you could take the Deus Ex approach, an immersive sim with multiple ways to get through a segment but that was bullshit, it's just dumb first-person GTA with an even more meaningless story.

I probably shouldn't be too surprised, most much lauded Cyberpunk fiction is actually really shallow with very little punk and far too much cyber.

Edited by Merzbow
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No Man's Sky (PS5) 

Just completed my first community expedition which took about 10 hours and was pretty fun. Bit of a shock starting from scratch but quickly got back into things. 

Back to my main save (transferred over from the PS4 version) and I'm setting up a place in my own little slice of the universe in an outlaw system. 

It's the pirate life for me. 

Edited by The King Of Swing
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On 4/13/2022 at 5:11 PM, Merzbow said:

I'd recommend FS-UAE over Win-UAE these days, much more user-friendly and I've never had a game not play. It can use lha WHDLoad files too so no disc swapping!



So I’ve been dabbling with some of this stuff the last few days and sadly my worries about nothing living up were right for the most part.


Classic opening music, those familiar shiny Amiga graphics and a decent premise sadly bogged right down by a poor control scheme. Up to jump, crouch and fire to pick items up but having to move the cursor off the item or you immediately drop it again.

Not awful, you can see the appeal for the time but the fact this came out the same year as Super Castlevania IV, Streets of Rage and Battletoads has you wondering why it handles so deliberately bad.

Turrican II 

Again, fantastic soundtrack and some pretty gorgeous graphics. The water effects on your head impressed me.

Gameplay is pretty fun but having no knockback and a pretty zoomed in screen meant I was constantly dying to enemies that would touch me and stay inside my sprite til my health drained as you don’t have i-frames. Made it as far as the first boss but will definitely try again. Turning into a ball is apparently Space and Down but i’m using a controller and could not work it out at all.


Pretty faithful to the ports i’ve played except yet again having to press up to jump which makes an already tough game much tougher.

Soundtrack is my personal favourite on the console. Absolutely banging. Not bad.

Shadow of the Beast III

Doesn’t look as good as the other two but still fantastic. Soundtrack is impressive and underrated. 
Makes the gameplay easier and gives you a choice of levels but the exploration factor is down and the trial and error softlocks are still front and center. Pound for pound the best of the Beast Trilogy with some decent puzzles and short levels making the trial and error more palateable.

Xenon 2: Megablast

Great theme song that inexplicably plays through the entire level. A shoot em up with dead ends that asks you to fly backwards into  enemies you can’t see off screen. Bizarre. Don’t get the hype.

Sensible World of Soccer 96/97

Obviously a little aged now but still fun to play  and thankfully from a time where licensing was a joke so all the teams I tried were accurate which was nice. Plays well enough now and as someone who grew up with World Cup Italia 90 on the Mega Drive this blows it completely out the water.

Chuck Rock and Zool IPFs won’t work. Chuck Rock has a software error, Zool asks for anti-piracy codes which when entered off a PDF I found also go to a software error.

So I fart on getting WHD versions of them and AGA versions to see the Advanced Graphics but instead get two of the worst games I’ve played. Zool for some reason has no music in-game, I assume to accomodate the stacked and cluttered backgrounds of the AGA version. Chuck Rock has the opposite problem where the theme song (which is ace) plays through the levels making it get really old really fast. Will try the non-AGA versions soon.

The Chaos Engine

Fun little Smash TV/Gauntlet type game with some decent characters and upgrade mechanics. Holds up quite well and one of the better games I’ve played. Again, solid music.

Speedball II Brutal Deluxe

Not bad but would be better as a two player exercise. Even for the time not sure why this got so much praise as it’s all a bit basic.

Parasol Stars

I adored the NES version of this growing up. This one looks and sounds better but is yet again ruined by having to press up to jump making the whole thing a clunky affair.

Still making my way through the library but of the games I’ve played so far I would argue only SWoS, Toki, and Chaos Engine hold up. 
GODS, SOTB3 and Turrican II get honorable mentions. Chuck Rock and Zool are without ratings until I play a normal version, Speedball II and Parasol Stars are OK and Xenon 2 is poor. I couldn’t get Blood Money to load past the title screen but great theme song.

Still to play: Agony, Monkey Island, Blood Money if I can get it to work, Cannon Fodder, Moonstone, Superfrog and whatever else I hear good things about.

So far a mixed bag. Most games have had something that has impressed me but has ultimately been let down by the way it controls so I might move away from Joystick/CD32 control schemes and try using the keyboard.

Edited by FelatioLips
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3 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

If you like Parasol Stars, Rainbow Islands was always highly regarded on the Amiga too (Amiga Power rating it as the best game on the Amiga at one point).  I know it's not reliving them in the most authentic fashion, but have you got an option to remap jump to a joypad button?  Up to jump in the main feels masochistic these days.

I'm sure there is a way but using FS-UAE Launcher is really archaic compared to other emulators. A lot of functions aren't explained well and mapping the controllers is a bit of a nightmare because it does it all in reverse so it shows you a PS3 controller and what buttons are mapped to it, rather than an Amiga controller and what buttons you've mapped them to. 
Based on mapping I've tried to far, mapping up to a button will unmap it from up itself meaning things like climbing ladders will be a disaster.

I've played Rainbow Islands before but will try the Amiga version! 

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After a bit of tweaking i’ve got the CD32 expansion working.

The Killing Gameshow is decent. A better version of GODS. Up is still jump but it handles very smoothly. 
Has a pretty unique wrapping level layout that has you picking up different shaped keys and puzzle/platforming around with responsive shooting mechanics.

Got the CD32 version of Chaos Engine too with no only better colours but 2 button compatibility making shoot and special weapon two different inputs which makes all the world of difference. CD32 Chaos Engine is easily the best Amiga game i’ve played so far. 

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Got a bit of birthday cash and was eyeing up WWE 2K19 with all the trimmings for £45. I've heard really good things about it since I gave up on the series in 2015, and it's half the price of 2k22 (which I'm not utterly convinced by, especially at that price).

I've been trying to find out when the servers will be going down as it was meant to be in March, and I'd like to load up the game with all my favourite wanky non-WWE wrestlers before everything goes caput, otherwise it's not worth the purchase. Do 2K usually give a decent period of notice before pulling the plug on the community creations?

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Haha, fair point! Well I welcome any reviews from you lot of course. All I'm going by right now is that the game scored higher on Metacritic than any WWE game since 2K14, and is the second highest ranked game on there, right below the new one. Am I being bamboozled and hoodwinked?

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