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Is it a whole new game, or have they just stuck the last 3 games into a new central hub with Lego Star Wars 3? 

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34 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Is it a whole new game, or have they just stuck the last 3 games into a new central hub with Lego Star Wars 3? 

It's a little of both. 'Best of' with a hub and new content. 

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Those bloody dance battles in Yakuza 0. I didn't miss a step and did all the fevers on hard mode on the song and she still manages to score 1000 more points than I did after goodness knows how many attempts. It's ridiculous. Well, that's probably all the Yakuza I'm going to be playing if there's stupid rubberbanding bollocks like that involved. It was fun for the 10 and a half chapters I played through, though. 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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I wish they’d do more to be honest. A ten hour game between 25 hour instalments is perfect. Miles Morales was like a greatest hits of the first game, a tight well told story, not as much fruitless busy work and some interesting combat tweaks. It probably benefits from being played at Christmas though.

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It's a shame they're not putting a multiplayer element in the second one, as some Peter & Miles co-op shenanigans could be fun. 

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Covid allowed me to finally finish FFXIV: Endwalker. I must admit, it was slightly disappointing for me. It had such big shoes to fill after Shadowbringers so I didn’t get my hopes up too high. Some bits were great, others made me want to skip the cutscenes for yawning.

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Mrs Jazzy won the bonus ball in the week and picked me up an XBox voucher. I had a look in the sales ended up buying Gable 2 sain because for some reason my disk version wasn't working, and thought I'd pick Fable 3 up as well because I don't know where my disk is. I've reinstalled the anniversary version of the first Fable as well. Nice little nostalgia run. I'm very much looking forward to trying to get a neutral playthrough of Fable 2 done as it's one of my favourite games, less so Fable 3. I'll have to find a way to be able to pay off the big evil darkness. The DLC quest might not be too bad though. I just remember it being quite egregious and trying to charge players for certain colours of dye for hair, clothes etc. I ended up dressing in "dark grey" instead of black on general principle. 

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I was browsing the lunar new year sale and saw they had 3 separate entries for Red Dead 2? One was for the whole thing, one was for "story mode" and the other was just for Red Dead Online. Have they done this with GTA as well? 

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As I seem to do whenever I am going through a bit of a rough time, I have recently been playing a LOT of games. Brief thoughts below.

Deaths Door (Xbox)

Been considering getting this for a while and then it ended up coming to Game Pass. Ended up playing through the whole game across a handful of nights and really enjoyed it. As with every game coming out now, there is a bit of Dark Souls influence but its really more of a classic Zelda. It follows the traditional pattern of - a bit of exploration, a dungeon, a new item or power up to help you progress, repeat. Definitely feels very Zelda once you get the hook shot.

Metroid Dread (Switch)

I'm a big fan of the series and a huge fan of "Metroidvania" games in general. It did feel strange popping this in and thinking that it was the first truly new 2D Metroid game since Fusion which I bought a GBA to play on release day almost 20 years ago! 

I really loved this. One of the best releases in 2021 I would say. The map design and boss fights are still leagues above the many, many games influenced by Metroid. There is some sort of genius at play when the bosses are brutally tough but you make just enough progress to think "I can get it next time".

The only criticism I have is that some of the E.M.M.I encounters can be frustrating but that could just be because I don't really enjoy stealth.

Eastward (Switch)

Another one I had my eye on for ages. Still in progress but in a nutshell it's beautiful art with a clear influence from both 2D Zelda and Earthbound. Quite a relaxing game to play as its not at all difficult but be warned there is a hell of a lot of dialogue to get through. Thankfully some of its well written and amusing.

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade (PS5)

I had no business buying and playing this considering how much time I put into the PS4 version barely 18 months ago. It somehow lured me back in though. I just really love this one for whatever reason. (nothing to do with Tifa's hilariously enormous tits)

Far Cry 6 (PS5)

Not familiar with the series but picked this up for £25 and gave it a bash. Enjoyed it for a couple of hours then started to feel like I was playing an online FPS against bots and got thoroughly bored. Cant see me going back to this.

Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (Xbox)

This has probably got the worst name of any game I have ever played. I had no fucking idea what any of this meant but apparently its an Anime based on a D and D campaign?

Although this has a terrible name and I know absolutely nothing about the source material, this is very clearly a Castlevania Symphony of the Night tribute and a good one at that. The movement of Deedlit is basically lifted directed from Alucard and some of the music is very Castlevania indeed. The one thing this game does have thats pretty unique for this genre is an Ikaruga influence. You basically have the power of both wind and fire and you cycle between these at any time. You can absorb enemy attacks provided you are in the right form. Similarly some enemies are strong to wind but weak to fire and vice versa. Its quite a nice mechanic.

This is on Game Pass now and I would really recommend a quick playthrough if you like Castlevania games. You could probably get this done and dusted in under 10 hours.

Super Mario 3D Land (Switch)

I bought this when it came out and it just got absorbed into my backlog. I never had a Wii U so this is my first time with the game.

What can I even really say? Its a 3D Mario Game. The odds were that it was going to be absolute magic and....it is! Just a joy from start to finish.


And finally, I have just started on Spiritfarer and also have Pokemon Legends Arceus coming tomorrow. (I have a job, honest!)

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