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2 hours ago, SuperBacon said:




It was Jo Guest or so the popbitch rumour went apparently when they used to use names.


Edit -I think Moores beliefs take him from LAD to evil cunt. He looks further right than your average Tory MP and seemed to be a massive racist, homophobe and sexist dickhead.

Edited by Cousin Jim Bob
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19 hours ago, Ironic Indie Lad said:

I've been playing this on PS5 after it got a pretty enthusiastic response.  I have found it to be very glitchy as well. There has been several times where I finish a fight and for whatever reason it doesn't trigger that I have cleared the area. It leaves me trapped in that part of the map with all the characters just repeating battle dialogue even though absolutely nothing is happening. I've also had quite a few occasions where I've just been trapped in the scenery or fallen through the sky into infinity and had to restart.

Even when it does run well, I don't think its a very good game. There are very long sections where you are just walking slowly listening to dialogue and occasionally pressing square to contribute something to the conversation. The combat is ok but you're pretty much just waiting on various meters to fill up to do special moves, command the rest of the team etc. It's like a much less good version of the FFVII remake combat in some ways.

I cant really understand why it was warmly received. I can only assume people love these characters so really, really wanted to like this game.

Yeah, Ive had to reload checkpoints when its glitched after a battle too. Agree on the long walking bits too, there are way too many which go on for way too long. The whole 'choose between two pieces of dialogue' is way overdone too, and has absolutley no bearing on anything. Maybe Im being dull and not paying enough attention, but the whole story is a confusing mess too. Think it would have served them better to make it a much lighter hearted game, with more emphasis on crazy environments/characters. More places like Knowhere, and way less places like that cave, where it looks straight from an N64 game.

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20 hours ago, Merzbow said:

I'm selfishly pissed off that it's so well received, the better the Marvel shite does the less I expect they'll be put on to making a new Deus Ex, a series that was left without an ending to Adam Jensen's story.

Didn't that last Deus Ex release during that weird time SE expected their games to pull off stupid sales numbers to be considered a success?

Also didn't it turn out that basically half the game was cut/scrapped?

Looking back it's amazing that the game turned out as good as it did.

As for Guardians it looks pretty boring and generic to me, might grab it dirt cheap one day or if it turns up on PS+ or Gamepass. 

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1 minute ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Yeah I remember that. Was dropped following backlash and all round mockery.

Surprised no publishers gave that another go. 

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Yeah Square Enix wanted stupid sales numbers for their western games even though most had a limited appeal, Deus Ex was always highly regarded but it was never a console blockbuster.

I don't think the backlash had much effect, it was pretty much forgotten about after the game came out. The Tomb Raider reboot took maybe had a bit to play there as the team were out on one or more of those, then the Marvel licence...

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Just picked up Demon’s Souls (hope I don’t drop it) for £39 with a digital card. Probably the best deal I’ll get on that for a while seeing as Sekiro has been out ages and still won’t drop to lower than £38.99 when on sale. I’d like to get Dark Souls 2 and 3 done as well but I hear DS2 is an acquired taste and I’m not sure I have the time to grind through a FromSoft game if it’s not top tier.

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If you’re happy to rent games then you should check out boomerang rentals. I pay £14 a month I think and get one game at a time unlimited games a month.

It can take a while for the new games to be in stock to be honest, but I’ve just logged in and I can see that Demon Souls is in stock. I have Deathloop at the moment and I don’t think that’s been out that long either. But you will probably be waiting a few months for the new COD or Battlefield 

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