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I'm playing Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2, a stupidly long name.. on PS Plus and it seems to be pretty well made compared to earlier titles if still not on the level of Sniper Elite. The main thing putting me off though is that it's modern day and it's cliche choice of foreign "baddies". When am I getting a triple A Chinese game where I snipe Americans?!

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Does anyone have any recommendations for good WW2 games? It's not really a setting I've explored too much in games, but I've been watching The World at War recently, so my interest is piqued a bit. I don't really mind what genre of game, although I'd say I'm not really into FPS if they're frantic (I'll always choose stealthier approaches over run-and-gun) and I have literally zero interest in multiplayer. Strategy games or even offbeat things like a Valiant Hearts would be welcome too. Cheers :)

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7 minutes ago, textonly said:

Does anyone have any recommendations for good WW2 games? It's not really a setting I've explored too much in games, but I've been watching The World at War recently, so my interest is piqued a bit. I don't really mind what genre of game, although I'd say I'm not really into FPS if they're frantic (I'll always choose stealthier approaches over run-and-gun) and I have literally zero interest in multiplayer. Strategy games or even offbeat things like a Valiant Hearts would be welcome too. Cheers :)

Sniper Elite...

They're all set in WWII but each one in a different part of the world, lots of slower paced Nazi hunting. 4 and 5 are very solid games, 2 and 3 are fun but you can tell they were on a lower budget and they're janky as hell. You can totally skip 1 as 2 is pretty much a remake of it (and has a modern remaster). I found 5 to be a lot more inspired by Splinter Cell than previous titles, there's far more stealthy traversal over larger maps.

Edited by Merzbow
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9 minutes ago, textonly said:

Does anyone have any recommendations for good WW2 games? It's not really a setting I've explored too much in games, but I've been watching The World at War recently, so my interest is piqued a bit. I don't really mind what genre of game, although I'd say I'm not really into FPS if they're frantic (I'll always choose stealthier approaches over run-and-gun) and I have literally zero interest in multiplayer. Strategy games or even offbeat things like a Valiant Hearts would be welcome too. Cheers :)

Sniper Elite might be just the ticket. You get to kill Nazis and you get ace slomo X-ray shots when you distance shoot them in the balls, head, heart etc. 

But yeah, you shoot Nazis in the balls. 

Edit - Ha! What comrade @Merzbow said! 

Edited by Keith Houchen
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They are old so not sure how they hold up but the brothers in arms games were great IMO, FPS and not stealth but it was more about tight urban warfare ordering a small squad to build you openings with suppression fire or ordering a small flank assault.

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18 hours ago, textonly said:

Does anyone have any recommendations for good WW2 games? It's not really a setting I've explored too much in games, but I've been watching The World at War recently, so my interest is piqued a bit. I don't really mind what genre of game, although I'd say I'm not really into FPS if they're frantic (I'll always choose stealthier approaches over run-and-gun) and I have literally zero interest in multiplayer. Strategy games or even offbeat things like a Valiant Hearts would be welcome too. Cheers :)

I have no idea if there are modern ports but the greatest game of all time aka Medal Of Honour: Frontline is well worth playing.

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18 hours ago, textonly said:

Does anyone have any recommendations for good WW2 games? It's not really a setting I've explored too much in games, but I've been watching The World at War recently, so my interest is piqued a bit. I don't really mind what genre of game, although I'd say I'm not really into FPS if they're frantic (I'll always choose stealthier approaches over run-and-gun) and I have literally zero interest in multiplayer. Strategy games or even offbeat things like a Valiant Hearts would be welcome too. Cheers :)

So this is kind of a post-World War 2, alternate history type thing rather than what you're asking for - but Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The New Colossus are both really good. They're FPS games, but they match the description for the kind of games you like as far as gameplay goes. They're also very story-driven, which I appreciate - and they have a good plot, too. 


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Took me awhile to get around to it but I'm really enjoying Starfield, warts and all. You have to go into something this big knowing that there's going to be a bunch of things in it you'll find weak, but be willing to look pass them. It doesn't help that it takes ages to get going and - in an age where games are often criticised for holding your hand too much - there's a bunch of stuff it should really tell you but doesn't bother. 

For me it's still nowhere near as immersive or compulsive to pour hours into as a more self contained world/map like Elder Scrolls or Fallout but I think - granted the bar is low - it's probably Bethesda's best written game in terms of character dialogue and choices. There's been countless times where I've been shouldering an NPC whose leading me through streets somewhere and they'll throw something into their diatribe to me that's directly playing on something I told them or a way I handled a situation 10-15 minutes prior. 

Granted most of it's just set dressing but it's still something I can lose myself in better than Skyrim's achingly wooden NPCs and Fallout 4's "Are you going to be John Cena or a sarcastic dick?" choices. 

Case in point, I've had Sarah with me as a companion since the start - because I'm lonely and shit - and I didn't even realise initially there was a romancing element to companions. It's never telegraphed or really sold as a feature in any way. But every so often lately she's started opening up to me about her life - really, really slowly - and it's clear we're getting places. But it's extremely slow burn, not at all "Press X to marry", and involves you needing to be empathetic to some quite deep character writing they've done for her that's completely ignorable. 

That's the good shit, right there. The whole reason I'll muck through the dodgier parts of a game like this. 

Oh and Neon's just the best fun to gawp around in. It's a little self contained game in itself. If you're still trying to get stuck into the game and have not visited it yet, just fly there and spend a few hours doing its quests. 

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54 minutes ago, Gay as FOOK said:

Case in point, I've had Sarah with me as a companion since the start - because I'm lonely and shit - and I didn't even realise initially there was a romancing element to companions. It's never telegraphed or really sold as a feature in any way. But every so often lately she's started opening up to me about her life - really, really slowly - and it's clear we're getting places. But it's extremely slow burn, not at all "Press X to marry", and involves you needing to be empathetic to some quite deep character writing they've done for her that's completely ignorable. 

I’ll be interested to see where this heads. 

Playing MLB again, my starting pitcher made it to the majors, well Oakland, and it’s annoying. I’m pitching well with a good ERA and great strikeouts. But the team are shit and I keep recording losses. I’m too good for this team. 

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I fucking hate Sarah, she annoys the shit out of me.  She always wants to "have a chat" in the middle of a fucking stealth mission or whatever, and seems to have a massive bee in her bonnet about not having been able to trip balls with one of the artefacts yet.  I'm definitely dumping her arse as soon as I can.

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Had a go of the demo of Robocop: Rogue City and was surprisingly impressed. A lot of the early gameplay footage made it out to be a brainless shooter but it's actually a brainless shooter with heart. It's essentially a shiny paint job over something you'd play on the PS2 and love. Janky ragdoll arcade shooting with guts and bodies flying everywhere and everything explodes, but then you get some actual thought-out story and character work and dialogue options.

A few characters from the movies appear, including Anne Lewis and the Old Man but unlike Robocop (and because most of them are dead) they aren't voiced by their original actors. The demo section of the story is based around Nuke too so if you're a fan of the films there seems to be plenty of fan service.

It's not going to win any awards but if you want a game where you play as Robocop blowing shit up and handing out parking tickets then this is the game for you.

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