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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

This came out today and could end up being my GOTY, it's the biggest loveletter to Jet Set Radio and legit feels like a true sequel.


I’ve waited 20 years for a sequel, and today I am fulfilled. Only dipped in for an hour today but this weekend is going to be a write off.

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I've been playing the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 DLC, and it might be the best DLC I've ever played. They've essentially released a full game, it's quite impressive. It's not one to play if you've not played the base game (and you may also want to at least familiarise yourself with XC and XC2 first - it acts as a sequel to both) - but if you're a fan of the series you really should get yourself on to this. 

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1 hour ago, Version1.0 said:

Just wish I knew this epic DLC was coming at the end and I would've bought the Season Pass for 3. Also hoping for a stand alone physical release.

I guess it depends on the sales success of Torna (XC2 DLC) as to whether they deem it worthwhile, but they could definitely do this - it more than merits it. It feels a bit mad that it is DLC in the first place and not a full game, given the story it tells and the length of it. 

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40 minutes ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

Do you play as a clueless teen running from Leatherface or as the big man himself chasing them down?

So far I've been having fun as the bad guys. I feel like I'd probably be a bit shit at being a victim and actually escaping but might give it a go next time. I like that there's a variety. Will definitely keep things interesting.

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5 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I've been playing the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 DLC, and it might be the best DLC I've ever played. They've essentially released a full game, it's quite impressive. It's not one to play if you've not played the base game (and you may also want to at least familiarise yourself with XC and XC2 first - it acts as a sequel to both) - but if you're a fan of the series you really should get yourself on to this. 

I've been slowly making my way through XC3 again in preparation before playing the DLC. 

Forgot how ridiculously big the game is. 100 hours in and still have loads to do before I finish the main story.

Rarely boring though. Probably my favourite game on the Switch. 

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That's a good thing, the last thing I want is change in art direction and high res models added to a collection of classic games. MGS1 still looks better than Twin Snakes imo, it's a beautiful use of a very limited 3D system.

Now the slowdown in the Switch ports of 2 and 3 is concerning, non-final build or not.

Edited by Merzbow
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2 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

I've been slowly making my way through XC3 again in preparation before playing the DLC. 

I really wanted to do that! Having a newborn meant that just wasn’t going to happen, and a read of the Wikipedia plot summary had to suffice to get me up-to-speed. 

I’m right with you on it potentially being my favourite Switch game, and I certainly think you’d struggle to find a Nintendo game with a better story. 

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17 hours ago, Merzbow said:

That's a good thing, the last thing I want is change in art direction and high res models added to a collection of classic games. MGS1 still looks better than Twin Snakes imo, it's a beautiful use of a very limited 3D system.

It didn't just look better, it sounded better too. The first Metal Gear Solid had a really bizarre atmosphere that was kind of halfway military realism, halfway mythic fever dream. The PS1's jagged textures and black voids everywhere was part of that, but so was all of that awesome synthesised choir stuff that'd play when you were sneaking around. In Twin Snakes it was reworked to be this itty bitty, anaemic early 2000s electro stuff which was infiltrating (!) everything from sports packages to action movie soundtracks at the time. It was the beginning of scores being afraid to be bombastic, and proper sweeping codas and themes being replaced by incidental bits and pieces. 

Something Halo beautifully missed the memo on, obviously, to one of its greatest strengths! 


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