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Saudi Arabia not allowing anyone into the country from coronavirus infected countries.


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I didn’t enjoy anything about the show really, was pretty shit and there wasn’t a single thing that felt like it was worth watching. If they want Undertaker to walk out and choke slam someone, why does he need to pin them? What is the point of that? Just do it as an angle rather than match. Goldberg shouldn’t be anywhere near wrestling anymore, all he is doing is tarnishing the great return he had a few years back. At least this means Reigns will have a short match at Mania. I know they want Lesnar to look strong going into Mania, but I was exited for the Ricochet match. 
Why have they brought Morrison back? Seems like they literally just got him back so AEW couldn’t have him. 
Genuinely can’t see how anyone in the world could have possibly enjoyed this show. I don’t blame anyone for wanting to cancel the Network after that

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Even if we ignore the fact that anyone using the #cancelwwenetwork hash tag is talking absolute bollocks, and put aside the fact that the last time that trended the Network number actually went up, I just don’t see why last night was the tipping point for so many people.

This is nothing new. If WWE failing to make new stars or putting the old guard over the upstarts is something that truly grinds your gears, then why are you still watching? Why didn’t you throw the towel in when Cena beat the Nexus, or The Rock beat CM Punk, or Goldberg beat Kevin Owens? Why didn’t you jack it in when former NXT champion after former NXT champion moved to Raw and Smackdown and badly floundered and/or feuded with Dolph Ziggler? I get the frustrations, but why was last night any different than every night for about fifteen fucking years? This is what WWE is and things aren’t going to change until Vince dies, if at all.

Maybe it’s Stockholm Syndrome. I don't know. All I know is WWE is much easier to enjoy when you accept all the weird, nutty, backwards, counterproductive quirks. If you can’t find enjoyment in it and truly hate guys from the 90’s coming back for the big shows then I don’t know why you’re watching or how you decide when to arbitrarily throw another tantrum.

Plus, if you only watch WWE because you don’t like New Japan or the Independents, and it’s big-budget, razzmatazz-filled, WWE-style pro-wrestling that you want, then you need to check out TNT on Wednesdays.

I remember a while back when people were talking about wanting AEW to be this mad, sports-based alternative, I described how I just wanted a good version of WWE where new stars come through and everyone isn’t 50-50’d into oblivion. I want the crazy angles, the mad characters and the fun feuds. And since the new year that’s exactly what I’ve got.

If you’re truly sick of new guys being buried~! or whatever and want fresh, exciting characters moving up the ranks, then just watch Dynamite. Darby Allin and Sammy Guevara are far better than The Fiend anyway, and not just because they haven’t been beaten with a wobbly Jackhammer from an ancient-looking Goldberg. It’s because they’re genuinely interesting, vibrant, fun characters that haven’t been boiled down to one-note like Bray has these past six months. People talking about him as some incredible character that’s now wasted can get fucked. What’s he done since moving to Smackdown other than be spooky 101? Plus, Bray Wyatt could only dream of getting some of those genuinely thrilling pops Darby’s got these past few weeks. That visceral reaction he gets gives me more late-90’s vibes than Goldberg or The Undertaker hobbling around in 2020 could ever do.

Edited by Supremo
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3 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

I didn’t enjoy anything about the show really, was pretty shit and there wasn’t a single thing that felt like it was worth watching. If they want Undertaker to walk out and choke slam someone, why does he need to pin them? What is the point of that? Just do it as an angle rather than match. Goldberg shouldn’t be anywhere near wrestling anymore, all he is doing is tarnishing the great return he had a few years back. At least this means Reigns will have a short match at Mania. I know they want Lesnar to look strong going into Mania, but I was exited for the Ricochet match. 
Why have they brought Morrison back? Seems like they literally just got him back so AEW couldn’t have him. 
Genuinely can’t see how anyone in the world could have possibly enjoyed this show. I don’t blame anyone for wanting to cancel the Network after that


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You’d think this show would finally be the last match in the Roman vs Corbin feud. Just like the Rumble. But then I remembered Elimination Chamber is next Sunday and they’ll probably go at it one more time. 

That cage match was the worst of the lot. On the show and in their feud. WWE cage matches just absolutely suck. We got treated to a good one in Cody vs Wardlow only a week ago. This was just plodding shite. 

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38 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Is this the first time a Hall of Famer has held an active title?

Fabulous Moolah, Roddy Piper off the top of my head.  Several more if you count the Hardcore or 24/7 titles.

But, it's most likely the first time a Hall of Famer has one the world heavyweight men's title.  Edge might end up doing it too.

Edited by The Dart
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13 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

I didn’t enjoy anything about the show really, was pretty shit and there wasn’t a single thing that felt like it was worth watching. If they want Undertaker to walk out and choke slam someone, why does he need to pin them? What is the point of that? Just do it as an angle rather than match. Goldberg shouldn’t be anywhere near wrestling anymore, all he is doing is tarnishing the great return he had a few years back. At least this means Reigns will have a short match at Mania. I know they want Lesnar to look strong going into Mania, but I was exited for the Ricochet match. 
Why have they brought Morrison back? Seems like they literally just got him back so AEW couldn’t have him. 
Genuinely can’t see how anyone in the world could have possibly enjoyed this show. I don’t blame anyone for wanting to cancel the Network after that

Why did you watch it, Kat? That's a genuine question. These shows have been dreadful from the start and really don't matter. It's a glorified house show.

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Sorry for the DP. My biggest problem with stuff like this isn't that Goldberg won, I'm all in on Goldberg vs. Reigns, it's the complete lack of story and reason. It would be really fun to explain Goldberg's latest comeback, his motivation, see some training videos, see some warm-up matches, maybe build in the doubts he has from the Undertaker match last year? There's loads to go at. instead he just pops up on one show, they make the match and then hold it on a Saudi Shitshow. That's the disappointment really.

Edited by tiger_rick
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I’d bet there’s a massive crossover between people throwing a hissy fit about Goldberg beating Wyatt and those who threw a similar fit when Goldberg beat Kevin Owens.

Not that any of them would admit it now though, considering Owens and Jericho went on to have a disappointing match at Wrestlemania that made Vince sulk backstage, which Kevin himself described as a, “failure,” whereas Goldberg and Brock had an absolute belter, one of the better Mania matches in recent memory, in about a third of the time Owens and Jericho had.

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The why would you still watch it if you don't like it question doesn't hold much weight. We've watched through far worse than what they're currently watching. It's like asking why someone still follows their football team even when they've got a manager and owner they hate. It's what makes us fans. In fact, WWE wouldn't be half as much fun to watch if they actually booked perfectly. Our generation spent years demanding that WWE features pure best wrestlers ever wrestling, and when WWE gives us half a decade of some of the best wrestling matches ever, we moan about how boring it is and that there's no new stars. And then we come online to moan about younger fans being fickle. 

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Just now, Undefeated Steak said:

The why would you still watch it if you don't like it question doesn't hold much weight.

We all know people continue to watch WWE long past the point of enjoying it in order to moan about it. I wasn't talking about WWE as a whole though. I was talking specifically about this show. It's almost stand alone anyway. It's bought and paid for. Apart from Goldberg winning the title, none of it matters a jot to the wider products.

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I get why people watch it through the good times and the bad. I don’t get why people chose last night as the moment they’re supposedly not watching anymore and cancelling the Network.

What made Goldberg beating Bray Wyatt on a non-canon blood money show your final straw? Are we just going to ignore that this is the same Bray Wyatt who hasn’t had a good match in ages that didn’t involve Daniel Bryan nearly killing himself to drag something out of him?

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2 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

We all know people continue to watch WWE long past the point of enjoying it in order to moan about it. I wasn't talking about WWE as a whole though. I was talking specifically about this show. It's almost stand alone anyway. It's bought and paid for. Apart from Goldberg winning the title, none of it matters a jot to the wider products.

Sorry that post wasn't aimed at yours - it was to a couple on the previous pages. Should've quoted it. 

Edit - Yeah I get that the Saudi show is a stupid time to vent frustration as @Supremo says - nobody should really be classing it as canon. 

Edited by Undefeated Steak
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