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This should have happened instead...


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15 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

He was considering a comeback with the WWF in 1996. The angle they ran where he screwed mero out of the IC Title was supposed to be a feud with HHH. In the end he went to WCW, probably because of the better pay, but also because the WWF enquiring about him working again alerted lloyds and they stopped paying him. It was a bit of a Michaels-esque injury although a couple of years rest probably did it the world of good.


Ah, I see. That's fair enough.

11 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

They pushed Bret initially at the height of the steroid scandal. His not having the look was exactly what they were after. They were always after a new Hogan without the conotations hence the Luger push. As much as they pushed Bret and Shawn at times, both were always as a result of them having no other choice because Luger, Yoko, Diesel, etc bombed. They were safe pairs of hands.

But that's what I mean - Perfect had just as viable a look as Bret, surely? And given that Bret and HBK had only just been pushed to the main event at the time, surely it could also be argued that Perfect was just as safe a pair of hands for them to resort to?

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On 9/18/2019 at 5:17 PM, tiger_rick said:

In the end he went to WCW, probably because of the better pay, but also because the WWF enquiring about him working again alerted lloyds and they stopped paying him

IIRC it was Pritchard who fucked the deal up by telling Loyds specifics and it fucked Henning over as a result before the deal was inked.

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Sting should’ve beaten Rollins for the title. I know he suffered an injury in the match, but a different match with a different outcome could’ve meant that was avoided.


A title run for the Stinger would’ve been great, and you could’ve easily kept him out of the ring in between PPVs with smoke and mirrors in typical Sting style!

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1 hour ago, FourtyTwo said:

Sting should’ve beaten Rollins for the title. I know he suffered an injury in the match, but a different match with a different outcome could’ve meant that was avoided.


A title run for the Stinger would’ve been great, and you could’ve easily kept him out of the ring in between PPVs with smoke and mirrors in typical Sting style!

I was literally about to post exactly this including the part about wishing the injury away, I was gagging for a short Sting title run throughout that match.

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I also posted before that I thought Angle should have turned face the night after the Invasion finished.


My previous explanation was that there was probably mileage in keeping Austin heel and giving Angle a face run, as there was no real logic behind Austin turning face again either.  The "natural" outcome of the way the Invasion ended was heel Austin and face Angle, just due to the way the whole thing unfolded.  Not turning either would have given some different dynamics, and you could have played the two of them off against each other for a period as well, as well as doing something with Austin and HHH off the back of the two man power trip stuff pre invasion.


It just never seemed "logical" at the time to turn the winner heel, whilst having one of the losers, who betrayed WWE, come back as a face after it.

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Becky should still be Smackdown and Raw Champion. They never should’ve taken that Smackdown belt from her. It was stupid at the time and with hindsight it’s even worse. 

After what a shitty mess the Ronda feud devolved into, including the botched-Wrestlemania-finish-that-we-can’t-even-show-replays-of, she was always facing an uphill battle to maintain any type of momentum. Add a clearly-not-ready-for-this-spot Lacey Evans to the equation and it was nigh on impossible. Mix in her terrible chemistry with Seth and it was probably doomed to failure no matter what. But amongst all the missteps they were making, that Becky Two Belts thing was getting over. Even if she had to slum it for a few months feuding with Lacey and Corbin, it still made for a cool visual and a great character trait that she was the champion of both divisions and was willing to defend them simultaneously.

And what was even achieved by taking the belt off her and doing those quick changes between her, Charlotte and Bayley at Money in the Bank? Sure, it got the one-night pop for Bayley cashing in and it added another title reign to Charlotte’s padded record, but was that really worth making Becky look such a chump? Lacey costing her the belt didn’t even put any heat on Lacey because she’s such a lost cause that everyone could see through, all it did was dampen Becky massively. Whenever they show those photos of her raising both belts in the future everyone will always know and remember that it only lasted a few weeks at best.

Plus, where the fuck did Bayley go next? What did it really achieve for her? Another meandering, meaningless Title reign involving PPV matches against Ember Moon that no-one gave a shit about.

Even now, the fact that Bayley is Smackdown Champion seems secondary to the story, not really fitting with her new role of heel lackey to Sasha Banks. Does Bayley even have a Title defence at the next Pay Per View? Even if she does it’ll probably just be against Charlotte again in another match that doesn’t work because they’re both so badly miscast. Imagine getting yourself into such a sorry state of affairs that it’s Bayley as a heel against Charlotte as a babyface. Unbelievable.

That’s the killer for me. As much I can’t believe we’ve reached a point where they want Bayley to be a heel, at least if she still had the briefcase they could’ve used it to do a proper turn rather than her just randomly siding with Sasha’s dastardly ways one week. I envision Bayley acting all torn and confused, with Sasha trying to get her to cash in, only for Bayley to eventually succumb to temptation, maybe at Hell in a Cell. Becky goes through a war against Sasha and then Bayley cashes in afterwards for the other belt. At least that way it’s a memorable, logical cash in that pushes her character and the storyline forward, as well as allowing Becky a solid run as Double Champion that hopefully regains her some of the momentum she’s lost this past year. As it was, with what they did at Money in the Bank, it killed Becky’s momentum for Bayley to just hang about in limbo for months on end.

Edited by Supremo
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