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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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14 minutes ago, JNLister said:

So there's three different things here:

Aaaaah, thank you! That all makes sense.

So who then comes up with the manifesto (terminology? e.g. the things Liz Truss said she would do if chosen as leader) for each candidate? 

I guess what I’m getting at is that it seems that things that have happened recently (e.g. the mini budget thing that went down like a cup of cold sick and resulted in more U-turns) have no relevance to what was in place before. If there were things in place when Boris was in charge that didn’t quite work but just needed tweaking, then why have they now been completely scrapped or changed to be totally unrecognisable from before. Or how can one leader say they’ve allocated money to support the poorest people affected by the cost of living crisis only for another to come in and say they’re not going to do that any more and instead they’re going to invest in big fuck off “look at me” nuclear warheads or something equally as ridiculous.

I could sort of understand it if it was a different party that came into power each time but if it’s the same party then WHO is allowing the fuckery that’s going on?

Am I just being really naive here? Is this basic stuff that someone of my age should already know? If so, just tell me to go and Google it or something.

Edited by Monkee
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7 hours ago, Monkee said:

Aaaaah, thank you! That all makes sense.

So who then comes up with the manifesto (terminology? e.g. the things Liz Truss said she would do if chosen as leader) for each candidate? 

I guess what I’m getting at is that it seems that things that have happened recently (e.g. the mini budget thing that went down like a cup of cold sick and resulted in more U-turns) have no relevance to what was in place before. If there were things in place when Boris was in charge that didn’t quite work but just needed tweaking, then why have they now been completely scrapped or changed to be totally unrecognisable from before. Or how can one leader say they’ve allocated money to support the poorest people affected by the cost of living crisis only for another to come in and say they’re not going to do that any more and instead they’re going to invest in big fuck off “look at me” nuclear warheads or something equally as ridiculous.

I could sort of understand it if it was a different party that came into power each time but if it’s the same party then WHO is allowing the fuckery that’s going on?

Am I just being really naive here? Is this basic stuff that someone of my age should already know? If so, just tell me to go and Google it or something.

Until Johnson purged the party over his Brexit deal, the tories encompassed a fairly broad spectrum of economic and social ideology. You had the somewhat softer side: the pro-EU, liberal capitalist, light touch people, say Ken Clarke or Anna Soubry. Then you had the much more extreme right: shrink the government, privatise everything, deregulate everything, slash public spending, demonise the foreigners, “clamp down” on benefits (eg let poor and disabled people die), say Rees-Mogg, George Osborne, Priti Patel, Suella Braverman (and many more). Truss and Kwarteng, as I understand it, were from the libertarian right, which is all about very low tax and low government intervention. 

Each new leader will have their own idea of what a Tory government should deliver, so that’s why they get to have a new manifesto even though they’re from the same party. Overall, they’re singing from the same hymn sheet, but they all have varying levels of bastardry, from “complete and utter” to “Satan is in awe of”. 

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Just been thinking about it all this morning and looking at the latest opinion poll that has Labour now so far ahead its quite something, there's no way Johnson doesn't get on the ballot. Those wankers will do anything to try and save their seats and they see him as their only chance. They're wrong but they're wrong on nearly everything.

The fallout of him coming back will be quite something. Can see huge resignations and leaving of the MPs

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1 minute ago, Factotum said:

there's no way Johnson doesn't get on the ballot. Those wankers will do anything to try and save their seats and they see him as their only chance. They're wrong but they're wrong on nearly everything.

The fallout of him coming back will be quite something. Can see huge resignations and leaving of the MPs

The last thing MPs want is for members to choose again so there will be horse trading aplenty to make sure there’s the MPs clear choice. That won’t be Johnson. Some commentators have said numbers of MPs are prepared to resign the whip and force by-elections, which will collapse the majority and could force an early election. So it’s “Pick anyone else and we have our jobs for 2 years or pick Johnson and we will take everyone down with us in months”

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6 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

The last thing MPs want is for members to choose again so there will be horse trading aplenty to make sure there’s the MPs clear choice. That won’t be Johnson. Some commentators have said numbers of MPs are prepared to resign the whip and force by-elections, which will collapse the majority and could force an early election. So it’s “Pick anyone else and we have our jobs for 2 years or pick Johnson and we will take everyone down with us in months”

I think the issue is that Johnson has no shame. He'll get over a 100 and never back down and force it to the members. He doesn't give a shit about the party, he cares about himself. He'll have his minions calling people traitors etc. He'll be on that ballot I have no doubt.

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I also doubt that many Tory MPs will resume their "principled" stand against Johnson now that his pan's been off the boil. They'll treat it as a fresh start like they always do with every faux-reset, and reserve their posturing until they feel their seat's under threat again, which won't be immediate because voters are the ones with the short memories.

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Indeed. However if he is in charge this time next week and doesn’t have the majority, will he win an election if one is forced through? This isn’t like last time where it was mainly based on brexit, as he told us repeatedly he got that done. 

Of course, the lickspittles will vote for him regardless because he makes them laugh. 

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I might be reading too much into this but the front page of The Scum obviously led with Johnson but it was far from the Churchillian presentation & picture choice I would've expected.


Given the polls and public mood I wonder if we're going to see a repeat of 1996 when the Tories were so disliked Murdoch couldn't be seen to backing a donkey as he was serving up something nobody wanted. 

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Just now, Dead Mike said:

I might be reading too much into this but the front page of The Scum obviously led with Johnson but it was far from the Churchillian presentation & picture choice I would've expected.


Given the polls and public mood I wonder if we're going to see a repeat of 1996 when the Tories were so disliked Murdoch couldn't be seen to backing a donkey as he was serving up something nobody wanted. 

I didn’t watch QT last night with an all Tory panel, but at the 11th hour an artist was replaced on the panel by Johnson’s sister. Manufacturing consent. 

It was always his plan to lick his wounds and return but the calamity of Truss and Kwarteng have forced the rehabilitation to be moved much faster up the timeline. 

Either way, all tories are cunts. 

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48 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

I didn’t watch QT last night with an all Tory panel, but at the 11th hour an artist was replaced on the panel by Johnson’s sister. Manufacturing consent. 

I watched it and it wasn't very pro-Johnson to be honest. Lots of Tory voters saying they can't have him back. Johnson's sister didn't even defend him. Most seem to think Sunak is the way to go. There were of course the portly blokes who think he's a 'LEDGE'

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42 minutes ago, deathrey said:

She said on QT last night that she wants a Lib Dem/Green coalition government

Unlike a Johnson to shift like a weathervane because of public opinion. The sooner we see the back of this rank rotten family, the better. 

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