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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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3 minutes ago, Uncle Zeb said:


and it's only 59p per download, so you can get all ten versions for less than £6 (quick mathematics there) Speaking of which, as i bought them n amazon does streaming them on Amazon music still count towards the charts or as i've purchased them does it not? 


sorry to go OT there, I didn't start it. Anyway, how do i get my letter of no confidence in to the 1922 lads?  

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Hard to be enthused by this. I mean, it’s always good to see the cunts suffering but this just means he’ll be replaced in plenty of time before the next election, likely by Snake-Oil Salesman Sunak or Liz got-a-beef-with-CHEESE-ON Truss and they’ll do the old Tory trick of framing themselves as a new Govt despite being made up of the same people, denying past liabilities and taking credit for the few and far between successes. 

What’s more disheartening though is that none of this is new. His party and the media knew what Johnson was liked, everyone who’s had any interaction with him tends to form the same opinion. But they happily let him in to No 10 as their useful idiot to ram Brexit through, stuck with him through endless scandal, at a time when trust in Government policy was vital, and only now because he’s becoming an electoral liability are the Men in Grey Suits being readied.
The whole think stinks of self-preservation and it’s fucking sickening. Give it five years, and he’ll be repackaged as an eccentric statesman, wheeled out à la Hesseltine, Blair to speak with authority on everything he’s fucked up. 

Eat the lot of them. 

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Simon Case is the Cabinet Secretary, aka the top civil servant. He's leading the investigation into the parties. Or at least he is at the time of posting this.


[Edit: That last line proved worth including.]

Edited by JNLister
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4 minutes ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Apologies. I’ve no idea who he is as I don’t follow him, it popped up on my timeline because someone I follow liked it

Don't apologise! I just can't stand him. Hes one of those absolute tossers who will tweet something about a tragic event and then follow it up "Anyway, if you think thats tragic and need a laugh, buy my book" 

He also quote tweets his own replies so he gets more engagement and I know this is a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, but it irritates massively. It's like explaining why a joke is funny, or repeating it again and again until someone laughs.

Anyhoo, back to the cunts...

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4 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Shove that control into a nosedive, [name redacted] Johnson!

Nevermind assuming the controls, he’s just pawing at them hoping that anything will work at the moment

Remember when you had to write an essay with a minimum word, and you'd just pad out sentences with waffle? 

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