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Orange Cassidy


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I watched the pre-show before Double or Nothing. I thought the rumble was a right mess, but one guy left me intrigued.

The commentators did a shit job explaining who he was, but the fine fellows on UKFF filled in the blanks and after a few frivolous jaunts on YouTube I now have a new favourite wrestler.

Orange Cassidy is the real shit.

Here's a short video about him. Halfway through there's a cracking spot where he's on the canvas and the ref does the 'drop the arm' spot- ah, just watch it for yourself. He's ace.

So to give a bit of background, he's a cool, suave, lazy, effortless (in the literal sense) Ryan-Gosling-in-Drive wannabe and perhaps the best comedy wrestler I've seen for a while. He often competes with his hands in his pockets, wearing aviators and throwing the slowest strikes around.

I posted a match of his VS Gentleman Jervis in the AEW thread which is probably the best match I've seen so far in 2019 and I just found out he wrestled Velveteen Dream in March! That's a must-see.

For those more familiar with him- any recommendations? Also, how far will he go? He's going to be a cult favourite with AEW surely.

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I love him. The below video was the first I saw of him, during one of the Wrestlemania Weekend shows. If it wasn't for Dustin, "No Legs," Thomas, this would've been my favourite thing from all of the shows that weekend.

God bless the lad. He's destined to go far with a gimmick that specifically ensures he takes as little punishment as possible. Considering the goal should be to earn as much money whilst taking as little damage as possible, I think we have no option but to announce that he's the greatest pro-wrestler of all time.

Has he toured the UK? I'd be flying him in if I was a promoter.

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Isn't he one of the Ants in Chikara? Sure he is and it's testament to how good he is as a wrestler too. 

This gimmick is money. People are talking about him, every match I've watched I've been invested in and laughed, he's great. 

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After loving his AEW cameo, I watched one and a bit Orange Cassidy matches. The first one was the Jervis match, which I really enjoyed. It made me laugh and it was just a lovely bit of wrestling ridiculousness from both sides. Then I watched a bit of a match with David Starr, who aggressively no-sold Cassidy's gimmick, and I couldn't even continue with the match. It was like a pin prick deflating the whole act. I don't know, maybe that match developed into something more and there was a story wherein Cassidy somehow earned Starr's respect, but I'm not sure that's what I want to see either. It's a tough one. I love the idea, but I can't imagine there's a ton you can do story-wise while maintaining what makes the act hilarious. If he or his promotions have that imagination, fair play.

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I watched the match from the circus promotion that someone posted in another thread the other day. I love it and hate it in equal measure. I love the concept, the guy is incredible at it and particularly the work with his hands in his pockets. There was some really creative stuff like falling asleep and been woken by the ref sneezing (which just looks ridiculous written down) which was funny.

I fucking detest the other guy selling his offense though. That's when it stops being funny. I can't get past that, as funny as he is. Him having a bit of hulk up and going into overdrive is fine. Just don't sell the slow stuff. 

He was great at DoN. And despite the moans about the lack of background, I thought it was immediately obvious that his gimmick was "can't be arsed". And his offense being no sold and him being chucked out is great use of him.

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If he's officially part of the AEW roster, I see him in a role similar to what Santino had. Lower card comedy that gets a few laughs and breaks the show up a bit. There were honestly times when Santino was at his peak that he'd often be the best part of Raw and something I'd always look forward to.

I agree you'd have to be super creative to keep the gimmick going on a weekly basis but there are definitely some directions I think you could take it. Someone being forced to team up with him in a tag team tournament and having to carry the load. Or he accidentally wins a lower-card Title when his opponent knocks himself out or something. I also reckon you could do some brilliant skits of someone trying to train him and get him motivated.

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I'm with Butch on this, tried to watch the Gentleman Jervis match but couldn't make it all the way through and switched it off.  The thing that actually got the biggest response from me was when the fans started a "holy shit" chant that they changed to "holy poop" as the foul language was offending Jervis' gentlemanly ways.

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12 hours ago, Supremo said:

Has he toured the UK? I'd be flying him in if I was a promoter.

He's done a few shows here, yeah. He was on the first CHIKARA UK tour, worked a bunch of Fight Club Pro shows last year, and I think a couple of times before that.

As someone else mentioned, he works under a mask in CHIKARA, and Cassidy had for years been a bit of a sideline for him, but really seems to have taken off in its own right the last couple of years. He also worked as JC Ryder for CHIKARA and CZW back in the mid-00s. He's a standout at Wrestlemania weekend, because when everyone's working eight matches a day or something ridiculous, the guy whose gimmick relies on doing the bare minimum is going to be laughing while everyone else is taking their fifteenth Canadian Destroyer of the weekend.

If you've got Amazon Prime, some of his best CHIKARA work is in there. He's in an eight-man tag at both King of Trios 2014 and 2015 as part of the Gentlemen's Club that are a couple of the daftest matches I've ever seen, 

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I’ve only seen the Jarvis match mentioned, but is he ever late to his matches? Like saunter into the arena during the introductions, or even after the bell rings and they start a 10-count? If he can’t be arsed, he should be showing up late sometimes... :)

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This forum is the last place I would've thought a character like Orange Cassidy would go over so well. It warms the cockles of my heart. He's an exceptional talent, even under the mask he had some of my favourite CHIKARA matches.

One of my favourite Orange Cassidy moments was his entire participation in a Chuck Taylor vs Hornswoggle TLC match from a couple of years back. It was his big coming out party for me, he really really stole the spotlight.


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