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Thoughts on the Hart/Magee match after all these years?

Good little doc on the Network that sets the scene. Love X-Pac.

The match is as good as I'd heard. Magee looked like a star. Not quite as big as I'd thought, physique and height, but he was flashy and great looking and the crowd were right into it. At that point in 1986, he was probably much better than the Warrior.

Funny that nothing became of him. I get that it's because he wasn't as good as Bret made him look but he sold well and his big, athletic moves looked beautiful. The armdrag and sunset flips were lovely. Only real flub I noticed was just before the finish when he jumped for the suplex into the ring when Bret didn't even have hold of him.

He probably needs the same push as the Warrior I guess, and you can't do it twice. Tommy McGee isn't a superstar name either.

Forget how much of a douche Bret was back then. Lost in my mind because of how beloved he was.

Surprised, pleasantly, by the match having full production and commentary. 

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Huge pop for Harry Smith's impression of Bret. Spot on. 

Haven't watched the match yet but saw the doc portion. Really good stuff. A genuinely interesting story and nice to see and hear from Magee. Seems like a nice bloke. 


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15 minutes ago, SaitoRyo said:

Huge pop for Harry Smith's impression of Bret. Spot on. 

Yeah, that was gold.

The fuck was he wearing? Nice to see he's inherited his Dad's sense of fashion.

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7 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Yeah, that was gold.

The fuck was he wearing? Nice to see he's inherited his Dad's sense of fashion.

He's making and selling those clothes now. It's part of his and Teddy Hart's look. Proper mad bastards, I love them. 

Also love the most typical Bret Hart response ever: 

Producer: Would you like to watch the match right now? 

Bret: Uhm, sure. OK. I mean, if you have it. 

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Good to see a mention of Geoff Capes on the Network. 

Great little package, 28 minutes for anyone wondering whether to watch it. Really interesting talking heads that properly set the scene. 

The match itself is fairly bland and typical of the time and has no qualities without the surrounding story. The thing that stands out most to me is hearing some unheard Gorilla / Heenan commentary. Maybe part of me connects this with childhood nostalgia but their commentary is out of this world. They're putting over Magee, Hart, Hart, just how good Tom looks, how the crowd are excited, what Hitman needs to do, what moves are called, diverts briefly to put over the Heenan family, celebrates everything going on. They do as much for Tom Magee as Bret does. 

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For context, here's an AJPW match of Magee's, where his opponent has no interest in making him look as good as Bret, or even Dibiase or Arn in their respective matches. His strikes have to be seen to be believed.

Seeing what a complete waste of space he is here really highlights what a great carry job Bret does, and how he was smart enough to allow Magee to hit the few big spots he could make look good. 


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13 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

For context, here's an AJPW match of Magee's, where his opponent has no interest in making him look as good as Bret, or even Dibiase or Arn in their respective matches. His strikes have to be seen to be believed.

Seeing what a complete waste of space he is here really highlights what a great carry job Bret does, and how he was smart enough to allow Magee to hit the few big spots he could make look good. 


Aye, his strikes are woeful. He is very green, but he had so much potential with that look and his acrobatics. All he needed was some decent training.

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Aye. Just taking the match at face value, it's good but nowt special, but the point of the hype is that Bret managed to carry a raw talent that's a bit rubbish to a good scrap, which convinced Vince he just saw an upgraded Hulk Hogan.

As advertised, really. Magee looked really good in that scrap.

The documentary is decent but does feel a little slapdash. I'm just delighted Conrad is probably angrily power pounding his 15th Fool's Gold Loaf after seeing Magee turn up.

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That was absolutely awesome. Not the match. The match was a treat to finally watch but basically what I expected. Bret carrying someone as green as grass. But the presentation of it with the doc was top, top notch. WWE should do that with everything. Who ever was responsible for putting that together needs a raise.

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3 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

Forget how much of a douche Bret was back then. Lost in my mind because of how beloved he was.

How do you mean? I cancelled my network subscription a little while back, so just wondering whether the context is the character at the time, or if there's footage of him out-of-character at the time.

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Just now, Chris B said:

How do you mean? I cancelled my network subscription a little while back, so just wondering whether the context is the character at the time, or if there's footage of him out-of-character at the time.

I mean he's a great heel. We had the British Bulldogs tape as kids and I always thought he was a complete twat but that quickly got overshadowed by his run as a babyface. Remember him being a great heel in 1997 but forget he was a brilliant shitbag in the mid 80s.

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