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8 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I do wonder where Ibushi fits into Omega's decision-making, if at all, as no one really seems to be asking what he does next. If they both go to AEW, it could be interesting to see what they do with the Golden Lovers story, with them having (presumably) near total creative control.

Not to be too on the nose but on top of working with their mates and challenging to "change the business" part of the appeal of Elite to Kenny & Kota would be to tell their story in a way which they couldn't in Japan and I believe WWE wouldn't be ready to tell, however inclusive Balor is permitted to tell the world they are.

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What matches are there for Omega in AEW?

I agree with this in a way. The WWE holds way more interesting match ups at the moment for Omega. Bryan / Joe / Rollins / AJ / Orton / Hardy / Rey / Brock. Those could be quite something. Now, obviously the AEW don't have anyone under contract yet, but it would seem to be more of the same.

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9 minutes ago, Factotum said:

I agree with this in a way. The WWE holds way more interesting match ups at the moment for Omega. Bryan / Joe / Rollins / AJ / Orton / Hardy / Rey / Brock. Those could be quite something. Now, obviously the AEW don't have anyone under contract yet, but it would seem to be more of the same.

Interesting argument.

One would suspect that with such a budget and TV clearance, a large part of the audience would not be familiar with New Japan etc so in essence they would be new matches for all except NJPW world subscribers.

Let's be honest about it, if the only ones watching AEW are the existing New Japan audience then its never going to do anything is it?

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1 hour ago, garynysmon said:

Let's be honest about it, if the only ones watching AEW are the existing New Japan audience then its never going to do anything is it?

At the moment that is the truth though isn't it?

I've spoken to a few peoole at work and a couple of mates

The only ones who even know of AEW are the ones who watch or have some knowledge of New Japan/ROH etc 

The 3 who are strictly WWE have no idea what AEW is and I'd suspect thats true for lots of people in that position 

It's going to take a lot of promotion to get this into the mainstream or it is just going to be the same crowd who have seen all these matches allready

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4 minutes ago, MVP RULZ said:

At the moment that is the truth though isn't it?

Its all a guessing game at the moment isn't it, but if the rumours of a $100m investment are true then I'd expect that a good chunk of that would need to go to the advertising budget.

Its unfair to judge the promotion less than a week after it was formally announced, and only sad bastards like us who read the newz sites would even be expected to know of its existence.

But its an utterly pointless venture if the fanbase consists only of the same ROH/New Japan crowd six months after it launches, I agree.


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2 hours ago, Factotum said:

I agree with this in a way. The WWE holds way more interesting match ups at the moment for Omega. Bryan / Joe / Rollins / AJ / Orton / Hardy / Rey / Brock. Those could be quite something. Now, obviously the AEW don't have anyone under contract yet, but it would seem to be more of the same.

We agree there are more fresh matches for Kenny in WWE because Elite have only announced four guys signed so far. Jesus wept. This is worse than deciding it's changed the business before it exists.

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1 hour ago, The King Of Swing said:

Let's be honest with ourselves, we'd probably all be bored to death and moaning like fuck after six months of Omega Vs. insert WWE Superstars name here.

If it was Ziggler, one month.

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We agree there are more fresh matches for Kenny in WWE because Elite have only announced four guys signed so far. Jesus wept. This is worse than deciding it's changed the business before it exists.

As I said, that was from a purely selfish point of view.

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Dave on the most recent Observer Radio today said that New Japan so badly wants to keep Omega that they're reconsidering their stance on working with AEW. He also said that Kenny isn't WWE bound due to a source indicating as such.

But then again, take a pinch of salt because it's late 2010's Meltzer and take another extra-big, artery straining spoon of salt because Dave is probably co-opted by Cody, The Bucks, Omega et al.

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I hope that they'll at least throw us a couple of names during this press conference tonight otherwise just a reveal of where and when Double Or Nothing is taking place is going to be a bit of a letdown and leave everyone guessing for another 3 months.

Unfortunately not knowing the status of the Lucha Underground contracts going forward (because I don't think they're going to get Pentagon and Fenix for example) means the only names I can muster up are Trevor Lee and James Storm. Grim :(

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In fairness, the last thing they need is people you can already see freely in LU or TNA. That's one of the difficulties with this is that the talented indy guys are already everywhere. It might be unlikely given where they've been (i dunno what the NJPW/AJPW relationship is like these days and don't profess to) but a link-up with AJPW would at least give them access to guys who aren't seen much by the masses. Some tremendous looking guys too like that Zeus fella who was Triple Crown Champion.

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8 minutes ago, Philjax said:

Unfortunately not knowing the status of the Lucha Underground contracts going forward (because I don't think they're going to get Pentagon and Fenix for example) means the only names I can muster up are Trevor Lee and James Storm. Grim :(

Trevor Lee is supposedly WWE/NXT bound.

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22 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

In fairness, the last thing they need is people you can already see freely in LU or TNA. That's one of the difficulties with this is that the talented indy guys are already everywhere. It might be unlikely given where they've been (i dunno what the NJPW/AJPW relationship is like these days and don't profess to) but a link-up with AJPW would at least give them access to guys who aren't seen much by the masses. Some tremendous looking guys too like that Zeus fella who was Triple Crown Champion.

I know that money is supposedly no object and they could probably sign them outright if they really wanted to. But seeing that so many wrestling fans just refuse to watch Impact because its Impact (and their TV clearance is shit), there's a hell of a lot of great  talent (including AAA and LU) they could share there without having to break the bank.

These are quite a few wrestlers on the Impact roster that a lot of fans would be wanking over if they were with NXT or New Japan (which admittedly has not always been the case with TNA).

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