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UK Kat Von D

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35 minutes ago, Bellenda Carlisle said:

Awful, awful post from Loki there. Boo-urns.

It was dreadfully lame, especially after I tried to get the thread back on topic. This thread wasn’t supposed to be about ideologies, just showing good alternative plant based food.

I do think the best way to get people to consider Veganism is to show them that they can still have great food and be excited about it, which is what the thread was made for. So to see someone actively try and get me “unchill” is pretty sad.

Problem is, if I rise to it people on the other side will only see the pushy vegan. They get pissed off with what I say with little consideration for how they speak to us. Asking genuine questions is fully welcome, but if someone is actively arguing against something I’m obviously invested in, why should I be expected to polite? 

Best part is, how I feel isn’t unusual. When people see dogs being abused they’ll say the human doing it deserves all sorts. People get furious if a lion is shot by some rich bloke on holiday. Imagine the backlash if someone started a thread on how they like to drown kittens. If I apply the same logic to all animals apparently I’m putting myself on some pedestal. People get unsettled if they see a video of a dog being set on fire shared on Facebook, but because society has conditioned people to value the lives of animals differently I’m supposed to be okay walking through Tesco surrounded by corpses.

People seem to think when I talk about Veganism I’m trying to put them down. It’s actually the opposite, I’ve found something I’m passionate about and want to share it with people. It’s that feeling of finding a new band and trying to make all your mates listen to them in the hope they like it just as much.

Have I mentioned I’m in Amsterdam? I’m about 90% sure this is a coherent post

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41 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

Best part is, how I feel isn’t unusual. When people see dogs being abused they’ll say the human doing it deserves all sorts. People get furious if a lion is shot by some rich bloke on holiday. Imagine the backlash if someone started a thread on how they like to drown kittens. If I apply the same logic to all animals apparently I’m putting myself on some pedestal. People get unsettled if they see a video of a dog being set on fire shared on Facebook, but because society has conditioned people to value the lives of animals differently I’m supposed to be okay walking through Tesco surrounded by corpses.

I think the whole horsemeat in lasagne thing we had showed up a lot of how attitudes are based on habit and social norms.  Sure, there's the legitimate problem of not being told accurately what was in the product you bought, but some people were all "Eurgh, eating a horse" and hate Korean footballers buying yorkie terrier meat, but if they'd had it served up to them all their lives, they wouldn't have given a fuck.

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I'm probably the worst for that. I eat meat 3 meals a day (I try to get ethically farmed meat but that means fuck all really, killing animals for food is killing animals for food) but if someone was about to run over a dog I'd run in front of the car to save it. It's a strange hypocrisy.


I have one vegan friend who eats roadkill. Is this frowned upon?

Edited by PowerButchi
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1 hour ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Whilst those points are completely valid, humans do have a special symbiotic relationship with dogs. We have co-evolved for thousands of years working together for mutual benefit.


Having read this and similar articles Chest it looks more like wolves decided they could get more out of us then we got out of them. They weren't wrong were they. 

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2 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:


Having read this and similar articles Chest it looks more like wolves decided they could get more out of us then we got out of them. They weren't wrong were they. 

That makes me love Dogs/Wolves even more. They've essentially played evolution to get the best spot by the fire

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5 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Whilst those points are completely valid, humans do have a special symbiotic relationship with dogs. We have co-evolved for thousands of years working together for mutual benefit.

Yeah, it's got to be something to do with the closeness of the relationship that makes people balk at eating cat or dog.   Horse is an odd outlier because up until maybe a hundred years ago it was completely normal to eat horsemeat even though people obviously form close relationships with their horses.  

It's definitely hypocritical, but it's a natural hypocrisy for a species that has been omnivores for hundred of thousands of years.  Some animals we hunt, some we eat, some we domesticate and some we keep as pets, and the lines are always a bit blurry depending on circumstance.  Historically, whenever cities end up under siege, the inhabitants end up eating their pets.  It's horrible, but I wouldn't pretend that I'm somehow above that, I've never been starving to death.

I eat a LOT of vegetarian food - Mrs Loki and I grow our own vegetables and fruit so during the summer I probably eat non-meat meals 50% of the time.  But I couldn't give up meat, and I'm not hugely tolerant of people who aggressively push this as some sort of moral question.  Of all the terrible things we do to this planet, rearing animals sustainably to eat them isn't the thing I'm most worried about.  Everything in moderation.


Edited by Loki
Autocorrect changed horse meat to horsemen!
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