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How does your daily routine compare to Marky Mark's?

Devon Malcolm

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31 minutes ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

I was thinking the same, except for me it's that if I don't shower before I go to work, I feel as though I haven't actually woken up until lunchtime.

I'd imagine you don't wake up until lunchtime most of the time anyway.


33 minutes ago, Chest Rockwell said:

I started reading that and I was perplexed that you didn't shower in the morning. Then I saw you were cycling and I thought, oh that's ok he'll shower when he gets to work. And then I started scrolling faster just looking for and evidence that you clean yourself. I was horrified to see that you just have a bath in the evening.

You're disgusting and I'll never look at you the same.

I have a wash in the morning. I don't sweat much in bed, so a full body old-school sink wash is all I need. The bike ride to the station in the morning is virtually downhill for 10 mins, so I don't break a sweat at all. Cycling home on the other hand, as you might've guessed, is an uphill bastard, so I'm sweating like a mother by the time I get in.


5 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

Strongly suspect we mooch past each other every day as this is pretty much when I get to Liv St. Although according to everyone else we should be able to smell each other because we don't live in the lah-di-dah world of all the time in the world to shower every morning. 

Which side of Essex do you commute from, are you from the 'left side of the timetable board', i.e. the double figure platform numbers?

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4 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Which side of Essex do you commute from, are you from the 'left side of the timetable board', i.e. the double figure platform numbers?

8 upwards (sat on a train on platform 8 right now). Usually double figures. 

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My work day goes as so:

6:30am: alarm goes off

6:40am: drag myself into the kitchen, where if I've been clever the automatic coffee maker will have already finished making a pot of coffee. I drink that coffee, smoking on the balcony, checking the news, here and Reddit, usually, on my phone.

7am: head to the bathroom. Here, depending on how recently I've taken a dump, I may or may not take a dump. I then shower.

7:15 - 7:25am finish shower and get dressed.

7:30-7:40: moisturise and deal with my hair.

7:50 - 8am: catch the bus to work, usually listening to a podcast.

8:30: arrive at work, make a coffee and get my desk set for the day.

8:45am begin work.

9:30am: actually begin work, because nobody in the world wants a cold call at the best of times, let alone at 9:01am. So, I try to make about 20 quick cold calls that I know won't be answered just to keep my stats up for the day.

10am - 1pm: a mixture between smoke breaks, coffee, aimless internet browsing and calling back warm leads to try and close them.

1pm: lunch, usually in the local park, anything from a small pizza to a bacon sandwich.

2pm - 5:15pm: see 10am - 1pm.

6pm: arrive home, say hello to my girlfriend, who says she is going to make dinner for about 7pm, which I welcome because I, "really, actually want to get an early night tonight."

10pm: dinner is ready, and I've usually spent the last few hours watching shit on Netflix or whatever while eating shit and drinking Pepsi.

10:30pm: after dinner smoke and decaffeinated coffee.

11pm: go to sleep but actually fuck about on my phone or watch more shit on Netflix until I actually go to sleep around 1am, before dragging myself out of bed and into the kitchen less than six hours later.

I only work three days a week, however. So, as @PunkStep rightly figures, I usually don't get out of bed until lunchtime any other day.


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6:00am- Turn off first alarm.

6:15am- Turn off second alarm.

6:30 am- Turn off third alarm.

6:35am. Get up. Wash, coffee, teeth and clothes.

7:05am. Get to work 5 minutes late.

7:05am-6:00pm work and do a big daily poo on Royal Mails time.

6:15pm. Get home.

6:15pm-8:00pm. Feed and bath kids/self , face time other kids, get kids to bed.

8:00pm till pass out time (12:00am ish). Eat, help tidy up a bit, entertain Mrs danger with sexy times or impress her even more so with my Fortnite prowess. Most likely watch film/tv show.

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2 hours ago, Loki said:

Work from home is king, lads.  If I start work before 10 am it's a good day.

I could easily work from home. B2B telephone sales isn't something you need to be chained to a desk at a specific location to accomplish in 2018. I can close meetings all day long on my mobile at home wearing nothing but my boxers. I would need access to our CRM, but that's all web based, so shouldn't be an issue.  But the MD is probably never going to go for that. I had an idea to pitch it to him by trying to find studies that show working from home at least some of the time might increase productivity and such like. Maybe I'll revisit that idea. He already pays me to write the company blog from home, and I get that done without needing constant supervision. I could do my three days I currently do in the office and then two days from home. As I'm typing this I am more and more thinking about how actually this might not be too hard a pitch at all...

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9 minutes ago, Sphinx said:

Wouldn't data protection be an issue?

It's what VPNs are for. 

Our building physically cannot fit all the staff in at once so we are encouraged to work from home at least once a week. 

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Working day: 

6am - wake up

6:05 - shower/shite

6:20 - get ready/do hair

6:30 - head downstairs/kettle on/let dog out/ prepare and eat breakfast

6:55 - brush teeth/kiss sleeping wife goodbye

7:00/7:15 - double check work bag/read news on phone/play with dog

07:15 - leave house/drive to work

7:30/35 - park near work/ walk to work.

07:50/55 - arrive at work

12:30 - lunch, usually in staff room with pre-prepared food. 

15:30 - finish work.

15:35/40 - leave work/walk to car. 

16:10 - arrive home/ play with dog/do chores/prep tomorrow’s lunch/walk dog

17:00/17:30 - prepare dinner/wife arrives home

18:00 - eat dinner/discuss our respective days/laugh at dog trying to be stealthy and greed food. 

18:30/19:30 - usually a mix of ironing/odd jobs/running errands

19:30/21:00- wife watches TV/I read

21:00 - take dog down and sort her for bed time/check doors etc are locked/head up to bed

21:15/22:00 - read in bed




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Golf for 30 minutes is baffling. 

My morning routine is basically;

7.00am, alarm goes off. Get up, turn on the water heater. In theory, have breakfast, but in practice usually go back to bed.

7.30am alarm goes off again. In theory, get back up, have a shower ready to leave in good time. In practice, go back to bed.

7.45am alarm goes off again. Begrudgingly get up, or push back until 8.00am.

8.00am Grab a quick shower.

8.15-8.20am, leave the flat and power-walk the 10 minutes downhill to work, turning up not quite late enough to get a bollocking for it.

8.35am - Start work. Unless I have specific deadlines to meet, spend most of the morning catching up on e-mails and/or dicking around on the internet. 

10.00am (or thereabouts) - find excuse to go and have an impromptu meeting with colleagues in my old office, to get out of my current shitty open plan office. Mooch about there for half an hour, grab a coffee.

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9 hours ago, SpursRiot2012 said:

I could easily work from home. B2B telephone sales isn't something you need to be chained to a desk at a specific location to accomplish in 2018. I can close meetings all day long on my mobile at home wearing nothing but my boxers. I would need access to our CRM, but that's all web based, so shouldn't be an issue.  But the MD is probably never going to go for that. I had an idea to pitch it to him by trying to find studies that show working from home at least some of the time might increase productivity and such like. Maybe I'll revisit that idea. He already pays me to write the company blog from home, and I get that done without needing constant supervision. I could do my three days I currently do in the office and then two days from home. As I'm typing this I am more and more thinking about how actually this might not be too hard a pitch at all...

Seeing as you spend part of your morning making dead-end cold calls to build up your stats, and the rest of the day browsing the internet, your MD would be a lunatic to trust you to work from home!


2 hours ago, Onyx2 said:

It's what VPNs are for. 

Our building physically cannot fit all the staff in at once so we are encouraged to work from home at least once a week. 

Yeah, our company are openly encouraging 'agile working' these days. Half of the desks here are no longer fixed and have become hot desks. I work from home on average once a fortnight.

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Our organisation has been issued Surface Pro laptops over the last week in preparation of our huge office moves in the next year or so. 

Working at home seems imminent. The new building apparently has less office space than the current one. I can't fucking wait to work from my bed.

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29 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Seeing as you spend part of your morning making dead-end cold calls to build up your stats, and the rest of the day browsing the internet, your MD would be a lunatic to trust you to work from home!

Eh, it's just how the game is played. I am one of the best closers there, and I don't need to make 100 calls a day to hit my targets or to generate high quality leads for our clients. But since the figures are public, and we often have new people starting, I have to set an example when it comes to stats and they will eventually work out for themselves - if they're any good - that those calls made stats are bullshit because once you've built a pipeline of warm leads, it's quite rare to *have* to make a whole bunch of cold calls to hit your targets each month.

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