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12 year old Bayley Superfan gets chokeslammed by suspected thick cunt.


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2 minutes ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

What's even worse is the sheer volume of people defending and justifying this on Twitter.

Can you show me a thread where there are a few of these? Feel like having an e-rumble tonight.

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Can’t believe I’m even typing this but didn’t she get booked to win a fucking title belt in the same match? What planet are these people living on?

On a good day, wrestling can be absolutely brilliant - one of the greatest and unsung forms of raw athleticism and spellbinding theatre. Then you’ve daft stuff like this. 

As fantastic as the industry can be, there’ll always be mindless bollocks like this that just make it look so, increddibly shit. Not even in a “that’s so onviously fake shit” sort of way, but in a “what the fuck is this rubbish?” manner. This belongs in the same category as Hornswoggle escaping Carlito’s clutches by running through a hole in the wall. 

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The only justification there can be for this is that there are wrestlers who started training at a similar age - Rey Mysterio started at 12, plenty of Mexican and Japanese wrestlers start that young, and Marty Jones amongst others does kids' classes - or that it's no different to allow kids to do other combat sports. But it's bollocks, isn't it? This is sleazy as fuck.

There was a Tweet going round that she'd been offered "private training" with Actual Nonce Chasyn Rance, too. 

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