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The Celebrity Sexual Harassment and Rapists Thread

Devon Malcolm

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I see the remainder of Brands tour has been postponed and the Met are investigating an allegation from 2003. Them cunts are probably advising him on how to get away with it. 

Saw an interesting tweet, or an X if that’s what you call them now, saying how Brand didn’t come up through the comedy circuit so it’s unfair to suggest those on the circuit should’ve spoken up. Totally fair point. 

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I done know much about his history as a stand-up, so don't know how much of that he was doing before being a TV star or if it was a Gervais deal of doing it after the fact. Either way, if he ever was on the circuit, it was twenty-plus years ago, he's not doing a tight five at the Comedy Store, so that's a fair point.

Regardless of that, speaking up is always a tough one, because you don't want to out a victim before they're emotionally ready and prepared to tell their story. It's doubly tough in a business like comedy, or like wrestling, where there's not really a clear idea of who you should be speaking to.

So something like this happens, and someone will say "I've known about this for years", and people will, justifiably ask, "well then why didn't you do anything about it?". But in a lot of cases, people are doing something about it, on a person-to-person level; it's warning women on the comedy circuit who not to let drive you home, it's refusing to appear on a bill with someone you know to be an abuser, it's looking out for someone you fear might be vulnerable, and so on. In the absence of a centralised authority, I don't know what else realistically anybody could do.

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Yeah to assume it's just easy to do something if you're in the know is pretty naive. There's plenty of things to consider, especially the wishes of the victim. It's not just as simple as someone can't be arsed to do something. It can blow shit up monumentally and cause more damage in the long run if its not done right.. whatever 'right' may be anyway.

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Saturday as a whole was incredibly difficult and tough on my mental state I was in the band room when the news articles dropped and came home and broke down completely to my fiancé and she had to give me my meds including a double dose of my anti psychotics which made me feel super tired and calm. I watched the first fourty seconds of the documentary and instantly shut it off and then slept for nearly a full day. 

I have downloaded it on my seedbox and trying to slowly make my way through it, I'm currently half way through and I think I'm going to leave it there for today and come back to it tomorrow 

I refuse to not watch it and bury my head in the sand because that's not right or the way I should ever deal with a situation like this expecially when I've been through sexual abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse it just wouldn't be right at all.

I have sat and pretty much thought about nothing else tbh and I will always look back on that day a year and a half ago when I first got to talk to him and through that he offered his help and time and then the end of that day and evening his manager emailing and giving me his number making me break down in tears because of how much it meant to me, that will never not mean what it did to me. But I will never condone or make excuses and whatever for anyone that has done anything like this to even just one poor woman/lady/gentleman/boy because of what I've suffered through my life so if there is even one account that's come out which is correct and true then his career should be over and he should be cancelled and prosecuted. 

Fucking what a grim, horrible world we fucking live in man .... just horrible and sad nothing else I can really say 

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38 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I done know much about his history as a stand-up, so don't know how much of that he was doing before being a TV star or if it was a Gervais deal of doing it after the fact.

I’m sure he did his first solo show a few years after his MTV presenting job. He had been in group comedy stuff at the Edinburgh Fringe around the time he started on MTV but he was always “Presenter who did the odd comedy show”

I read that Brand was abused as a minor, that sort of trauma is a pathway to addiction. 

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Simon Evans with the comment regarding Brand and his rise to fame:


As said above, it's a fair point. Russel Brand was a creation not a comedian. How those in power and in the know remain in their jobs beggars belief but there's still evidently something very wrong with mainstream television that this happens so often and so little ever changes. 

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Is the general consensus that Brand was the comedian that Katherine Ryan was referring to? Even if he wasn't, she was given lots of legal ramifications for saying anything as I understand. I think speaking out without any kind of actual proof is tricky.

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6 minutes ago, deathrey said:

Is the general consensus that Brand was the comedian that Katherine Ryan was referring to? Even if he wasn't, she was given lots of legal ramifications for saying anything as I understand. I think speaking out without any kind of actual proof is tricky.

Apparently that's who she was referring to. I read something at the weekend about her and Brand but can't find it now so may have been removed.

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39 minutes ago, deathrey said:

Is the general consensus that Brand was the comedian that Katherine Ryan was referring to? Even if he wasn't, she was given lots of legal ramifications for saying anything as I understand. I think speaking out without any kind of actual proof is tricky.


Is that related to this ? 




Brand was booked as a judge on Comedy Central’s Roast Battle in 2018, but only lasted a single season on the series after he himself was roasted on-camera over allegations he had sexually assaulted women. He strongly denies criminal wrongdoing.

Three sources close to the Fulwell 73 production said Roast Battle judge Katherine Ryan turned the heat on Brand a number of times during filming. Her allegations did not make the final edit.


She was apparently blasting him right in his face with the sexual assault allegations in front of a crowd but it was all being edited out. Probably because he is a litigious prick, so fair play and brave she did it.

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1 hour ago, Kfogg1991 said:

Saturday as a whole was incredibly difficult and tough on my mental state I was in the band room when the news articles dropped and came home and broke down completely to my fiancé and she had to give me my meds including a double dose of my anti psychotics which made me feel super tired and calm. I watched the first fourty seconds of the documentary and instantly shut it off and then slept for nearly a full day. 

I have downloaded it on my seedbox and trying to slowly make my way through it, I'm currently half way through and I think I'm going to leave it there for today and come back to it tomorrow 

I refuse to not watch it and bury my head in the sand because that's not right or the way I should ever deal with a situation like this expecially when I've been through sexual abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse it just wouldn't be right at all.

I have sat and pretty much thought about nothing else tbh and I will always look back on that day a year and a half ago when I first got to talk to him and through that he offered his help and time and then the end of that day and evening his manager emailing and giving me his number making me break down in tears because of how much it meant to me, that will never not mean what it did to me. But I will never condone or make excuses and whatever for anyone that has done anything like this to even just one poor woman/lady/gentleman/boy because of what I've suffered through my life so if there is even one account that's come out which is correct and true then his career should be over and he should be cancelled and prosecuted. 

Fucking what a grim, horrible world we fucking live in man .... just horrible and sad nothing else I can really say 

I know that you’ve made reference to people making jokes about “Kfogg and my mate Russell” in recent days.

I don’t know what your relationship with him is,  what he did for you 18 months ago that you mentioned or whatever happened afterwards, but I honestly think that the quicker you divorce yourself from the idea that he was ever your friend or had your best interests at heart, the better you will feel. 
What is coming to light through these allegations is that he was/is a charismatic manipulator whose only goal was to feed his own narcissism. 
You weren’t the first to fall under his spell, and depending what happens over the next few weeks/months/however long, you won’t have been the last, but the sooner you distance yourself from all of the this the better

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Anybody not feeling wretched enough yet?

Nice to know that #metoo did absolutely fuck all for some people.

I watched the rest of Dispatches, and pretty much agree with everyone's criticism of it. It felt like they had the main story, but needed to pad it out, and we ended up with a woman who willingly slept with him after he paid her a compliment, and then got huffy because the well established one-night stander didn't give up his womanising ways for her. It's a bit of a piss take to put her in the same category as someone that was held down and a dick forced down her throat.

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Some absolute mutants in the comment section of that video, genuinely depressing . That's exactly why stuff like this happens. Not just with celebrities. It's a whole culture of victim blaming. I know far too many people this sort of things happened to. Even one is too many. 

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