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The Celebrity Sexual Harassment and Rapists Thread

Devon Malcolm

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2 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

I've just got back and seen this trending on twitter and you can all make the jokes like you do but I'm fucking genuinely devastated about this, someone I have idolised and looked up too and by what I've read online it's not going to be a great 90 minutes at all 

Yeah, you're the real victim in all of this. Really feel for you pal.

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I don’t understand really what’s new that’s going to come out about Brand?

In fairness he’s been known for getting about since he started back on Big Brother. As a regular audience member there I met him a fair few times and he was always very pleasant.

Will be interested to see what these groundbreaking new claims are though.

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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

Yeah, you're the real victim in all of this. Really feel for you pal.

Fucking hell no that is not even close to what I'm saying or getting at. It is fucking absolutely horrible and I didn't think I needed to say it but its unforgivable and sickening jesus Christ man

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2 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Yeah, you're the real victim in all of this. Really feel for you pal.

Also all shitty jokes aside that you all make and have done so at my expense for a year or so now.

Do not ever make out that I'm that sort of person that does that sort of shit, it's not the fucking case and straight up out of order. 

I was solely saying that discovering this and seeing it tomorrow/this evening is incredibly upsetting and jarring because of the personal relationship and friendship and what he has done for me when I was incredibly unwell and sectioned. That wasn't me fucking condoning or turning it around In any way at all I was making the comment from a personal place with something like this which isn't exactly nice. 

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2 hours ago, Matthew said:

I don’t understand really what’s new that’s going to come out about Brand?

Thank god for the Sunday Times and Channel 4 then. They will be able to tell you tomorrow. 

@Kfogg1991 forgetting the shit jokes, you really must have lived in a Russell Brand fan echo chamber (Or a Russell Bubble Wubble?) to not know they were rumours concerning him. That said, for him to make that statement (although using Joe Rogan as part of your defence is, well a choice), they must have some evidence to show.

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22 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Thank god for the Sunday Times and Channel 4 then. They will be able to tell you tomorrow. 

@Kfogg1991 forgetting the shit jokes, you really must have lived in a Russell Brand fan echo chamber (Or a Russell Bubble Wubble?) to not know they were rumours concerning him. That said, for him to make that statement (although using Joe Rogan as part of your defence is, well a choice), they must have some evidence to show.

Once again I am not for a single second saying it's all false and lies of course I'm not saying that. I watched that video he put out and fucking honestly it probably made me feel worse than anything else. I was speaking to my fiancé about it and said channel 4 would not ever put something like this out on the air unless they had some solid fucking proof and whatnot. 

You thinking that because he helped me and came into my life in the dark scary point means I'm going to jump to defend all this and whatever else that is not for a fucking second what I'm saying or doing. 

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5 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

Also all shitty jokes aside that you all make and have done so at my expense for a year or so now.

Everyone on this board has jokes made about them. From shitty lungs to shitting backwards to fancying cousins, it goes on all the time and has for years. It's never malicious, unless you want to point me in the direction of that? 

Everyone jokes about you being a karaoke singer. It's never nasty, so IMO you should get over it quite frankly if you enjoy posting here.

5 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

I was solely saying that discovering this and seeing it tomorrow/this evening is incredibly upsetting and jarring because of the personal relationship and friendship and what he has done for me when I was incredibly unwell and sectioned.

Fair enough, I'm glad someone was able to help you through a tough period in your life. Your post just came across as a bit about you and how you were feeling, that's all.

Also I didn't, and never have said, you condone that behaviour, so no idea why you felt the need to bring that up?

Anyway, apologies if I have upset you. Wasn't my intention. 


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I can't link it as its from Twitter and probably won't work, but someone said it's almost as if knowing that one day this sort of thing might come out, he turned into a full on conspiracy theorist, so he can now rage against the "system trying to get me" and "dark forces" or whatever he prats on about. 

Also, would be REALLY funny if he's not even mentioned. 

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6 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

Also all shitty jokes aside that you all make and have done so at my expense for a year or so now.


Tbf, it wasn’t Bacon making the jokes. He was just trying to make a point about your post. I was making the jokes so apologies for upsetting you. I wasn’t putting you in the same category as Brand whatsoever. 

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