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Painful Sunday Memories

Gus Mears

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The dawning realisation that the weekend is over exemplified by dreadful television shows and more. 

I genuinely clam up a bit on hearing the Heartbeat theme song to this day. Nothing sums up another week closer to death better than the saccharine tones of Nick Berry. Feel the misery.

Anyone else have any specific things that augur the crushing dissapointment of a new week more than Heartbeat?

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Live Serie A game on C4>Bath>Hearbeat>Londons Burning. 

The only positive was when i had the chance to look in a sky magazine and see 1.am WWF PPV. Then it was a case off my mum ringing every Tom,Dick and Harry to find somebody to record it.

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Antique Roadshow music. I'm sure Astro or somebody on here mentioned the same before, but that used to depress me no end as you know it was the beginning of the end to the weekend. Or as Gus mentioned Heartbeat, and most Yorkshire based light-hearted dramas that they tended to save for Sundays. They were all appalling.

On the plus side, as we'd have dinner early on a Sunday (roast, obvs), in the evening our dad would either rustle up some homemade chips that we'd call Doorsteps, or get the Breville out. That would make up for the disappointment.

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I liked heartbeat & lotsw, but londons burning was a final blow for the weekend with no upside for me. 

And where the heart is, the life and times of a bog roll factory. Fuck right off. Heartbeat had some stunning women in, Clare Cabrach for example,  did this? 

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Definitely Antiques Roadshow, just pure depression on the TV screen. Last of the Summer wine was close, but from memory that was always earlier in the day so I would rarely end up having to watch it. Even now I get the same feeling when fucking Countryfile comes on, who the fuck watches that bollocks?

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36 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

Urgh, Where The Heart Is. See what I mean about light hearted Yorkshire shows? The theme alone used to infuriate me. 

That was the worst theme for me. Shocking that it was by Prefab "The King of Rock and Roll" Sprout.


themes that meant it was Sunday included Bullseye, Highway and all clued up. Shout out to Lovejoy too. Bedtime/ end of the weekend would be that's life, later, Londons Burning

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Where The Heart Is was an absolutely revolting show. It knew its audience and preyed on their rose-tinted ideals with cynical precision. Full of "salt of the earth, real people" exchanging sentimental, dewy-eyed smiling-through-the-pain "I know, love - they don't, but I do" glances that would linger far longer than anybody with an ounce of self awareness could find comfortable. And the typecasting was so obscene that if you'd witnessed any ITV drama of the preceding twenty years you could have predicted the entire line-up from the tone of a single script.

All in all, I wasn't a fan.

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7 hours ago, Van Dammer said:

Definitely Antiques Roadshow, just pure depression on the TV screen.

A thousand times this. Some geezer would spend about 5 minutes talking about the history of the piece and how valuable it could be, only to tell them it's actually worth 75p due to the lack of veracity regarding whether Queen Victoria really wiped her bum on it. And the fucking theme tune.


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The TV didn't usually go on in our house until evening at the weekends, but even though it should have made no difference, Saturday afternoons were always more enjoyable than Sunday afternoons.

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