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What just makes you SMILE?


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What wrestling shit just makes you smile. It can be anything.

Mine's hearing any part of "I'll be your hero" from the Lex Luger vignettes in 1993. I don't know if there's anything in wrestling I remember more vividly. Any bar of that song and I can see the heat rising off the road and the Lex Express appearing in the distance. I'm smiling thinking about it now. Does the job for me.

Don't mention the finish at SummerSlam.

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Musically, I think it'd have to be 'My Way'. It's not like I listen to Limp Bizkit regularly but if that song comes up on a shuffle, I get the nostalgias for WrestleMania X-Seven and I'll see the show closing video package in my head as it plays. Makes me smile.

In-ring wise, it's probably a good squash match. One bloke just destroying another and hitting all his cool moves. At their best they're like stress relief, almost therapeutic, like when you've had a bad day and you stuck Tekken 3 on just to button mash and annihilate everyone as Eddy. There was a really good one on NXT this week. Make me smile.

For a specific instance, it's this video package which makes me smile every time I watch it. Makes wrestling feel like the greatest thing in the world:


(The clip hasn't embedded for some reason but it's the 'Lonely Road Of Faith' video from 2002.)


I have to say though, wrestling in general is a thing that can make me smile. If I'm feeling stressed out or anxious, my mind will play wrestling clips as a coping mechanism sometimes.

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I downloaded a crappy little version of that through p2p and watched it half a million times. Even bought the album and never listened to any other song. It would have a fair shout for being the best thing they have ever done. It's utterly perfect. The changes in the music fit the narrative brilliantly. When i think of it, I always see Angle and Savage spinning in my head.


Great thread idea Rick.

Proper pops always raise a smile. It's a thrill for us as fans; no idea what it must feel like for the wrestlers. Austin used to say it best, if they could bottle that feeling we'd all be junkies for it.

First that springs to mind is watching arenas shaking whenever Hogan's music hit. Can't help but smile at that.

Following on from stress release wrestling, watching clips of Austin, Rock and Angle stuff is as good as it gets.


The first thing that came to mind was the Vince McMahon vs Hulk Hogan match at Wrestlemania 19. I absolutely love the whole thing but these parts in particular make me postively beam:

- Hogan's sweet entrance to Hendrix

- Hugo Dumbsonofabitch (thanks Carl) getting twatted by a steel chair 

- McMahon's 'here's johnny' pose as his face is caked in blood

- Roddy bastard Piper turning up (and the crowd reaction)

- The pop when Hogan wins 

All of these things perfectly encapsulate the campy, violent daftness of wrestling for me and I'll never get tired of watching them. 

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Bobby Heenan on commentary. As soon as I saw the thread title my first thought was Heenan saying "look at them" while Sherri's fabulous bosoms bounced to the ring at Royal Rumble 92. 

I didn't even realise it as a kid because I was focusing on the mad characters in the ring and all the colourful outfits and shit. But looking back, The Brain was a massive part of my wrestling enjoyment as a little 'un. He was funny as fuck and unbelievably quick witted. I can happily stick old PPVs with him and Gorilla Monsoon or Vince McMahon commentating on in the background while I'm doing other stuff and Heenan always raises a smile at some point. It's such a shame that he lost his ability to speak through all his health problems over the years. He's one of the few who I genuinely don't think I'd ever get sick of on shoot interviews. 

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I love the Hart Foundation entrance at Canadian Stampede. The way the pops get louder and louder until it feels like the Earth is going to burst when Bret comes out. I also love how Brian Pillman looks to be having the time of his life. What a thrill that must have been. 

Similarly, I love thinking back to how genuinely chuffed American Alpha looked on that UK tour in late 2015. They were already starting to get over, but that tour definitely tipped it over the edge. I was there in Blackpool and they looked ecstatic with the response they were getting. It was wild how loud the chants were and Jason Jordan in particular looked absolutely made up.

Daniel Bryan turning on Bray Wyatt in the cage. I watch that segment at least every six months. What a moment. When Bryan leads the "Yes!" chants, starting slow, building speed, and then it cuts to that wide shot of every single person in the arena joining in. Amazing. I don't know if anything will ever feel that authentically over ever again.

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins, Last Man Standing, Summerslam. Arguably the most fun match of the last decade. 

Wyatts vs. Shield. For one night only, they struck gold with this and it felt like the company was set for the future. Always sad to think back at how much potential there was and what everyone became.


Awesome thread idea. First one that came to mind is Mankind winning the WWF Title on Raw - the pop for Austin, the pop for the chair shot, and seeing grown men jumping and screaming when the 3 count is made is so awesome.

Similarly, the Goldberg/Hogan finish on Nitro..."this place will go crazy when he picks him up"....followed by a thunderous roar on the lift for the Jackhammer. Magic

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HBK vs. Taker, Running Up That Hill. 

The best thing they ever produced.

Jericho's WWF debut fills me with such nostalgia. That pop when his name appears, me sitting there on my bed, when Raw on a Friday night was pretty much the most important thing in my life, taken by surprise and genuinely shocked that one of my favourites had jumped ship. Great days.

Eddie Guerrero beating Brock and diving into the crowd. I'll never not smile thinking about that.

Everything about that first One Night Stand pay per view. What a fucking show that was. It's probably shit if you watch it now, but at the time that blew my mind.


Bradshaw chucking the garbage bin at Hornswoggle always makes me laugh.

Angle in the cowboy hat,

Austin laying in the punches to Bruce Hart at Canadian Stampede, especially after learning how much of a selfish prick Bruce is made even more sweeter watching it now.

CM Punk owning John Lauranitis in that Raw segment with Foley.

Santino ripping into Sheamus at the Raw show in the UK.

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Anything Bret Hart. Doesn't even need to be good, just he more than anyone reminds me of watching wrestling as a kid. I rarely watch the archive on the Network, but if I do it's mostly Hitman related.

In recent years, I think Shinsuke Nakamura's WWE debut is one of greatest spectacles in WWE history. Never ever has it failed to raise a smile.

Running Up That Hill, definitely.

Bobby Heenan's incredible Hall Of Fame speech always does the job.

That period leading and to and including 'Mania 30, where Daniel Bryan was the best on the planet. It was their last truly great 'Mania too.

Oh, and Brock Lesnar's return against John Cena is brilliant - match included.


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