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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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On 8/3/2018 at 11:16 AM, machinegunn said:

To put that into context, WWE‘s flagship programme – Monday Night RAW – features the biggest names in wrestling and has been running for 25 years, and draws in around 3 million viewers each week. WOS’ figures essentially make it the second biggest wrestling promotion on the planet after just one show, but that’s not how producers will be looking at it.

Of course the important part not actually stated was that the 3 million viewers is the American viewers, out of a total population of 325.7 million (as of 2017). So you'd have to wonder what ITV would actually be happy with, if you're going to compare to a country with five times the population and going up against the market leading WWE.

Alex Shane was spectacularly inept on commentary this week. If he's planning to use phrases like "for all the marbles", he might want to try not using them in matches that are the first round in a tournament.

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I didn't last week's show so this was my first viewing of the new WOS.

My main complaint (which seems to be the same as a lot of folk) is the constant jumping from one camera shot to the next. it doesn't give you a chance to breathe.  The constant cutting from one camera to the next (at times you'd get less than a second on a shot before they'd switch) is really off putting and whoever did the post-production, should be sacked.  Talking of post-production, again they would cut to shots of the audience when there is actual action going on in the ring, if you want to show the fans enjoying things wait for a down spot.  Too many unnecessary replays too.

Stu Bennett was very good and I didn't even realize it was him at first.  Struggling to see what So Cal Val actually brings to the party, while Alex comes across as someone who's got a bunch of lines that he's written before the show and is determined to get them in somewhere during the show.  I didn't find him terrible, but he wouldn't be missed if he wasn't there.

Onto the matches and I didn't care for the ladder match as it had a lot of tropes that I hate about that kind of match and while I appreciate the majority of these guys won't have done TV before, someone should've coached Gabriel Kidd for his post-match interview.  Always nice to see Doug Williams and I thought Adam Maxted showed a lot of potential, hitting a glorious dropkick (barely caught by the camera).  Despite what they said on commentary though, he and Cruz have got no chemistry together and came across as two guys put together for this tag team tournament.  The women's match was the best thing on the show and Viper was great.  Very surprised that KLR got the win as I was expecting Viper to take it due to how good and also how marketable she is.  At least that should lead to a KlR/Viper singles match later in the season, free from Bea Priestley blowing spots left, right and centre.

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Its just impossible to watch, sadly. The switching of camera angles is shocking. Add that to the announcing, and you've got so many distractions that render the hard work of the wrestlers meaningless. The bells and whistles are meant to prop up the talent, not absolutely murder the interest in them.

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On 7/29/2018 at 1:44 PM, Keith Houchen said:

It did get a bit Bryan Mills jumps over a fence in places

Even more so this week.  By the end of the run it'll look like the end of Requiem For A Dream without the heroin and ass to ass.

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The women's match stole it tonight, best thing across both episodes so far. Not surprising considering Viper and KLR are bloody great, but Bea Priestly held her own too. They all looked like stars, moreso than anyone else in WOS so far. Thought the decision for KLR to win wasn't the best though, a heel Viper win with a KLR title chase would've been my pick.

Ladder match was fun, Robbie X was the highlight. I've seen him a couple of times before and he's good value. I thought either him or Lionheart should've won, Gabriel didn't stand out whatsoever. Looked very bland, I've seen him work heel before and it's much better than this bland babyface schtick. Not enough Liam Slater though, and no green foam fingers!

Doug is still class. 16 years on and I'm still mesmerized watching him. Kruz was very good as expected, he should be more of a focal point of this show, he's dripping with charisma and works both heel and face very well. The Love Island guy was pretty decent too. The other guy looked like one of the bland WWE UK guys, forgettable. Decent match.

Opening match didn't grab me. I'm a fan of Rampage's work but I think they need someone with a bit more of a gob or aura to be the lead heel. I'd swap him and Sha around, although Sha as the mouthpiece makes sense. Hendry hasn't won me over at all, don't like the gimmick, but he seems good in the ring and has plenty of charisma.

This week I definitely noticed the camera cuts and shoddy camerawork. They missed quite a few big spots. Inexcusable given the fact they've had months to edit this. We moan about Kevin Dunn when he misses a spot (which in the grand scheme of things rarely happens) on a LIVE show! This just goes to show how we take things for granted.

Decent show overall. Better than last week and the women were ace.


14 minutes ago, NotAlexShane said:

Who care's ? I'd give them both one up the Jackson given 1/2 a chance

The Jackson??

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18 minutes ago, PunkStep said:


The women's match stole it tonight, best thing across both episodes so far. Not surprising considering Viper and KLR are bloody great, but Bea Priestly held her own too. They all looked like stars, moreso than anyone else in WOS so far. Thought the decision for KLR to win wasn't the best though, a heel Viper win with a KLR title chase would've been my pick.

Viper ? Nice girl average wrestler needs more salad

KLR she'd definitely not be shy in telling you you were doing it wrong

Bar a bit of TnA though does anyone really have a single oz of interest in Ladies grappling ?

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Oh joy, just what this forum needed a chauvinistic perve 

I'm enjoying WOS so far, the commentary has been ok, the in ring stuff has been good to great but as others have been saying the camera work has been shoddy and makes Buck Tooth Dunn's work look competent

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I was having a think about the production, especially some of the editing this week, and it reminded me of when Channel 4 had the rights to show Sunday Night Heat back in 2000-2002, and how heavily edited the show was with its cuts to the crowd whenever something a touch excessive happened at 4pm on Sunday afternoon during T4 with Miquita Oliver and Simon Amstell. Or, even worse, how badly edited the PPVs were with their delay for editing and all those commercial breaks.

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44 minutes ago, NotAlexShane said:

Viper ? Nice girl average wrestler needs more salad

KLR she'd definitely not be shy in telling you you were doing it wrong

Bar a bit of TnA though does anyone really have a single oz of interest in Ladies grappling ?

Another one for the muting list , what a worst cunt

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