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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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2 hours ago, mim731 said:

I saw it got a Sunday morning repeat slot this week, is that a regular thing? I could definitely see it ending up there if it tanks in the ratings. Fingers crossed it doesn't. 

Sunday morning/afternoon repeat slots are very common for ITV. The voice, BGT, X-Factor, Ninja Warrior, Alien Fun Capsule have all had it.

If they did what they did with that singing show they had on a few months back with the people who couldn't sing and gave them lessons which was move it from a Sunday teatime slot to midnight on a Saturday, then they are in trouble.

I wonder if it depends on if they get any kind of merch interest. They only need a UK toy company to make action figures or someone licence it for other things for them to commission more. 

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4 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:


* Your placing a massive assumption that they’ll get a second series. If the ratings are poor for this, it will be gone. It won’t cost almost nothing to make at all, if that was the case this would have happened much sooner after the New Year special. 

* It’s great that they got some decent brands buying the ad space, but if those ratings don’t improve, those brands will go elsewhere.

I don’t want to see this fail. However, based off of that first episode, I think it is going to struggle

I think the delay was mainly around the GFW Jeff Jarrett situation wasn't it? I thought there were some issues around that, glad to be proved wrong as I am sure that was the original deal they had

I think the Ad space is pre sold so the show being sponsored, and the Ad's are sold for the series. Again, happy to be proved wrong with someone with more knowledge, but I know this is how it used to work

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8 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I think the delay was mainly around the GFW Jeff Jarrett situation wasn't it? I thought there were some issues around that, glad to be proved wrong as I am sure that was the original deal they had

I think the Ad space is pre sold so the show being sponsored, and the Ad's are sold for the series. Again, happy to be proved wrong with someone with more knowledge, but I know this is how it used to work

The ad space and the Icelolly.com show sponsor are pre sold but I would have thought there would be a down payment and then further payment due depending on ratings, however I could be wrong. Although with the show actually having a sponsor I would doubt it could be moved from the time slot for the series.

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11 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

That shite Big Heads program got about 2 million viewers and that was cancelled. That was pretty much the same type of audience this lot are going for. In a small arena with commentators and silliness ensuring. We sure that there will be anymore World of Sport if this bombs? All I can see is ITV just dropping it. I dont see them going to ITV3 or ITV4 ever. Thing with this is, its just another TV show filmed from a studio with a cast and live audience. Only unlike every other ITV program there are no celebrities propping it up. It's not an institute or something with a long track record for making money like RAW or Smackdown. Its another shite ITV vehicle, sadly.

With all that said, its got its good points so fingers crossed it turns itself around, but I've never met anyone in real life who has said a good word about it. My Dad said to me "I watched a bit of the wrestling on Saturday", and I said "yeah, what was it like?" and then took the piss out of Harry Smith and how shite it looked. The last thing this needed was the whole Big Daddy bollocks. This needed to be done how the WWE did their UK tournament. No jokey shite. Have an ambassador and serious matches. It was all a bit Wolf vs Vinnie Jones to me.

Spot on.

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Most non-wrestling fans are of the mindset that it's not like the good ol' days, it's that fake shit, and/or its comical but not for the right reasons. I don't feel that this episode will have done much to combat that unfortunately. If I imagine flicking over to this with non-wrestling fans of any age, the commentary is probably the biggest thing that would stand out as being shit alongside the excessive shots to the crowd. The wrestlers themselves are capable.

Throw in a few short character videos so anyone can understand who the wrestlers are to create a bit of a story for the match too. As someone mentioned, the guys on the top of the ramp looked like a faction. I know they did it so they didn't have to take up time doing entrances but it was confusing from the first moment of action and then the last moments of that match.

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I do wonder if there'd eventually be a niche for the older style, akin to LDN's old Spirit League, in the WOS programme - say one match on the programme, with rounds, no punches allowed, public warnings, and maybe out-of-ring stuff. Sort of a special division.

Ah, who am I trying to kid. It probably wouldn't go down well at all.

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5 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

I do wonder if there'd eventually be a niche for the older style, akin to LDN's old Spirit League, in the WOS programme - say one match on the programme, with rounds, no punches allowed, public warnings, and maybe out-of-ring stuff. Sort of a special division.

Ah, who am I trying to kid. It probably wouldn't go down well at all.

I'd really like to see that. maybe not a whole show, but one match per episode would work. 

That said, NXT UK would likely be a place where that concept would be better received than the revamped WOS.

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Whilst it was an okay hour of TV there are a few issues I had with it barring the shitty camera editing. 

  • Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks - DON'T MENTION THEM! It doesn't do the credibility of the show any good when you harp back to the 'good ol days' of shit belly bumps. The 'kidz' these days don't care about who was the British champion back in 1975. If you want to build a future audience you must focus on the future of the business not the past. 
  • Alex Shane really is the shits. He simply doesn't bring any type of interest to his commentary at all. SoCalVal was intriguing but she was just as bad, I can't remember a female on commentary in recent times (saying that I don't watch a lot of promotions). 
  • Some of it came off a little hokey. All that clap and stamp your feet stuff plus a crowd that seems like they are waiting for a clap and chant light to come on. 
  • Grado and his ilk look like shit. We have guys with no real gimmicks dressed up in weird costumes and no characters. ITV have the resources to present each wrestler like WWE UKCT did with video packages explaining who they are and what they are about. This is basic stuff that could add so much to the whole product. The big fat guy in the mask needs getting rid of. 
  • Had they a whole roster of Ospreay, Justin Sysum etc the matches would have worked better. Compare this roster to Bate, Dunne, Andrews and Co it is pitiful. We get MOTYC's from Bates and Dunne consistently but ITV can't put together a ten minute great match. Maybe that isn't what they are going for but 11-18+ year olds will think its the shits, the under 10s may find it entertaining and the old farts who watched the good ol days will reminisce and watch just for something to do. 
  • The whole production needs to change if they want to attract the 11-35 year old male demographic. Slow down the camera editing to a handful of GOOD shots, tighten up the commentary with fresh unique perspectives and take it away from a TV studio or at least have real fans who are passionate because the crowd seemed to be something you would see at Gladiators. 
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I don’t get time to watch a lot of wrestling now, but watched this while my wife was out. Yes, it wasn’t perfect, but they did pretty well. Good production values, but some work is needed in helping the casual viewer better understand the characters. I’m so out of the loop after 10 years away I had to look a lot of the guys up on Wikipedia, except of course Lynskey and Shane! 

Agree also that the opening Dusty finish wasn’t really needed. Will try and catch other eps when I can.

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WoS has just tweeted a short video clip entitled "The Ladders are Coming" Last about 4 seconds and there are 5 or 6 camera cuts in it. 

I hope they calm down with their "car crash" style of editing. This is not TFI Friday. I want to enjoy this, I want it to succeed and I will be watching on Saturday, but I have seen some good points raised by people who either have turned off or who are considering doing so. 

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Just a thought, and it might be a bit of a mouthful, but could they have sidetracked moaning from the older viewers by calling this WOS All-In Wrestling? The old WOS acknowledged all-in as the more 'American' style (Alfred Hayes used it as a heel gimmick after returning from a tour of the States, claiming he'd got the rules confused after deliberately clobbering an opponent on the mat, for example), so they could have used that as a way to differentiate it from the old style but still stay British.

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