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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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I was previously one of those 'moaners' (and I've not edited my posts from that time so it's free for all to see) but a couple of things learned and the passage of time has allowed me to just consider the broader picture and I'm now just looking forward to having British Wrestling on mainstream terrestial television. I'm one of those who saw all the efforts of various people to get to this stage and this is a very big development. Given how ruthless ITV can be, further success is getting to the end of the 10 weeks intact, and greater still would be the commission of a second series and so on.

The timeslot is absolutely fine and the saying 'build it and they will come' springs to mind.



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At the moment you have Celebrity Catchphrase at 7pm, if they can get reasonable ratings I would imagine it getting a spot like that for series 2 which would be a lead up show The Voice or some other shite. I am curious to what would make ITV happy, because surely the show cost fuck all to make compared to most other shows. Getting a 10 episode series filmed in 3 days is pretty quick and the budget for each show must of been less than a game show after all the monetary prizes.

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Posted (and I presume broadcast) today. No date on the posted advert as yet, but it’s a tweak on the previous version and it’s getting closer.

Also, do we think we’ll get the wrestlers doing the rounds on TV like last time? After getting the chance to interview Triple H recently, I can’t imagine Piers Morgan would be able to muster enough faux interest in anyone else that came into the studio. He seems to have nailed his proverbial colours to the WWE mast.

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3 hours ago, uklaw said:
Also, do we think we’ll get the wrestlers doing the rounds on TV like last time? After getting the chance to interview Triple H recently, I can’t imagine Piers Morgan would be able to muster enough faux interest in anyone else that came into the studio. He seems to have nailed his proverbial colours to the WWE mast.

90% of the people watching Good Morning Britain don't have a clue who Triple H is, so he's just another wrestler just like any WOS roster member would be.

I often feel that a large portion of wrestling fans these days can't appreciate that most wrestlers are not household names, and are far from it. The WWE has always been tucked away on niche pay-tv platforms (other than a graveyard slot on Channel 4) so you can't expect a swathe of the general viewing public to be aware of who they are. 

Most people in the UK had never seen an episode of the Simpsons until BBC 1 started showing it.

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My previous post was on the the levels of enthusiasm Piers Morgan might give to hyping the show or cast (and thus the level of interest that might be fostered in the viewer conciously or subconsciously) if they hypothetically appeared on a Good Morning Britain and less to do with how widely known WWE is. I cited Morgan specifically as he is open about his (and his son’s) love of WWE.

Wrestling has never been more of a niche than it is now. And I get that, certainly agreeing with the wider point that was being made by garynysmon.

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So it's ICW-cum-NGW then from the looks of it, definitely a northern feel to this. That's a stacked roster, Ospreay could obviously be the showstealer here. I've seen Justin Sysum a couple of times, and look aside, he's proper shite.

I hope Liam Slater has his foam finger gimmick to the max, my kids absolutely loved him at Butlins last year. I'll get them to watch this knowing he's on it.

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If this is shot and broadcast similar to their New Year’s special I doubt it’ll be for me. I’ll probably watch the first episode and abandon it around the mid-way point. But yeah, Ospreay is going to steal the show for sure. He’s got the perfect style to catch the casual fan’s eye. I can imagine grumpy dads across the nation suddenly sitting up and thinking “fuckin’ ‘ell, this lad’s great!”

Nice to see a former UKFF’er front and centre as well. 

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its Not going to for everyone,and that’s fine .  Just wish those it’s not for won’t shit on it so bad  online this time and can just leave it be 

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16 minutes ago, Louch said:

its Not going to for everyone,and that’s fine .  Just wish those it’s not for won’t shit on it so bad  online this time and can just leave it be 

That's not how the internet works in general and the wrestling part of it in particular. There will be queues of folks from here to Argos to shit on it from a great height. 

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This is just what wrestling needs tbh. It might be just me, but the whole industry seems to be getting more and more insular and looking inwards on itself, trying to impress the same old, difficult to please, hardcore fanbase instead of branching out.

I wish it all the best.

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2 hours ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

That's not how the internet works in general and the wrestling part of it in particular. There will be queues of folks from here to Argos to shit on it from a great height. 

That’s why it’s a wish. Didn’t say I’d be lucky enough for it to happen. Everyone thinks their opinion needs to be heard when many will be happily enjoying it

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